Chapter 120 Report, analysis, face-to-face retrospective memory!

Inside the Criminal Investigation Team of the West Lake Branch.

After Lin Nan and other four people escorted Yao Dali to enter, they were immediately warmly welcomed by the leader of the criminal investigation team, Zhou Lihai, the leader of the criminal investigation team, and other criminal police colleagues.

After meeting.

Yao Dali was immediately taken over by the criminal police of the West Lake Branch and taken to the guard room.

Lin Nan and others started normal communication with colleagues in the West Lake Branch.

“You are Lin Nan? You are indeed a talent, and you deserve to be the father of the square dance aunt network.” Captain Qiu smiled and praised: “I often hear Team Leader Zhou mention you, and seeing you today is really extraordinary- ring.”

“Cough! That’s right! And the little bear, I’ll be more relieved if you come to help.

“This is Li Yanran! I heard that the actual fighting ability is super strong, and she really doesn’t want to be a man.

“The last one is Ms. Song Ruyan! I hope Ms. Song can bring us some new ideas, new ideas and new atmosphere in the investigation of the case.”

As soon as the captain opened his mouth, he complimented everyone over and over again, leaving no one behind, giving everyone an amiable, like a spring breeze.

In just a few minutes, the two parties began to get acquainted.

After the two sides shook hands, chatted, and praised each other, the normal communication session was over.

Captain Qiu restrained his smile and said in a serious and serious voice: “The 101 stabbing case has an extremely bad impact. One happened at the Zhongyang Square Square Dance Celebration, and the other happened in a large supermarket. And it’s a National Day holiday.”

“What’s more, the four suspects in the two cases are all college students from Jianghai University.

“Whether in terms of negative social impact, heat, pressure, or other aspects, this case is a hot potato.”

“It is necessary to draw a conclusion in a short period of time and suppress the negative impact to a minimum.”

It is hoped that “we can work together to find out the truth in the shortest time possible.”

After Lin Nan heard it, he immediately explained all the relevant clues he had obtained when he talked to Yao Dali in the car just now, and put forward his own speculations in a timely manner.

After listening to this speech.

Captain Qiu first fell into contemplation, and then he raised his hand to scratch his thinning hair, and said solemnly:

“Lin Nan, the definition of hypnosis is very broad, this item is not listed and clearly stipulated, and it is difficult to find criminal evidence.

“But if it is really the cause of hypnosis, we need to find a psychotherapist now to help the four of them go through multiple hypnotic interviews in order to trace the memories bit by bit.”

“However, there are no such psychotherapists in Longming City, and we need to ask for foreign aid.”

“It takes a lot of time, and now we’re short of time.

“Captain, I’ve been involved in both psychocriminology and psychology. I think I can try it out.” Lin Nan suddenly suggested. “Let’s see if it works.”

“Using hypnosis to help the four of them recall their memories.”

The voice just fell.

“No! Lin Nan, what you think is really too simple.” A male criminal policeman said solemnly: “Hypnosis is not something that can be tried as long as you have some knowledge of psychology and criminal psychology. ”

“The human brain and subconscious mind are a very subtle and complex existence. Using hypnosis to carry out subconscious suggestion and face-to-face retrospective memory is a very difficult psychological application.”

“It can be used by extraordinary people.”

“Moreover, the improper use of this kind of face-to-face retrospective memory will increase the difficulty of the next face-to-face retrospective memory.”

“It’s more likely to confuse the hypnotized person’s memory or create false memories due to brain protection.

“So, I think we should invite a well-known authoritative expert in psychology to hypnotize the suspect in this case.”

“It’s over! It’s a bit over the top! Lin Nan is just kind.” Captain Qiu said with a haha, a peacemaker, and said with a smile: “Cough! Song Gaoming, the leader of the second criminal investigation team, is good at criminal psychology and the knowledge and application of psychology.”

Lin Nan looked at the other party’s face that was somewhat similar to Sister Mingming, and always felt as if he knew something.

“Group leader Song is very reasonable.” Lin Nan said with a nonchalant smile: “But the situation of these four is a little different.”

“They’re not like the famous Heisenberg affair.”

“According to Yao Dali’s account, their first contact with the psychiatrist should have been in the last few days, not more than a week at most.”

…for flowers…  

“Except for Sun Chaoyue, the other three have only met the psychiatrist once or twice.”

“So, they were actually hypnotized to a very shallow level, only temporarily shielding their memories.

“And because the time distance is relatively close, it is easy to use narrative hypnosis to recall the clues of the memory content at that time.”

Song Gaoming’s eyes brightened as he listened, and he suddenly realized: “Lin Nan is right!

“It was me who fell into a misunderstanding of thinking.”

Forget “the actual situation of the four of them is fundamentally different from other hypnosis cases.”

“I was just abrupt!”

It’s okay”!” Lin Nan smiled and waved his hand, “It’s all a trivial matter.”


“By the way, I don’t know why, but my police officer right looks a bit like Sister Mingming from our branch…”

Before he could finish speaking, he interrupted carelessly if he could be strong: “Resemblance? More than just resemblance? The two of them are brothers and sisters, but one went to the Beining branch and the other went to the West Lake branch!”

“Let me tell you, when you arrive at the West Lake Branch, you just need to be your own home.”

We “have a much deeper connection between the two precincts than you might think.”

“That’s natural. Xiaoxiong was a member of the West Lake Branch, but he went to the Beining Branch.” The captain of the West Lake Branch Criminal Investigation Team said with a smile.

“Hahaha. Listening to what you said, I can sturdy and brightly smiled and said: “I didn’t obey the arrangement of the organization!”

Furthermore, “I said, you can’t blame me for this!”

“I just organize the next brick, where it needs to be moved.”

“You, you! After so many years, sometimes you are still so skinny with me.” Captain Qiu said with a smile: “Okay! Let’s stop chatting, hurry up and start solving the case.”

“Lin Nan, Song Gaoming, you immediately started to trace the memory of those four people.

“Find out if that psychiatrist really exists.

“And what role he played in the whole case.”

Be sure to “find out the truth in a short period of time.

The other “people, assist the two of them in their case detection.

A group of criminal policemen said in unison: “Yes!” Eight,

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