Chapter 202 Everyday, Captain Zhang Hai is a bad old man!

Lin Nan nodded and said, “That’s right! That’s it. There’s a lot of noise on the Internet right now.”

“Some people believe that children are abducted due to the carelessness of their parents.”

“There are also some people with wrong views who believe that saving children is also a kind of harm to families who buy children.”

“The most disgusting thing is that some people actually sympathize with the buyer of the child, thinking that they are also victims, who have lost their money and lost their children, and they should not go to jail.”

Anyway, “There are all kinds of ridiculous remarks, but it’s an eye-opener for me.

“What do you think of these remarks?”

Song Ruyan was a little puzzled, she stroked her hair, no matter how much she thought about it, she didn’t understand why Lin Nan asked herself this question.

What do you think?

What else to look at.

Sit and watch.

There are so many keyboard warriors and mentally retarded online, it’s just a joke.

Song Ruyan tightened her eyebrows, pondered for a moment, and replied cautiously, “Could it be because the law is not popular enough?”


“Why are there so many ridiculous remarks?”

After Lin Nan heard this unexpected answer, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he had caught something.


12 What I just said is a casual distraction.

But Song Ruyan’s answer made Lin Nan think.

Spread the law!

Spread legal knowledge to the people!

That’s a good idea.

The law has long established a deterrent in the minds of most people.

But why are there still so many criminals?

Some are for profit, some are for love.

But also a small part of it is human.

They are afraid but do not understand the law, and they break the law by accident.

These people can completely prevent them from accidentally setting foot on the road of no return by popularizing the law.


How should this be implemented.

Lin Nan still felt that he couldn’t be in a hurry, he should study it carefully before making a decision.

On the other hand, when Song Ruyan saw Lin Nan threw a question and got her own answer, she fell into a state of contemplation, feeling full of question marks.

For a while, I wondered if my answer was right or wrong.

At this time.

Song Ruyan suddenly asked the question that had been hidden in her heart for a long time.

“Team Leader Lin, I heard that the criminal police are all equipped with guns, but for so long, why have I never seen you use them or take them out?”

“Even when I was arrested, I never saw you use it.”

Hearing this sentence, Lin Nan stopped thinking about popularizing the law, but explained with a smile:

“This is your layman’s fixed impression.

“In your eyes, it is estimated that the criminal police always have guns in their hands. When arresting people, they raise their guns to deter criminal suspects.”

“But in reality, that’s not the case.”

“We don’t usually have guns, but only when we are caught.”

“But you have to go to the logistics department to apply, fill out a form, and approve the gun before you can get the gun.

“Also, after receiving the gun, you still have to keep it at all times, which is more troublesome than usual.”

“So, most of the time, we don’t pick up guns.

“What’s more, the national conditions of our country are different from those of foreign countries, and the prohibition and inspection of firearms are extremely strict.

“With very few exceptions, it is impossible for a suspect to possess a firearm.

“Based on the above situation, of course, it is more convenient and trouble-free to use close combat.”

Song Ruyan suddenly realized: “These damn movie and TV dramas have made me crooked again!”

Lin Nan smiled lightly: “Films and TV dramas are only virtual after all, and the content is somewhat exaggerated and fictional. It’s better not to take the storyline in it as reality.”

Song Ruyan nodded, glanced at the empty voice across the desk and asked, “Brother Xiong, when will you be back!”

“Suddenly I can’t see him, I feel like something is missing.”

Lin Nan replied: “Maybe she will be back in the afternoon. Xin Xiaodou’s DNA test results have come out, and her parents and family have also been found. I should be able to meet her at the hospital today.”

“Brother Xiong should return to the office after handing her over to his family.”

Song Ruyan said, “That’s really great. Every time I miss her relatives during the Double Ninth Festival, today is the Double Ninth Festival. She happens to be able to reunite with her relatives, and it can be considered that she has found the dawn of her life again.”

“However, what’s wrong with her leg? Can it be cured?”

“If you become disabled at such a young age, I’m afraid it will affect your life in the future.”

Lin Nan sighed and replied, “I don’t know about this either. Let’s ask Brother Xiong when he comes back!”

“After all, a year has passed, and even if it is cured, there will still be some sequelae.


The two were chatting.

Captain Zhang Hai just walked into the office.

After he entered, he suddenly smelled a familiar smell, and said very naturally:

“Can you be strong, you bastard, and you are eating buns in the office? What should you do if you make the house smell and attract cockroaches and mice?”

This statement came out.

Li Yanran hurriedly stuffed the last bun into her mouth, but Song Ruyan suddenly realized that she understood where the familiarity came from.

And Lin Nan twitched the corner of his mouth.

After all the calculations, it didn’t count that Captain Zhang Hai came with a fatal blow.

It was difficult for him to confuse this matter, but he was punctuated by a word.


Lin Nan got up and said, “Team Zhang, Brother Xiong is still with the child in the hospital, he is not in the office.”

Captain Zhang Hai patted his head and suddenly realized: “Aye! I forgot about this. He seemed to have sent me a message yesterday!”

“However, where does the smell in this office come from…”

Lin Nan hurriedly changed the subject and said, “Team Zhang, do you still remember that young man who refused to cooperate with the deletion of the video when we came back from 087 on the 11th?”

“He has been detained for three full days this afternoon, and now the entire Thunderbolt anti-abduction operation has ended successfully.

“Next, will he be detained for seven days, or will he be released directly?”

Captain Zhang Hai touched his chin and thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, “Do the registration, go and let the person go!”

“I believe that after three days, he should have repented.”

Lin Nan nodded lightly, and said casually: “Yanran, you come with me to the detention guard room, Ruyan, you stay in the office first, we will be back in a while.

After finishing speaking, Li Yanran got up and prepared to leave the office with Lin Nan, skipping the matter of stealing food just now.

But when the two passed by Captain Zhang Hai.

Captain Zhang Hai coughed lightly and said:

“Cough cough~ um!

“Wipe the soup from your mouth and remember to keep your police image at all times.

“Today is Sunday, only the three of you are on duty, so forget it this time.

“Be careful in the future, don’t eat buns in the office.

After Li Yanran heard this, she hurriedly wiped her mouth.


There is nothing on the corners of the mouth.

When she looked up angrily.

However, he was facing Captain Zhang Hai’s half-smiling expression.

Li Yanran:

This bad old man is really bad!

Actually me.

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