Chapter 166 80% chance, flowers are not flowers – Qin Yuwei – 8 of Hearts!

As the so-called authorities are confused, bystanders are clear.

After Lin Nan’s reminder, Song Gaoming finally realized that he was abnormal.

“Xiao Lin, what you said really woke me up.” Song Gaoming said with a gloomy face and a solemn tone: “I also realized that my mental state is not right, it is very likely that the other party has used psychological hints to me, and I am not prepared enough. In the case, it was plotted.

Lin Nan nodded and told Song Gaoming about the secret behind the 101 knife wounding case, the 10 of spades, the 8 of hearts, and the poker organization in a short sentence.

Regarding these incidents, only Zhou and Qiu from the Criminal Investigation Team of the West Lake Branch, as well as Zhang Hai, Zheng, Xiong Zhuangshi, Lin Nan and others from the Beining Branch knew about these incidents.

As for Song Gaoming’s criminal investigation police.

In the early stage, the zero-five “three” has never been known because he did not participate in the investigation of the poker organization later.


It is for reasons related to the principle of confidentiality.


No one took the initiative to tell them.

However, since Song Gaoming has become the next target of Hearts, and by his psychological hints, he has become a party.


It’s okay to just tell him.

At least, it can also give him some psychological precautions, and he will not be secretly plotted next time.

And Song Gaoming, who heard the information behind the follow-up of the 101 knife wounding case, suddenly realized:

“So that’s the case, I said, why did Team Leader Zhou ask me for the WeChat account of the female receptionist!

“At that time, I thought he was going to find a breakthrough from the female front desk or something!

So this is ah!

“Now, I finally know why the female receptionist suddenly deleted me.

“But, it’s still a little weird!

“I’ve seen that female receptionist named Qin Yuwei too!”

“It’s obviously not the same person as today’s flower that is not a flower!”

“The temperament and face are completely different.”

“No!” Lin Nan directly vetoed: “They are probably one person.”

“She used makeup to change her face. According to my observation, Qin Yuwei and Hua Feihua’s frontal bone position, neck clavicle position, body proportions, etc. are basically the same.”

“It’s just that she used the difference in makeup, as well as the change in temperament, the height of the high heels, the style of clothing, etc., to create a psychological illusion, so that we will not subconsciously associate the two of them as one person.”

In fact, “the similarity between the two is extremely high, both in terms of body proportions and related circumstances.”

“And, not only that.

“Just now, when I was eating, I tested her many times.

“She actually avoided every language trap perfectly, without showing any obvious flaws.

“But it’s precisely because the answer is so perfect that it doesn’t reveal any definite flaws.

“So, this is the most abnormal.”

“Language trap?” Xiong Zhuang asked suspiciously, “Why don’t I know?”

“She still answered perfectly?”

“I remember that although I’ve been eating steak, I’ve been listening carefully!

“Why don’t I feel anything at all?”

Lin Nan explained: “I started asking her if the necklace was on display at Maders Jewelry Store in West Lake District and how much it cost to buy it.” Lin Nan explained: “Actually, it was a typical language trap. , The normal answer is generally divided into two types.

“One answer would be yes and then tell me how much money, or not much money.”

“But in fact, there is no Maders jewelry store in the West Lake District. I just made it up.”

“Once she answers like this, it shows that she is not from the West Lake District, she is not familiar with this place, and what she said is false.”

“Another answer would be to say that you didn’t buy it in that store, and then you would logically say where you bought your jewelry and how much you bought it for.”

“But she didn’t answer according to these two thoughts. Instead, she vaguely pushed the matter of jewelry to the so-called mother, distanced herself from the relationship, and did not answer directly.

“This is the habitual way of answering a typical person who studies psychology.”

“Then, I followed the previous question and asked the second language trap, marveling at the high value of her necklace, and using complimenting language to satisfy her vanity

“And when I proposed the price of 200,000, she didn’t refute it, proving that she clearly knew the value of this necklace.”

“This just contradicts what I said before about not knowing how much the necklace is worth.”

“And then, many of my questions have similar language traps, but her answers are either avoidable or ambiguous according to typical psychological habits.”

“But no matter how much you questioned, she was able to reinterpret previous answers.

“From the above, I can conclude that she has a 90% probability of being the 8 of Hearts.

“Just now she took the opportunity to leave the venue early, maybe because I had too many questions and a little bit of alertness.”

“It’s a bunch of stuff, and I don’t really understand it.” Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and asked, “Anyway, in summary, the meaning is probably that Hua Feihua is Qin Yuwei, and he is also an 8 of Hearts.”

“Xiao Lin, since you judged it just now, why didn’t you remind us and capture her on the spot?

We are “the police, we need to pay attention to the evidence, and speculation and reasoning cannot be regarded as direct evidence.” Lin Nan spread his hands and replied: “Also, catching her is not the key, even if she is caught, the poker organization will exclude others.

“Originally, the probability of cases in Longming City is extremely high during this period of time, and you don’t want to attract members of poker organizations to frequently appear in Longming City and commit crimes repeatedly at 0.8!

“Xiao Lin, I think you have done something wrong.” Xiong Zhuangshi shook his head and said, “It is not advisable to give up food because of choking, even if arresting her will attract foreign organizations, this is not a reason to let her go.

“As police officers, we must always adhere to the principles in our hearts.”

“Never wrong a good person, and never let a bad person go.

Lin Nan opened the baby thermos cup, took a sip of wolfberry health tea, looked out the car window, and said in a low voice, “I never said to let her go.”

“From the moment she was identified, she was in the palm of my hand.


“I think there is a better and more appropriate way to deal with her.”

“That’s why she was not forcibly arrested.

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