Chapter 194 Live Room? Secret Language Selling Vegetables – Selling Children?


These impassioned remarks led to an even more furious rebuke from Director Zheng.


“You can take a fart!”

“I haven’t been dismissed yet, it’s your turn to take over?”

“Stop talking nonsense.

“Interrogate the contact information and other member information of this criminal group as soon as possible.”

“We must launch the Thunder anti-trafficking operation in advance before the news is leaked.

“have you understood?”

Captain Zhang Hai hurriedly turned to the phone and replied loudly, “Yes! I know! The task must be completed.”

After hanging up the phone, he looked back.

good guy!

Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuang?

Isn’t this one of the main culprits for getting himself scolded!

Although Zhang Hai understood Lin Nan’s mood at the time, he had already prepared himself mentally and decided to take the blame.

But seeing Lin Nan, one of the culprits who caused him to be madly reprimanded.

Captain Zhang Hai still has some small resentment in his heart.

after all.

in the real situation.

At that time, no one thought to tell him in advance, or notify him in advance.

Rather, the decision is made directly.

Of course.


Even when he is notified, he will make the same decision, and things will also become the current situation.

But it will at least make him feel more at ease.

At the same time, the observant Lin Nan has already analyzed a lot of information from Captain Zhang Hai’s expression just now.


He didn’t wait for Lao Zhang to start chattering, and he said bluntly: “Squad Zhang, I have a lot of new clues here, which should be related to the contact information of these criminal gangs.”

“But now we need to check.

Upon hearing this.

Captain Zhang Hai immediately lost the resentment in his heart, and the whole person was shocked, and quickly asked: “What?”

“Their contact information?

“What about their information? Can it be found out quickly?”

Lin Nan touched his chin and thought for a moment, then hesitantly replied: “It should be possible! But it needs to be verified.

Captain Zhang Hai hurriedly asked: “Don’t be a fool, tell me what clues you found? And how do you need to verify it?”

“The time is tight and the task is heavy, and the Zheng Bureau is still urging the interrogation of relevant information and clues as soon as possible.

“But those (bcai) two leaders who know the most information, their collars were broken by Xiao Yanran, both hands were broken, and they couldn’t speak or write, so how could an interrogation be done?

Speaking of this time.

Old Zhang even gritted his teeth and read so much, there were faint blue veins appearing on his forehead.

for this matter.

Lin Nan only touched his nose angrily and smiled awkwardly.

Actually blame him!

At that time, when the anger came up, I forgot everything except remembering not to kill people.

Especially forgot to remind Li Yanran not to hit the jaws of those people.

Lin Nan decided to have a good talk with Li Yanran when he had time.

When arresting in the future, don’t hit the forehead, or the tongue and other places.

After all, the suspect can’t open his mouth to answer the question, which will bring great trouble to the later interrogation.



The new clues detected do not require these criminal suspects to answer questions, but only need to follow the path of thinking.

Lin Nan cleared his throat and began to talk about his investigation findings.

“Team Zhang, I did find some clues about this criminal organization.”

“When Li Yanran and I disguised our identities to investigate in the vegetable market, we found that this leader named Brother Leopard was holding a mobile phone and conducting so-called live broadcasts of vegetable sales.”

“At that time, I sneaked a glance.”

“I found that there were only a dozen people in his live broadcast room.”

“That instantly aroused my suspicions.”

“We sell vegetables in a live broadcast room with only a dozen people. From time to time, there will be a truckload of vegetables sold and shipped to various places.”

“Isn’t that weird?

“So, I suspect that the audience in this live broadcast room is the gang of this large-scale trafficking organization in other cities.”

“As for the so-called selling vegetables, I suspect that this vegetable may implicitly refer to the children who were abducted and sold. Selling vegetables is selling children.”

“This live broadcast room is the communication device for them to keep in touch at all times.”

“Usually, they use live broadcasts to communicate, and all they say are code words or pronouns.”

heard here.

Captain Zhang Hai was shocked, his brows furrowed, and he touched his chin and said:

“Live room? Secret language?”

“Real-time multi-person contact with this means.”

“Is this a new type of criminal link?

“No wonder I heard from Bureau Zheng before that I haven’t found their contact information, so I used this.”

“It’s really limited thinking.

If it weren’t for “Xiao Lin, you reminded me, I would never have imagined this sage.”

“Now, I feel more and more that this is very likely.”

“Yeah! Xiong Zhuangshi, go and ask Lin Youwei and Han Sen to check the situation in this live broadcast room.

“I went to my colleagues in the Internet Police Brigade for assistance, and asked them to send someone to contact the live broadcast company to retrieve the past content records in the live broadcast room, as well as the registrant information of those accounts.”

Captain Zhang Hai is indeed an experienced veteran criminal investigator.

Lin Nan’s words just started and brought a new idea, and he instantly broke through the limitations of his previous thinking.

Follow this new clue and new idea to make the most efficient work arrangement.

And Lin Nan, as the first person who thought of this, how could he have done nothing.

At this moment.

Lin Nan said calmly:

“Team Zhang, don’t be so troublesome, I have already asked my colleagues from the Internet Police Brigade to get relevant information on the way here.”

“Calculate the time, it should be delivered to the office soon.

We “go back to analyze it now, and if it’s fast, it’s probably enough to catch them all before other criminal accomplices can react.”

Captain Zhang Hai said with some surprise: “Really? Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!!

“Go back to the branch first.”

The group of three quickly returned to the Beining branch, and happened to meet a colleague from the Internet Police Brigade sending relevant information.

Under Lin Nan’s fiery eyes, none of the information clues could escape his eyes.

Things really did not exceed Lin Nan’s expectations.

All his guesses were correct.

The so-called live broadcast room for selling vegetables is the communication channel for this large-scale trafficking organization that spans the city.

The so-called viewers in the live broadcast room are actually the accomplices responsible for kidnapping and selling children in various places.

The den in this vegetable market is one of the important transit points in this large network of criminal trafficking organizations. .

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