Chapter 146 DNA test results, arrest the suspect Sun Dayue!

And the other side.

Captain Zhang Hai, Lin Nan and other four people split up near the crime scene, holding flashlights, searching for clues everywhere.

It is true that there are street lights in this small alley, and most of the situation can be seen clearly.

However, some dark corners are still in blind spots, where the street lights cannot shine.

Therefore, Lin Nan et al. can only illuminate dark corners with flashlights and conduct careful surveys little by little.



After more than an hour of investigation and search.

They found that the suspect this time was very cunning.

There were no footprints or other clues on the entire crime scene.

Only near the body of the deceased, a large amount of blood was found.


Captain Zhang Hai, Lin Nan and others did not gain anything.

This time.

They did not like the last 928 Abandoned Factory Incineration case, who spent a whole night in the heat and waited for the dawn to conduct a second detailed search “zero and forty” times.

Instead, they directly cleaned up the scene, quickly closed the team, and headed to another location.

The reason for this is the one-day message sent by Lin Youwei in the group chat.

[Team Zhang, after DNA testing of the semen spots in the deceased’s body, the source has been found out. The source is Sun Dayue. According to hotel records, he checked in in Room 203 of the Haitian Hotel today. ”

After half an hour.


In front of Haitian Hotel.

Three police cars stopped silently in front of the door.

Captain Zhang Hai led the team, a group of 10 people wearing police uniforms, got off the bus one after another, and quickly assembled in front of the hotel.

This scene caused the lady at the front desk of the hotel, as well as the welcoming female service staff, to panic and panic, and they were a little overwhelmed.

They all stared blankly at the police officers outside the transparent glass of the hotel.

Captain Zhang Hai looked up at the building structure of the hotel and said, “Song Mingming, Li Weiwei, Li Yanran, Song Ruyan, the four of you stay at the main entrance of the hotel to prevent the suspect Sun Dayue from escaping.

Li Ming”, Han Sen, Liu Feng, the three of you go to the window on the second floor next to the hotel to guard under the window to prevent the suspect Sun Dayue from jumping out of the window.

“Lin Nan, Neng Zhuangshi, Zheng Hu, you all rushed forward with me, arrested Sun Dayue, and brought them back to the sub-bureau for interrogation.

With that said, Captain Zhang Hai took the lead and walked towards the Haitian Hotel.

Seeing this, Lin Nan and the other three hurriedly entered together.

The rest of the people also acted according to the arrangement.

at the same time.

A slightly fat man in the hotel braved his head and said, “Hello, what’s the matter with you?”

“I’m Wang Kun, manager of Haitian Hotel.

“This is a high-end hotel, we have to protect

this moment.

Captain Zhang Hai’s eyes became extremely sharp, and he stared at each other aggressively.

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he stretched out his hand, revealed his identity, and interrupted with a blank expression: “Hello, I’m Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team of Beining Branch. Now I have official business and need your assistance.”

After talking about this set of procedures, he did not give the other party the slightest time to react, and continued to walk inside the hotel.

at the same time.

Lin Nan said, “Just leave it to me on the first floor, you can go up with Team Zhang!”

Having said that, Lin Nan stood in front of Wang Kun, the manager of Haitian Hotel, who was somewhat shocked.

But Xiong Zhuangshi and Zheng Ke nodded slightly and quickly followed.

The three did not choose to do the elevator, but chose to climb the stairs directly.

The suspect Sun Yue’s room is 203, which is only on the second floor. It is more convenient and quicker to take the stairs.

As for whether the other party will leave from the elevator.

They are not worried.

after all.

Lin Nan stayed on the first floor, the other party would never be able to escape

Even if the other party succeeds in breaking through from Lin Nan, the other party has to break through the encirclement of Li Yanran and the other four again.

The criminal investigation team’s arrest operations have always been very thorough and prudent. As long as the criminal suspects are successfully surrounded, they will instantly form a net of heaven and earth, trapping them tightly.

Of course.

Lin Nan stayed on the first floor, in addition to preventing the suspect from leaving the elevator, there is another meaning.

He wants to keep an eye on the hotel managers to prevent them from reporting in advance some of the targets in the hotel who are conducting illegal transactions.

In order to prevent unnecessary trouble because of their secret reporting, Sun Dayue was alerted in advance and the other party was alerted.

Besides, Lin Nan also has other work to do.

When Captain Zhang Hai and the three men went upstairs aggressively, Wang Kun, the manager of Haitian Hotel, panicked.

In his own mind, like a mirror, he knew exactly what was going on in the hotel.

Although the other party claims to be a criminal policeman, it does not rule out the possibility that the other party will carry out other business by the way!

Thinking about it, Wang Kun moved towards the front desk with no expression.

Seeing this, Lin Nan glanced at it and knew what the other party wanted to pay attention to. He swept to the front desk and found the clue in an instant.

three steps, two steps,

He asked Wang Kun, the manager of Haitian Hotel, to stand near a hidden corner at the front desk.


Turning around, looking at manager Wang Kun, he said with a half-smile, “Manager Wang, your fire button looks a little different!”

at this time.

Wang Kun, manager of Haitian Hotel, was beating his heart abruptly.

He licked his dry lips, squeezed out an embarrassed smile, and stammered and explained: “This. This may be a decoration issue.”

“After all, after all, our hotel is taking the high-end route.

“Some of the decorations are in foreign styles, which are a little different from those in China, and they are also justified by circumstances!”


This explanation is really too pale.

If you were a police officer, you wouldn’t believe it.


Lin Nan didn’t intend to expose the other party’s clumsy lies.

On the other hand, he took out a USB flash drive and handed it over.

On the other side, he pointedly said: “Manager Wang, don’t do superfluous things, we are the criminal investigation team, mainly dealing with major and special cases, and we are not responsible for these.

“By the way, make a copy of all the surveillance videos in your hotel today, we need these to assist us in handling the case.

“Don’t tell me that your surveillance is broken, you lie to children.”

Otherwise “, we don’t mind making cameo appearances in other departments.”

The soft and hard words were finished.

Hotel manager Wang Kun gave in.

As he wiped his sweat and took over the USB flash drive, he said with a smile: “No! It won’t be 0.8 bad. Our hotel is a high-end hotel, and the monitoring facilities have always been perfect.”

“I’ll give you a copy right now.

After a moment.

When the hotel manager Wang Kun handed over the U disk with the copied surveillance video to Lin Nan, Captain Zhang Hai also successfully completed the arrest.

He strode forward and walked down first, followed by Neng Zhuangshi and Zheng Hu, as well as the bewildered, handcuffed suspect Sun Dayue who was being held by them.

ten minutes later.

The criminal policemen got into police cars and left, and returned to the Bac Ninh branch.

And at the same time.

After seeing the police car leaving, the hotel manager Wang Kun was relieved and relieved.

“Finally gone! It scared me to death!”

This “little criminal is too scary, how can he feel more human than my dad at such a young age?”

“In front of him, I was so suppressed that I didn’t dare to have any crooked thoughts.


“It’s so scary!”

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