Chapter 155 There is always someone showing up when you pry the door, which is clear evidence.

Xinglong District.

This time.

When Lin Nan and the others arrived at the community, they didn’t waste time going to the property.

Instead, it went straight to 401, Unit 1, Building 7, where the target is located.

After a moment.

Yo Yo Yo~

After knocking on the door of Room 401, no one responded.

This made Lin Nan and the others feel a little awkward.

If there are people inside, but they don’t open the door, it’s okay to say that they can forcibly break in in the name of obstructing or not cooperating in handling the case, and ask the other party to cooperate.

But if there is no one inside, they cannot break in without a search warrant. This is a matter of principle.

“Why not!” Xiong Zhuangqi looked around, and said very thiefly: “Xiao Lin, use your stunt?”

“Anyway, this is all my own, and no one will say it.

“When we go back, we can just apply for a new search warrant.”

“Jing out of ideas, is this a supplementary matter?” Lin Nan said with a dark face: “This is a matter of principle, law enforcement officers know the law and break the law, I suspect that Captain Zhang Hai must have been tricked by you countless times.

The principle “There is one more.” Xiong Shi raised his eyebrows and said triumphantly: “When arresting a criminal suspect, if you have to, you can take the method of destroying obstacles, but you should give compensation. ”

“Now is the time for this imperative.

“Besides, with your unlocking ability, we don’t need to destroy obstacles, even compensation can be omitted, how convenient!”

Lin Nan squatted down, took out the wire that had been prepared for a long time, and complained: “Brother Xiong, I found that your IQ thinking is always unexpectedly high at this point.”

Xiong Zhuangshi watched Lin Nan’s series of movements.

a time.

In his hand he held the wire he had just taken out of his pocket.

I don’t know if it was handed to Lin Nan, it would be better to give him a wire to double.

Better to put it back in the pocket.

On the other hand, Song Ruyan, who was watching the play, seemed to have two rows of question marks in her little brain.


Did you both prepare the wire ahead of time?

What was the argument just now!

Li Maran moved her hands and feet impatiently.

so troublesome!

Might as well let me kick it away faster.

The wire hangs in the hanging door lock to test.

Lin Nan frowned.

This security door looks a little worn out, but the door lock is unexpectedly difficult to open.

At this time.

The door of Room 402 next door suddenly opened.

An old grandfather with a cane and a bag of rubbish looked out the door in astonishment.

this moment.

Time seemed to freeze.

Lin Nan’s face darkened immediately.

Everyone is numb!

At this moment.

He felt that there was some curse on him.

How do you prepare every time you don’t follow the principle to install the door with iron wire?

Will a passerby appear at the scene immediately?

Is this a coincidence?

Or some willpower?

If it weren’t for the fact that the system never disagreed or took the initiative to give tasks.

Lin Nan had some suspicions that it was the system that did it.


There’s something supernatural about it all around.


Time stops just imagining.

The grandfather in Room 402 was the first to regain his senses from the stunned atmosphere. He shivered and said, “Yes, yes, sorry for disturbing you!”

“I’ll take out the trash later!”

As he said that, he pulled the inner handle of the door tremblingly to close the door again.


The moment the door is about to close.

A large hand grabbed the edge of the door, preventing it from closing further.

This time.

But the old man was so frightened that he almost wanted to lie down and pretend to be dead.


at this time.

Xiong Zhuangxi took out the certificate with the other hand, and while passing it in through the crack of the door, he explained in a familiar way: “Master, you just misunderstood.”

We “are police officers from the Bac Ninh branch, and are now on duty.

Looking at the old man’s skeptical expression.

I can explain it in more detail.

“This is my certificate. I’m Xiong Zhuangshi, the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team of the Beining Branch. We are really performing official duties.”

“Besides, we are all wearing police uniforms!”

The old grandfather squinted his eyes, looked suspiciously from the crack of the door, and said vaguely: “Old man, I am old, my eyes are dim, and I can’t see what the clothes are.”

“I can’t see your documents clearly.

“How do I know if you’re lying to me?”

Li Yanran said, “Master, we really didn’t lie to you. If we were criminals, would we explain it to you so clearly?”

When the old man heard the voice, his eyes widened.


…for flowers…  

at the same time.

Song Ruyan also said with help: “This is true, we are really from Beining Branch, we didn’t lie to you.”

Grandpa’s eyes widened.

Another policewoman?


The door was pushed open.

“It turned out to be a misunderstanding!” The grandfather said with a smile: “As soon as I heard it, I immediately heard that you are the police.”

“What business are you going to do!”

“Do you need my help?”

See this scene, hear these words.

Xiong Zhuangshi was stunned, stiff in place, and turned into a petrified state.

This is….large double standard scene?

I talk.


Li Yanran and Song Ruyan were talking.

just believe it?

Are you a double standard grandpa?



While they were talking, Lin Nan successfully opened the door of room 401.

Take out the disposable gloves and shoe covers for yourself and put them on.

Said casually.

“I’ll go take a look first. You guys will make a note for this old man and ask if there is anything abnormal next door.”

After speaking, Lin Nan immediately entered room 401 and began to check.

Room 401 is spotless and clean.

First look at the door.

Immediately saw the picture frame placed in the middle of the living room, below the TV.

Lin Nan walked over and took a look.

The innocent, smiling little girl in the photo in the frame.

It was Tang An’an.

Turned around.

There was a hint of blood between Lin Nan.

Look around for the smell of blood.

Enter into the bedroom.

At a glance.

It became clear.

Beside the bed in the bedroom.

Inside two bright transparent glass jars.

in light red liquid.

One heart and one kidney were soaked.

No cover up.

Just put it on the bed.

This can be said to put the answer in front of Lin Nan.


Li Yiming is the murderous murderer who killed two people in a row.


After finding this irrefutable evidence, Lin Nan did not feel happy, but gave him a chill.

Evidence is found.

But what about Li Yiming?

No guessing required!

No need to think!


Going to find the last girl. Eight.

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