Chapter 165 Verbal confrontation, language trap, wake up Song Gaoming.

Hearing this rhetorical question, and looking at the other party’s half-smile expression, Song Gaoming said quickly: “No, I have never been to anyone else before.

This answer, full of desire for survival, made Lin Nan, who was beside him, look sideways.

good guy!

Lao Song has a tendency to lick dogs!

Not much yet!

This made this Hua Feihua hard to grasp in one sentence.

Lin Nan continued to probe quietly.

“Sister-in-law, this necklace of yours seems to be an exhibit at Mads Jewelry Store in West Lake District. It cost a lot of money to buy this necklace!”

“My necklace?” Hua Feihua said with a smile: “My mother gave it to me. I don’t know how much it cost.”

“It seems that my sister-in-law’s family is relatively wealthy!” Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said, “This necklace is at least more than 200,000 yuan. It is not something ordinary people can afford to wear.”

“What are you doing now, sister-in-law?

The corner of Hua Feihua’s mouth twitched, and he said playfully, “I? I recently opened a flower shop.

Lin Nan pressed step by step, hiding a knife in a smile and said, “A flower shop?”

“Where is the flower shop?”

“I just recently planned to buy flowers. I’m going to ask for the address and take care of my sister-in-law’s business.”

Hua Feihua said in a distressed tone: “That’s really unfortunate. The flower shop is currently undergoing renovations, and it will not be able to reopen until the renovation is complete.”

Lin Nan touched the bottom, opened his mouth and said nonsense: “Renovation? That’s really great. I just read a book on decoration recently, so I can give you some advice.”

This time.

Hua Feihua didn’t answer this question at all, but provoked and said: “This little brother, you ask questions as soon as you come, staring at your sister, and you always want to find me alone, why? Are you interested in your sister?

“Unfortunately, you are too young to be your sister’s food.”

Hearing this, Song Gaoming also began to look at Lin Nan suspiciously, as if looking at Lao Lin next door.

Moreover, he always felt that a green thing was about to appear on his head.

The smile on Lin Nan’s face remained unchanged, and he said casually: “Sister-in-law misunderstood, just asked casually, asked casually.”

“Cough! I haven’t introduced myself just now!”

“My surname is Lin and my name is Nan. You can call me Xiaolin.”

in the next time.

Lin Nan has always been smiling, but likes to set up a verbal trap from time to time to test.

And Hua Fei Hua’s answer is so tight that no flaws can be seen at all.

However, as Lin Nan asked more and more questions, the smile on Hua Feihua’s face began to fade away, and her eyes also revealed a cold look.


When Hua Feihua was about to be overwhelmed, she immediately turned on her face and took the opportunity to rage: “Enough, I’m just here for a date, not for interrogation, I’m tired, Song Gaoming, I feel very dissatisfied with this meeting. , I hope there is another chance, I will go first.”

Saying that, Hua Feihua turned around and left, never looking back.

Song Gaoming also looked at Lin Nan with a puzzled face. He had communicated with Lin Nan before, and he always believed that Lin Nan was not that kind of person.

As the conversation between the two became clearer just now, Song Gaoming also noticed a lot of anomalies.

Although, I don’t know what’s going on, but the instinct of the detective forces him to stay on the sidelines.

Therefore, Song Gaoming did not say a word in the later period, but waited quietly, waiting for Lin Nan to give him an answer or an explanation at the end.

Lin Nan looked around, made a gesture, and said briefly: “Check out first, leave here, it’s not convenient to talk here.”

Xiong Zhuangshi, who had been eating with his head down, stuffed the last piece of steak into his mouth, and said humbly: “Look at you, I am a Zeng Fan.

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said, “Brother Song, do you want to make a bet? I guess there is something wrong with that Hua Feihua, I win, you please, you win, I please.

Song Gaoming’s eyes narrowed slightly, his brows were wrinkled, his face was extremely serious, and he solemnly replied: “Okay! Bet!”

“I’m going to pay first, and I’d like to see how you convince me in a while.”

At this time.

Lin Nan took out the disposable gloves from his body, took out several transparent plastic evidence bags, and put the knife, fork and red wine glass that Hua Feihua had just used in it.

After doing all this, take the bear strong and prepare to leave.

Pass by the cashier.

He also said to Song Gaoming by the way, “Brother Song, by the way, settle the money for this pair of knives and forks and red wine glasses.”

…for flowers…  

Song Gaoming: “???”

After a moment.

A group of three people appeared in a car that could be sturdy and parked on the side of the road.

This is the safest and least likely place to leak information with respect to nearby walls.

Xiong Zhuangshi was sitting in the old driver’s seat, Lin Nan was still sitting in the co-pilot, and Song Gaoming was in the back row.

“Xiao Lin, you can talk about it. The reason why you said that just now is that there is something wrong with the flower that is not the flower? Why do you say that?”

“Also, why did you pack a pair of knives and forks and wine glasses?

Lin Nan pointedly said: “Brother Song, this woman called Hua Feihua, did she take the initiative to add you WeChat?”


“And, just these few days?

“And she talks and chats with you, making you feel very comfortable, like a confidant in life?”

Song Gaoming frowned and replied, “That’s right!”

“But what’s wrong with that?”

“It’s rare to have confidants in life, but we just hit it off!”

Lin Nan narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “Have you forgotten what you are best at?”

“You are the best detective in psychology!”

“Don’t you realize that your trust in her has grown by leaps and bounds in just a few days?”

“Furthermore, even now, you don’t have the slightest sense of alertness, and you take the initiative to find reasons to excuse the other party.

“Is this too abnormal?”

Song Gaoming recalled the situation of the past few days, and was suddenly startled, with dense sweat on his forehead, and a cold sweat on his back.

That’s right!

Lin Nan is right!

Too fast!

This is progressing too fast.

Although, people who are good at psychology, look like a spring breeze on the face, and will open their hearts to everyone.

But in fact.

It’s just a layer of disguise built up.

Generally speaking, people who are good at psychology generally maintain a strong psychological vigilance.

And the disguise he constructed, unexpectedly, turned into what he thought he was thinking.

This is really scary. Eight,

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