Chapter 156 Li Yiming, who is acting weird, look at her again.

Lin Nan glanced at the time, frowning and thinking, the time should be too late, I hope there will be no accidents.

He took a few steps to the door, and knocked on the door next door.

To Xiong Zhuangshi who opened the door, he said: “It’s basically confirmed that Li Yiming is the murderer.”

“The hearts and kidneys of the two deceased were placed on the head of the bed in Bedroom 401.

Now “follow me, go to Shengli High School in Beining District to find Yun Mengyu, Li Yiming will probably do something to her.”

Hear these words.

Xiong Zhuangshi immediately became serious. He turned to Li Yanran and Song Ruyan and said, “You two stay here to take notes. The evidence is on the bedside in room 401. Tell Captain Zhang Hai to come over and conduct an on-site inspection.”

“I went with Lin Nan to arrest the suspect.

After saying “040”, they left in a hurry with Lin Nan.

at the same time.

The crime scene of the second deceased.

“Did you find any traces left at the scene?” Captain Zhang Hai asked with a tired expression.

All the criminal police officers who were conducting on-site investigations shook their heads with ugly expressions.

Captain Zhang Hai sighed, clenched his fists and said, “This damn murderer is so cunning!”

“Again, there is no trace left.


“Unexpectedly, even Lin Nan made a mistake this time.

“The three suspects who are in the precinct now don’t have enough time to commit crimes, and they are not murderers.

“Obviously, the previous direction of solving the case was wrong again.”

“Next, where should we start?”

The rest of the detectives persuaded them:

“Team Zhang, don’t be impatient, the murderer can’t be flawless every time, he will always leak.”

“Send it! I didn’t expect Xiaolin to make a mistake.”

“It’s normal. After all, it’s impossible to judge correctly every time. When we solved cases before, didn’t we often have the wrong direction?”


The words did nothing to comfort them.

Captain Zhang Hai looked gloomy and said with a gloomy expression: “That’s right, but if you want to catch the murderer’s clues, you don’t know how many innocent people will be hurt.”


All received information prompts at the same time.

Song Mingming was the fastest. She took out her mobile phone and said excitedly, “Team Zhang, good news.”

“Lin Nan and the others have found the murderer and found evidence.

“We are now being called to the murderer’s home to do a scene investigation.

Captain Zhang Hai couldn’t believe his ears, and said in surprise: “What? Lin Nan and the others have already found out who the murderer is and found evidence?”

“Who is the murderer? Where is the murderer’s house? Has he been arrested?”

A series of questions made Song Mingming not sure where to start. She held up her mobile phone and said, “Team Zhang, just look at the group chat on the mobile phone.”

“The specific situation, Xiao Yanran didn’t send too much, we should know when we arrive at the address of the murderer’s house.

Captain Zhang Hai took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and greeted promptly: “Go! Go to 401, Unit 1, Building 7, Xinglong Community first.”

“The specific situation will be asked later.”

With that said, he couldn’t wait to walk to the police car.

Just when Captain Zhang Hai rushed to Li Yiming’s house, Lin Nan and Neng Zhuangshi had already appeared near Shengli High School.

Just when the two were about to park the car in the distance, change into civilian clothes, and secretly search for Li Yiming’s trace.

Lin Nan, who was looking out the window, suddenly said, “Stop!

“Brother Xiong, I have discovered Li Yiming.

“He is standing beside the door of Shengli High School at the moment, standing with many parents.”

“Don’t waste time searching secretly.”

“Turn around the car, I’ll get off in front, you get off in the other direction.”

“Block him in this way.

Neng Zhuang said: “Okay! No problem!”

After a moment.

Lin Nan got off the car and approached Li Yiming slowly as if nothing had happened.

And Xiong Zhuangshi also stopped the car and slowly approached Li Yiming from the other direction.

The front and back were blocked, and Li Yiming had nowhere to escape.


To Lin Nan’s surprise, until he and Neng Zhuangzhuang were only ten meters away from him,

Li Yiming’s expression remained unchanged, without any fluctuations.

He stood by the school gate with a calm expression on his face, as if he was not worried at all.

At this time.

Li Yiming made an unexpected move again.


He raised his hands slowly.

Make a surrender gesture.

This time.

Even Lin Nan was stunned.

This is……


But that didn’t make Lin Nan let down his guard.

But while approaching, he was always ready for a blow.

If the other party has the slightest change, immediately use this trick to serve.

And this scene also frightened many parents who were around to pick up their children.

But when they saw that the man who started the operation was wearing a police uniform, most of them were relieved.

The police must have their reasons for arresting people.

Lin Nan also issued a police card, and 0.8 said soothingly: “Everyone, don’t panic.”

We “are police officers from the Bac Ninh branch, just on official duty.

We “leave now, excuse me.”

After speaking, he followed Xiong Zhuangshi who was holding Li Yiming to prepare to leave.

And this time.

Li Yiming suddenly said, “Can you wait?”

“After school, I want to see someone and take another look at her.”

“If I fulfill this wish, I will explain everything.”

Lin Nan frowned strangely, looked up and down, and said, “Yes! But not here, it’s too conspicuous.”

“Sit in the police car for a while and look through the window!”

Li Yiming nodded calmly and replied, “Yes!”

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