Chapter 119 New clues, psychiatrist!

“Looking at your information, you should be a sophomore student at Jianghai University.” Lin Nan changed the subject and asked other questions. “Then how is your relationship with your roommate?”

“That’s right, I just started my sophomore year after school started in September this year.” Yao Dali said with a bitter face: “Uncle police officer, you also know that I am a college student at Jianghai University. How could I possibly hurt someone with a knife?”

“I’m really unlucky, I became a suspect when I went home for two days during the National Day holiday.

“I’m afraid I’ll be expelled from the school this time.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, focus on the point,” Lin Nan frowned and said with a hint of toughness: “Just say whatever you ask.”

“How’s your relationship with your roommate?”

Relationship “?” Yao Dali said honestly: “The relationship is very good!”

“They’re all from Longming City, they go to the same school, they’re in the same class, and they always play together.”

“It was a good idea, let’s get together during the National Day holiday!”

“It seems that now, I’m afraid there is no chance.”

Lin Nan said something casually, and asked the next question by the way. .

“No chance to get together? Not necessarily!”

“You are usually together, so have you encountered anything unusual at school recently, or what have you done together recently?”

Yao Dali burst into tears, thought about it carefully, and said:

“Abnormal? Nothing abnormal!”

Except “I went to see a psychiatrist with Sun Chaoyue a few days ago. He is in a bad mood recently and is a little depressed.”

Lin Nan’s eyes flashed.


This noun appears.

Combine the previous state of the four.

Instantly reminded him of a noun.


Or call it a strong psychological suggestion.

“A psychiatrist?” Lin Nan continued to ask calmly, “Which psychiatrist is he, do you have his contact information or address?”

Yao Dali shook his head and said, “I don’t have it, and I don’t remember much, but Sun Chaoyue should know that he took us there with him!”

“The contact information and address, he should know clearly.”

Lin Nan: “Then why is Sun Chaoyue depressed? Why did he take you there together?

Yao Dali: “What~ About this, the thing is like this, some time ago, the four of us were playing basketball at a basketball court near Jianghai University, but we met square dance aunts who came to grab the basketball court, and then we had a little trouble. conflict.”

“Then, that group of aunts acted like crazy, they sued the school again, and they made trouble again, causing a lot of controversy on the Internet.

“Finally, the four of us were criticized by the school because of this.

“Probably because of this, it made Sun Chaoyue a little depressed.”

“Actually, it’s not just him, the other three of us are also quite angry.”

“After all, it’s not bad for us. The basketball court is the place to play basketball. Square dancing should go to the square. Those aunties are outrageous and unreasonable at all.”

“And the school is also, in order to reduce the negative impact, no matter what happens, take us as scapegoats.

“Although, the so-called notification and criticism is just pretending and doesn’t delay anything, but no one is happy when this matter is placed on anyone.”

We” the other three were better.

“But Sun Chaoyue’s psychological capacity is relatively low, just because this matter has been made unhappy by those gossips all day long, and he has a tendency to be depressed.”

“So, he went to see a psychiatrist.”

“Later, after watching it a few times, he always said that he thought the psychiatrist was weird, so he took us to accompany him.”


As he spoke, Yao Dali frowned.

The whole person recalled hard, his expression became panicked, and he said incredulously:

“No, it’s not right!”

“I…how did I suddenly realize that I didn’t even remember (bcai) what a psychiatrist looked like?”

“Impossible! It’s only been a few days, how come I can’t remember the slightest impression?”

“With my memory, it’s impossible for this to happen.”

“Uncle Police, am I being hypnotized by that psychiatrist?”

“That’s why the next thing happens.”

“Don’t think too much, it’s not sure if you are hypnotized or not.” Lin Nan said without leaking: “We will arrange for a special psychological expert to check and test you.

“You don’t even think about escaping the justice of the law with such rhetoric.

“When the police handle a case, everything is based on evidence.

Our “principle has always been to never wrong a good person, and never let a bad person go.”

“Here’s my last question to you in the car.

“Have you had a conflict with someone in the supermarket recently?”

After Lin Nan said this, Yao Dali gradually stabilized his mood and said, “It’s possible! Before I came back, I had a fight with the cashier in a small supermarket near the school about the payment.”

“After I finished shopping and paid, when I passed by the instrument, it suddenly rang, and then they said I stole something.”

“I said I paid and asked them to check the surveillance. They said that the surveillance was broken and could not be viewed for the time being.”

“Have to make me triple pay for something like that or call the police.

“Because of what happened to the square dance aunt before, I was punished by the school, and I didn’t dare to make a big deal. I could only pay three times and leave.”

“This is the only thing that has happened recently with supermarkets.

“The others are gone.

“Okay! I get it!” Lin Nan nodded solemnly and said, “We will check on what you said.”

“You take a rest first!”

“You can meet three acquaintances in a while, and you can get together.”

Yao Dali is full of question marks:???”

At this moment.

Lin Nan kept thinking about the information just obtained.

As for the authenticity of these information, Lin Nan is 90% sure that it is true.

After all, he possesses both expert-level micro-expression analysis and expert-level criminal psychology.

Yao Dali was just a college student who had just entered his second year of sophomore year. He couldn’t hide his true thoughts in front of Lin Nan.

Lin Nan can tell at a glance whether what he said is true or false.

Just those words.

Lin Nan’s current judgment is true!

All are true!

There is not a shred of hiding.

Every sentence is true.


Lin Nan knows.

This case.

Big trouble.

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