Chapter 195 The trend of thunder, destroyed in one fell swoop, send the children home!

After the efforts of Lin Nan et al.

In less than an hour, they had confirmed the authenticity of the information and obtained a series of information on members of criminal organizations of trafficking.

After reporting to the Zheng Bureau.

Director Zheng showed great importance to this, and he immediately contacted the directors of the other seven cities to hold an emergency meeting.

at the meeting.

Director Zheng Aiguo shared all these investigation clues and intelligence.

After discussion and research.

And under Zheng Bureau’s decision.

The meeting made the final decision.

Immediately carry out the Thunder Anti-Trafficking operation, skip the investigation stage, and quickly enter the second stage to arrest criminal suspects.

In this regard, each city branch attaches great importance to – cooperate and go all out.

After about 2 hours.

Thunder’s anti-trafficking operation was a complete success.

As long as the suspects on the list, none of them escaped.


They also took down the remaining two transit dens of the trafficking organization and successfully rescued 16 children.

Immediately after.

After urgent interrogation, they finally got all the information about the organization and how it operates.

This large-scale trafficking organization does not take the initiative to abduct and sell children.

Instead, they first buy children from human traffickers at low prices, then look for customers, and then sell children, taking advantage of the time difference and poor information to earn high profits.

This kind of behavior that provides convenience for human traffickers and reduces the difficulty of human traffickers committing crimes is extremely harmful to society and can be called a heinous crime.

It also made the higher-level organizations who were reported to be extremely angry.

As the saying goes, there is no killing without buying and selling.

It dares to have such a tumorous organization commit crimes against the wind and promote the development of criminal and illegal activities, it will definitely be severely tried by the law.

The court has a green light all the way to urgently carry out expedited trials for the members of these criminal organizations.


The main person in charge of this trafficking network, as well as those suspected of harming children, will all be sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life, and all illegal gains will be confiscated.

Most of the others were also sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all illegal gains.

Bac Ninh Branch Criminal Investigation Team.

10 o’clock at night.

Some of the criminal policemen are still busy, doing their own work, some are writing case summaries, and some are in charge of sorting out information.

And Lin Nan also put down the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up, stretched, and said while moving his stiff body:

“The last phone call has also been made. Brother Neng, make a record. Zhou Xuanxuan and her parents are far away, and they won’t be able to arrive at the hospital until 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow.

Xiong Zhuangshi heard the words, picked up the pen and started to record, while writing, he said: “This is really a bit far, it takes 8 hours to get there by car.

“These damned guys have abducted and sold these children so far.”

Lin Nan said as he moved his body: “No matter how far you are, you can’t stop it. The feeling of being a parent is eager to see your child.”

The first time every parent receives a call, they decide to leave immediately.

“By the way, what happened to Li Yanran and Song Ruyan? Can they stand it?”

Nengzhuang said with a sigh: “Xiao Yanran has nothing to do, she is still full of energy and vitality, this physical fitness is simply outrageous.”

As for “Ruyan, it’s actually not bad, anyway, you don’t need to do any physical work in the hospital, and you can survive.

“But I still asked Song Mingming and Li Weiwei to go to the hospital for support.”

“After all, starting in the middle of the night today, parents will rush to the hospital one after another.”

“If it’s just the two of them, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to maintain order.”

Lin Nan nodded in agreement.

“This arrangement is also very good, what about Team Zhang? Why haven’t I seen him?”

Neng Zhuang shrugged and replied, “Blowing at a meeting! What else can I do!”

“What else can I do on this day, Mr. Zhang! Except for a meeting, it’s a meeting.

At this time.

Captain Zhang Hai just returned to the office, and just heard these two words, he said with a dark face: “You can be strong, you guy, you can’t say good things about me behind your back every day?”

“Sooner or later, I’ll throw it to the civil department for you to train again.”

Can sturdy and embarrassed looking up at the ceiling, pretending to be ignorant and worried, neither refuting nor making a sound.

Captain Zhang Hai coughed lightly and said, “Everyone, pause the work at hand first, and listen to me convey the content of the meeting.”

First of all, “Let me say good news first.”

“The second phase of Thunderbolt’s anti-trafficking operation was a complete success.”

“The sub-bureaus in the seven cities worked together to take down all the other network members of the entire trafficking organization with a thunderous momentum.

ask for flowers

“And according to the notice sent by the higher-level organization, all members of the organization have undergone expedited processing, and the court has held a remote hearing and tried everyone.”

“It is estimated that this incident will be broadcast on the news tomorrow.

As soon as the words fell, the police officers in the office applauded, and everyone smiled.

Criminals are punished by law, which is good news.

Wait a moment, until the applause stops.

Captain Zhang Hai continued with a serious expression: “However.”

“All of the above does not mean that the entire Thunderbolt anti-trafficking operation is completely over.”

We “have a third stage of the rescue mission, waiting for everyone to complete it.”

“This time, the children who were directly rescued only accounted for a small part of the entire group of abducted children.”


“There are still many children who have been sold to various places, and we still need to go deep into the countryside to find and rescue these children.”

Of course, “This in-depth rescue work is also based on different regions, and the local sub-bureau is responsible for the area under its jurisdiction.”

“According to the results of the previous interrogation, the data clues collected from the summary information.”

“In the entire Bac Ninh district of Long Minh City, there are six children who have been trafficked to different families.

“Therefore, our task is still very difficult.”

“There are six more children waiting for us to rescue and bring them home.”

A group of criminal policemen saluted solemnly: “Always be prepared.”

Captain Zhang Hai smiled, took out information sheets and distributed them out, and said loudly: “Okay! I have divided you into groups based on the relevant information.”

“Criminal investigation team Liu Ming led the team members to take charge of the rescue work of the three closest children.

“Song Mingming of the second criminal investigation team took the team members to take charge of the rescue work of two children with relatively medium distances.

“The third criminal investigation team, Lin Nan, led the team members to take charge of the rescue work of the last child, the most distant child.”

“Those who weren’t there, let’s inform each other about what I just said.

“The basic situation is like this, keep in touch at any time on the road, and if you have difficulties, you can ask for my support.

“Tomorrow everyone can go directly.

“Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao stay in the office.” Eight,

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