Chapter 137 About Lan Xiner’s Identity Speculation!

After listening to Xiong Zhuangshi, he said in distress:

“It’s really troublesome! I thought Lan Xiner would be troublesome enough.”

“I didn’t expect that within a few days, another 8 of Hearts, Qin Yuwei, would pop up, and behind it was a poker organization that was revived after being destroyed more than 50 years ago.

“Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Lin Nan leaned on the chair and said leisurely: “It’s no use having a headache, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge.

“8 of Hearts personally contacted Lan Xiner, wanted Lan Xiner to join the poker organization, and once gave some information.

“Lan Xiner thinks 8 of Hearts will deal with me because of her imprisonment.

“Lan Xiner gave me a warning or a reminder in order to pay back her ID card.”

“Lan Xiner’s own appearance has a bit of mixed-race characteristics.”

“The identity of Lan Xin’er’s biological father is unknown. Regarding this, Lan Die has never let go, and has not disclosed the slightest information.”

“Combining with the information I just learned, the poker organization has had foreign forces infiltrated, and it is a tool used by foreign forces to obstruct my country’s development speed and social security and peaceful environment.”

“Brother Xiong, based on the above information, what conclusion do you think you can draw?


Neng Zhuang had a confused look on his face, and after a long time, he hesitated and guessed and said:

“in conclusion?”

“What conclusion?”


“Lan Xiner is related to the poker organization?

“It was destroyed more than 50 years ago, and there are remnants who fled. Could this remnant be a foreigner!”

“Then, during the absconding process, I ran into the painted skin ghost Blue Butterfly. The two fell in love at first sight and joined each other. Blue Butterfly used her own means to hide her identity for the foreigner.

“And then, the foreigner left his wife and daughter to go abroad, and Lan Die pulled Lan Xiner up alone.

“Finally, re-establish a poker organization abroad, and then send the 8 of hearts to visit the mother and son, wanting to get back to good…

Lin Nan touched his chin, looked up and down, and said suspiciously:

“Brother Xiong, you can’t be fake!”

“Or, in addition to being a hidden two-dimensional element, are you also a fan of novels?”

“This story is made up in a similar way, as if it were the real thing.

“However, when you talk like this, I suddenly feel that what you said seems to make sense.

“According to your explanation, it should be able to explain most of the reasons.

“For example, why did 8 of Hearts pay attention to Lan Xiner.

“After all, this is just a prefecture-level city, not a well-known city.”

“Why would she find Lan Xiner who often hides and changes her identity?”

“Moreover, when she started soliciting, she did not threaten Lan Xiner, but it made Lan Xiner feel that the 8 of Hearts would take anger at me because of her imprisonment.”

“Xiao Lin, you don’t believe it!” Neng Zhuang said in shock, “I just made up a story.

“If that’s the case, then why did Qin Yuwei sell the 10 of spades James Wilder? Who would treat their own people from the same organization as scapegoats?”

Lin Nan shook his head, waved his hands and said, “Who stipulates that people in the same organization are of the same heart?”

“Brother Xiong, you think too highly of them, they are different from us.

“They are the rats in the gutter, and it’s normal for them to fight each other.”

“Besides, according to your statement and story, this is better explained.

Spades “The reason why 10 James Wilder was betrayed by Qin Yuwei at 8 of Hearts is simple.”

“That’s because the 10 of spades is also eyeing Lan Xiner.”

“Obviously, they’re not in the same group, or they’re both within the poker organization, but they’re different factions.”

“So, after the 10 of spades hit Lan Xiner, the 8 of hearts, who had been hiding in the dark, focused on the 10 of spades.

“And at this point in time, it should have been about 2 months ago, that is, at that time, the 8 of Hearts hid his identity and took the pseudonym Qin Yuwei, and became the front desk of the 10 of Spades James Wilder Psychotherapy Clinic.”

“Silently monitor every move of the 10 of Spades to prevent him from attacking Lan Xiner.


“We are investigating the disappearance of 903 Pedestrian Street after Lan Xiner replaced Sun Mengmeng for the first time.”

“Because of this case, we followed the clues and caught Lan Die, the real murderer of the painted skin serial case more than 30 years ago.”

“Through the press conference, Lan Xiner was invited to appear.”

“And then, Lan Xiner was arrested.”

“The 8 of Hearts hypnotized the 10 of Spades to make a case of stabbing a man, and he wanted to use the way of the man to heal his body.

“Wait a minute!” Neng Zhuang asked, “Do you still use the way of a person to treat the person’s body?”

“Why do you say that?”

“I led the snake out of the hole and took the initiative to lead Lan Xiner to show up.” Lin Nan said with a sneer: “The 8 of hearts hypnotized the 10 of spades to create the 101 stabbing case in Longming City, leading me to take the initiative to go to Jianghai City to find the black man. Peach 10.”

“Judging from the situation at the time, if the 10 of spades forced me to hypnotize me, the 8 of hearts would also indirectly control me.

“In the end, when she achieves her goal, the 10 of spades will inevitably be pushed out by her as a scapegoat at some point.”

“If the 10 of spades fails, she can not only test and observe my relevant information and then retreat calmly, but also use my hand to capture the 10 of spades.

“Completely cut the life of the 10 of spades, and solve the dangerous figure of the 10 of spades who had been eyeing Lan Xiner.

023 “In addition to this, there may be members of the poker organization who dug out the 10 of spades faction through our hands and attacked the power of another faction in the same organization.

“Is she calculating so much?” Nengzhuang said dumbfounded: “Really?”

“This 8 of Hearts has too many calculations!”

“It’s hypnosis again, and it’s another case of 101 stabbing people, just to test your situation?”

“This… this ability is both hypnotic and a facelift. Why didn’t she save Lan Xiner directly!”

“I guess!” Lin Nan laughed sarcastically: “She may have actually met Lan Xiner, or learned about Lan Xiner’s situation from other channels.

“It’s not that she can’t be saved, it’s just that she doesn’t want to save now.

“After all, with Lan Xiner’s injuries, it is useless to rescue her in a short period of time. She can’t escape at all.”

“It’s better to let her recuperate in it!”

“What?” Neng Zhuang suddenly stood up and said, “Is the 8 of Hearts really going to save people?”

“No! I’m going to contact Team Zhang and Bureau Zheng immediately and report the matter to them immediately.”

Lin Nan said: “Everything we said just now is just based on speculation and conjecture, without the slightest bit of evidence.”

“Even if it’s a report, it shouldn’t be of much use.”

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