Chapter 203 After the young man with acne was released, he went crazy again.

Beijing Branch Detention Room.

The two young men who committed suicide started a new day in prison.

After a moment.

Among them, the young man with a face full of pimples asked in a irritable tone:

“Xiaogua, it’s almost three days, when will you let me out?

“Isn’t it because they didn’t delete the video according to their request!”

“Are these police officers on the line like this?”

“It really pissed me off.”

“When I go out, I must find someone to sue them.”

And another young man who committed suicide began to count the number, and replied with schadenfreude:

“Daai, don’t think about it, you have only been detained for 3 days.”

“I was detained on the night of the 28th of last month, and it’s been nearly 16 days now.”

“You won’t be locked up for a few days less than me.

“Come on slowly!


“I was detained for a total of 20 days, which means that I have 4 days to get out of prison.”

“Hey Hey.……..

“After I go out, I will definitely eat something good for you.”

“I’ll pick you up when you’re released.”

The acne-prone young man’s face was flushed with anger, and he could not wait to beat this bastard.

But this is a detention center, and he doesn’t dare to fight here.

At this moment.

A policeman walked in, opened the door, and said loudly, “Ai Shishi, come out to sign and go through the formalities, and you can leave.”

The voice just fell.

The acne-prone young man jumped up with excitement on his face, his eyes glowed, and he hurriedly replied: “Come! Come! I’m Aishi Shishi!”

“Can I go today?”

“This is great!”

“Hey hey hey…”

“Xiaogua, continue to endure here!”

“I’m going one step ahead.

“Cough cough!

“After I go out, I will definitely eat something good for you.”

“I’ll pick you up when you’re released.”

When saying the last two sentences.

He also deliberately learned the tone of the student who said this before.

This taunting effect is simply an explosion.

At this moment.

The acne-prone young Ai Shishi really has a feeling of being the protagonist of thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, not to bully the poor.


Just when he was complacent.

Another young man who killed himself suddenly hugged his stomach and lay on the ground, laughing wildly:

“Hahaha… Ai Shi Shi? Ai! Shi! Urine?”

“Hahahahaha Da Ai, so your real name is Ai Shi Shi!”

“No wonder you never told me your full name.

“It really made me laugh!

“Tell me.

“What were your parents thinking at the time?”

“How did you come up with such a savory name?

As soon as this word comes out.

The face of the acne-prone young man instantly turned blue.

Question about the name.

From small to large.

He didn’t know how much ridicule he received for it.

at this moment.

Between silence.

in his heart.

The name Xiaogua has been deleted from the list of few friends left by him.

The boat of friendship turns over.


Xiaogua is no longer a friend, just a rubbish who mocked his name.

And right now.

The policeman glanced lightly, and said casually, “I’m too embarrassed to humiliate other people’s names, isn’t your name nice?”

“Ken Da.

The acne-prone young man was full of question marks at first.


Schadenfreude laughs out the sound of pigs.

He mocked in a cheerful tone:

“You? Be careful! So, you… your real name is Ken Dafeng?”

“Hahahaha… Your name is actually called Ken Dagua.”

“Is your Kenda melon the same whistle melon from the Arwada whistleblower?”

Speaking of which, the acne-prone young man did not forget to dance and wave his staff, and muttered.

“Quack quack…”

With this arrogant gesture and exaggerated actions, the mocking effect is almost full.

This time.

The smile on Ken Dagua’s face gradually disappeared.

Everyone has double standards at times.

When making fun of other people’s names, I don’t feel that something is wrong.

But when his name was made fun of by others, his heart was full of anger and dissatisfaction.


After taunting each other’s name, the bridge of friendship between the two has created invisible cracks and is still gradually collapsing.

The policeman frowned and said solemnly, “Ai Shishi, are you not staying enough?”

“This is a detention center, not a place for you to have fun, so don’t hurry up.

The acne-prone young man stopped taunting, shrugged his shoulders in disdain, and secretly thought in his heart that a hero will not suffer from immediate losses.

Quietly followed and left.

Before leaving, he also gave a smug smile to his former friend.

After a moment.

The gate of the detention center.

When the policeman took the acne-prone young man out.

Lin Nan took a step forward, took out a colorless and transparent evidence bag with a mobile phone and handed it over, and said with a blank face: “This is your mobile phone, I hope these three days will bring you new changes. .”

The acne-prone young man took it with disdain.

He tore the colorless and transparent evidence bag flamboyantly, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and threw the damaged evidence bag under his feet.

After bluffing a cold snort, he swaggered away.

From his posture, he showed his unrepentance everywhere.

Li Yanran stepped forward and said angrily, “This guy, it seems, the three days have not changed him at all.”

I’m furious.”

I really want to “lock him in again and do ideological education again.”

Lin Nan squatted down expressionlessly and picked up the damaged evidence bag.

After throwing it into the trash can on the side, he said indifferently: “He behaves like this, and one day he will come back here again.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Education once is not good, then educate again several times.”

“The law will teach him how to behave.

Let’s go”! Let’s go back to the office!

at the same time.

After the young man with acne goes far away.

Take out the phone and see that the battery is still 45%.

I flipped through the information, made calls, looked at the author’s backstage, and swiped the news again.

There were not many messages, except for a few spam text messages and the mobile phone bill for September, no one sent any inquiries.

There are not many missed calls, and those few are fraudulent calls at a glance at the location and number.

As for the author’s backstage, there are countless messages greeting his family.

to this.

The young man with acne was just disdainfully frightened, and muttered: “Jealous, these darn jealous dogs are jealous of my talent and slander my personality.

“Look at me and report some more popular and well-written books, leaving you with nothing to read.”

“Just this top-ranked detective essay!”

Laozi “I hate the police group the most now, take a chicken feather as an arrow.”

“I also hate you garbage writers who brush data.

“So many rankings higher than my book must be based on data, no one is better than my literary talent.


“Let me read the contents of the book.”

After a moment.

“Damn it, there are no violations in this book, not some common violations or writing mistakes.”

“However, that’s it?

“It doesn’t bother me at all.”

“Who am I, I am Aishi Shishi.”

“As the saying goes, if you want to add a crime, there is nothing to worry about.”

“Look at me turning black and white, and teach you a lesson as a sand sculpture artist.”

“Look at me reporting crazily. The book is bloody and violent, and it describes corpses with detailed vocabulary. It is easy to teach bad children. As a teacher, I want to report this kind of thing.”

The acne-prone young man made up a lot of books, and reported the books in high spirits.

Not only did he report it once, he secretly got a few trumpets and continued to report from another angle.

After doing all this, he proudly continued to brush up on the news.


He didn’t know, because of his notoriety, his reputation as a rat crossing the street, and his shit-like behavior.

It has long been pulled into the blacklist by the editors of major websites, and the signal ip has been locked.

These reports are sent later.

It was like a stone sinking into the sea, and was deleted by the editor dismissively.

It’s Ai Shishi again, this dog can’t change the guy who eats shit.

In the whole industry, whoever believes his nonsense is a fool.


A scream came from the mouth of the acne-prone young man.

“My money, those goddamn ones… ah ah ah, if I could have posted that video a few days ago, I must be on fire now, and it’s a big fire (Qian Zhao) especially.”

I’m mad at me! I’m really mad at me!”

“Damn! Damn! Damn!”

The young man with acne looked at the news report about Thunderbolt’s abduction operation in his hand, and his anger kept surging in his heart.

What a great opportunity this is!

If his cell phone video had not been deleted at the time.

He must be able to get huge traffic with that video, and then he will become popular and make a lot of money.


All destroyed by that Damn it cop.

Thinking of this.

The acne-prone young man was even more furious.

Nowhere to vent.

He logged on to his social account, choreographed a series of lies, and clicked to start publishing.

All are related to Lin Nan, Bac Ninh branch, police, etc.

The content of it fully utilized his writing ability, trying his best to portray himself as a victim, an ordinary person who was innocently detained by excessive law enforcement for 3 days.

Moreover, some departments were charged with blood and tears, accused, and exaggerated the real situation.

After doing all this, after venting the anger in his heart.

The acne-prone young man smugly picked up his mobile phone.


He didn’t know.

when these things go out.


There is a part-time female criminal investigator who is also a writer.

Also saw this information. hall,

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