Chapter 147 The speculative results of Sun Dayue, Lin Nan, a literary genius.

The interrogation room of the Bac Ninh branch.

It’s still the No. 1 interrogation room.

Speaking of the suspect seat in the interrogation room, it is quite famous.

I’ve sat in a lot of people recently.

Lan Die, the murderer of the sensational skin-painting case more than 30 years ago, sat there.

Zhao Laifu, the murderer of the serial massacres, sat there.

Lan Xiner, the murderer of 42 disappearances, sat there.

The little yellow-haired Liu Ming who committed the serial theft has sat there.

The six elderly people involved in the cremation case of the abandoned factory sat there.

Dali Yao, an unlucky college student in the case of stabbing someone with a knife, also sat there.


It was the turn of the suspect, Sun Dayue, who had slashed 36 times in a row for 108 times.

As for his outcome, it’s really hard to say.

after all.

The first few who had held this position, except for a certain unlucky college student, were sentenced to prison.

At this moment.

The suspect, Sun Dayue, was handcuffed in the interrogation room alone.

Looking around, he suddenly shuddered violently.

I don’t know why, but he had a bad feeling, as if there was some kind of curse here.

to be honest.

Sun Dayue is still a little confused, and he doesn’t know why he was brought here.

He only knows that he has made mistakes, and there is only one.

It was because of the long nights and the loneliness and emptiness.

A few hours ago, I once called a beautiful woman who didn’t want a house, a car, or a bride price to exchange feelings.

Then, the breakup fee was given, and one shot and two broke up.


He has always been law-abiding, and always been a law-abiding good citizen.



If this is only the case, it is not enough for a group of police officers to be dispatched to bring themselves here.


No matter how hard Sun Dayue thought about it, he still couldn’t figure out what other mistakes he had made?

At this time.

The door to the interrogation room opened.

Song Mingming, the leader of the second criminal investigation team who is good at criminal psychology, and Li Weiwei, a member of the criminal investigation team who is good at micro-expression analysis, walked into the interrogation room together.

In the Bac Ninh Branch Criminal Investigation Team, most of the time, the interrogation work is handed over to these two female criminal police officers.

After all, they are very good at interrogating criminal suspects.

Of course, in Captain Zhang Hai’s mind, Lin Nan is the most suitable candidate for interrogation.

Originally, Captain Zhang Hai wanted Lin Nan to be in charge of the interrogation this time, but was rejected.

Because Lin Nan always felt that this Sun Dayue didn’t look like a man who had 36 knives in a barrel and then cut his heart to kill the dead.

Interrogating him was just a waste of time.

Therefore, Lin Nan decided to start from another direction.

First rule out Sun Dayue’s murder suspicion.

at the same time.

The interrogation of Sun Dayue in the interrogation room is in full swing.

Song Mingming first sat down with an expressionless face, stared at Sun Dayue stubbornly, and used his silent gaze to exert psychological pressure.


She jerked.


“Sun Yue, don’t tell the truth!

“Say! Where were you today between 4pm and 8:30pm? What did you do?”

The sound of the explosion on the table was accompanied by a question.

in an instant.

Sun Dayue was so frightened that he was shocked, and the whole person was in a hurry.

“Four p.m?”

“I. I. I didn’t do anything! I just rescued the innocent suffering beauty, and talked with her for a few minutes in love.

“Huh?” Song Mingming frowned, his face was extremely cold, his eyes were fixed, and while staring at the other party, he made a questioning tone in a nasal voice.


He said coldly, “Aren’t you telling the truth?”

Sun Dayue explained in a panic: “I, I didn’t lie, really, what I said is true.”

“It’s the kind of love that you love and I wish, dozens of minutes at a time.

Song Mingming’s mouth twitched.

at this time.

She already understood what the other party was saying and what he meant.

It was the first time she had heard such a fresh and refined statement.

This Sun Dayue is also really talented.

Song Mingming took a deep breath and gave Li Weiwei a wink. Then, while staring at Sun Dayue, he slowed down his speech and said in an icy biting tone:

“Sun Dayue, more than two hours ago, was in a small alley next to Beihu Park in Beining District.

A woman was slashed 36 times all over her body, and her heart was severed. ”

“And in her body, the sperm spot found, according to the DNA test results, is yours.

“So, you must be honest now, from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm, during this period, where you were, what did you do, and whether there are witnesses enough to prove your innocence!”

“You, do you understand the situation now?”

In an instant.

Sun Dayue felt his head pounding, and he suddenly understood the cause and effect.

“You… what did you say?” he said, trembling, “that… that woman died?”

“I didn’t kill this man.

“I have chat records, we are a deal, I don’t need to kill her, and I’m not worth that much money. 11

“Whether you killed the person, we will check according to the relevant evidence and clues.” Song Mingming knocked on the interrogation table and said coldly: “What you have to do now is not to deny and resist all the time, but to cooperate with us. Work and tell all the truth.

“That’s your best option.

Say “! Tell me all about your behavior between 4:00 pm and 8:30 pm.” 040

Sun Dayue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, took a deep breath, and started the meeting tremblingly while telling:

“Four o’clock in the afternoon.. I believe it!”

“By the way, I should be chatting with that woman at four o’clock in the afternoon, about how much funding should be given.”

“Then, she arrived at about 4:30, which was very fast, and she worked very quickly.



This guy is really a literary genius.

Sun Dayue told them one by one in chronological order.

While Li Weiwei carefully analyzed the other party’s micro-expressions, he recorded.

at the same time.

Monitor indoors.

Lin Nan let out a slow sigh of relief, rubbed his temples slightly, and relaxed his tense nerves.

To Captain Zhang Hai, who was watching the situation in the interrogation room, and his colleagues, he said, “Team Zhang! I have ruled out the possibility of Sun Dayue committing the crime!”

Captain Zhang Hai:???”

Colleagues: “???”


their attention.

All were placed to watch the interrogation in the interrogation room.

No one noticed that Lin Nan was fast-forwarding at 36 times to watch the surveillance video.


Suddenly I heard Lin Nan say this.

All the colleagues were a little stunned.

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