Chapter 138 Xiong Zhuangshi, please explain to me, what does this remark mean?

“No!” Xiong Zhuang said deadly, “As long as there is such a possibility.”

“It has to be reported.

“I’ll call Team Zhang right now.”

Saying that, Nengzhuang took out his mobile phone and walked to the balcony.

Lin Nan glanced at the time silently.



Calling at this point is really reckless.

Isn’t this a bit of a scolding?


Xiong Zhuangshi walked out from the balcony with his head downcast.

“You were scolded?” Lin Nan said with a smile.

Strong bear; “Hmm!”

Lin Nan smiled and said: “If I were, I would scold you and call at 11 o’clock in the evening, just to report some speculation without the slightest evidence.

“Whoever puts it on who won’t scold the mother!”

“Can’t you let Team Zhang spend the National Day holiday peacefully?”

“Anyway, even if this is going to happen, it’s still early!”

“Lan Xiner still has half a year of probation.”

“The 8 of Hearts is estimated to have gone abroad for the time being.

“Who knows when the speculative prison robbery will happen?”

Xiong Zhuangshi; “…you didn’t say it earlier!

Lin Nan spread out his hands and said, “There’s no way, it’s because you’re too impatient. Before I could say anything, you rushed to call and report.”

“The 101 stabbing case is basically over.

“When the National Day holiday is over, we will find another opportunity to report this matter to Bureau Zhang and Zheng in full and detail!”

Nengzhuang sighed and said: “Also… that’s the only way it can be.

at the same time.

Captain Zhang Hai’s home.

Captain Zhang Hai, who had just sprayed his sturdy head with blood, was holding the phone and listening to the earnest teachings of Director Zheng on the other end of the call.

“Xiao Zhang! You must know that I am also in trouble here. What do you say about the matter you reported?”

“In the final analysis, it’s just speculation and conjecture.”

“As a police officer, we must pay attention to principles and evidence in handling cases, and we can’t just rely on blood and guesswork to investigate cases.

“I cannot question the rigor and ability of my colleagues in other departments to enforce the law on this basis alone.”

“This is not conducive to the harmonious coexistence and solidarity of various departments.

“You see what I mean!”

Captain Zhang Hai said to the phone with a wry smile:

“Yes! Bureau Zheng, I was reckless. We will report to you when we find more powerful evidence.”

Zheng Ju replied: “That’s it! This matter is not urgent. After the National Day holiday, the entire cause, results and related speculations will be compiled and edited into a complete document and sent to me, and I will send it to the relevant parties. Department sent it.”

Captain Zhang Hai said, “Yes!”


A message received notification sounded.

Just laying on the bed and preparing to fall asleep, he could be sturdy and took out his mobile phone from under the pillow.

One stroke.

Click on WeChat.

Click on the red dot in the upper left corner of Captain Zhang Hai.

[Daughter who likes to curse Lao Zhang: Can be strong, these days, I have compiled the relevant speculations about the poker organization, Lan Xiner, 10 of spades, 8 of hearts, etc., as well as the cause of the whole thing, into a complete Submit the report and send it to me. I have already reported the matter to the Zheng Bureau. )

this moment.

Nengzhuang’s eyes suddenly widened, and he sat up excitedly.

holding cell phone.

go to the ground.

Pidianpidian leaned in front of Lin Nan on the opposite bed.

Handing over the phone and showing Lin Nan the content of WeChat, he exclaimed excitedly:

“Xiao Lin, look, Lao Zhang has sent me a message!”

“Let me organize what I just said into a report for him these days.”

“Moreover, he also said that he had already reported to Director Zheng.”

“I’ll just say it!”

“Although Lao Zhang likes to scold people at ordinary times, he has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart. He especially likes to swear at people, but he also has to do things while he is stubbornly carrying it.”

“This point, I really did not see wrong.”

“Have you seen it? Even if what I said was speculation, Lao Zhang still reported the matter to Director Zheng.”

“And it was still reported at nearly 12 o’clock in the evening.

Lin Nan twitched the corner of his mouth.

It was speechless.

At this moment.

It seemed that Captain Zhang Hai was madly sprayed by Director Zheng on the phone.

Calling in the middle of the night just to report this?

Captain Zhang Hai has a subordinate like you, it’s really miserable!

Brother Xiong, I don’t know how much mistake you made and how miserable your boss was.

Only then will you be transferred to your police position, allowing you to handle civil dispute mediation and temper your temper.


Lin Nan looked at it, his eyes narrowed, as if he saw something bad.

this moment.

Able to be strong and still dancing with excitement on his face.

And Lin Nan has a murderous look in and out of his eyes.

He looked fiercely at the big dancing bear in front of him.

“Brother Xiong, we have been together for more than a year.” ”

“I just found out now that you still have this little hobby of making notes for others.”

“Can you explain to me, what does this square dance aunt’s kiss and cute pet mean?”

In an instant.

The strong expression solidified, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a petrified state, motionless.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.


The roommate has already moved to kill.

Neng Zhuang hurriedly put a smile on his face, licked his dry lips, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, scratched his head and began to pretend to be stupid: “Huh? Xiao Lin, what are you talking about? this function?”

“You don’t know, I have a kind of name blindness that I can’t tell the name on WeChat.

“Yes! It’s similar to the face blindness who can’t tell the difference between beauty and ugliness.

“It’s just that he can’t tell the difference between beauty and ugliness, and I can’t tell the name.

“That’s probably the symptom.

Lin Nan asked blankly, “So what? What does this show?”

Nengzhuang waved his hands and said, “So, the remarks I gave you are all random, and I don’t even know what remarks were made.”

“I just use the shape and length of the characters to distinguish which account belongs to whom.

Lin Nan twitched the corners of his mouth, and said angrily:

“This explanation fools a fool!

“Do you think I’ll believe it?”

Xiong Zhuangzhuang stretched out his hand with agile movements.

In an instant, he pulled the phone out of Lin Nan’s hands.

Turn around and run away.

Before leaving, he said loudly: “Xiao Lin, you just got dazzled, I still have something to do, so I’ll get a report first.

Lin Nan:

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