Chapter 116 Watching the surveillance at 64 times the speed, shocked to the point of numbness!

“Now we can start playing videos, I’ll take care of him.” Lin Nan said seriously.

Seeing this, Lin Youwei directly clicked to play the surveillance video.

“The video playback speed is too slow!” Lin Nan frowned slightly while watching the video intently: “Double the video playback speed for me!”

2x speed.

“Double again!

4x speed.

“Keep doubling down!

8 times faster.

After ten seconds passed.

The figure of the criminal suspect Yao Dali disappeared in one direction in the video.

“The figure in the lower left corner is Yao Dali, and all the surveillance videos in the direction he walked will be called up.” Lin Nan said: “Starting from this point in time, it will be played.”

While operating, Lin Youwei said: “Okay, no problem, there are a total of 4 surveillance cameras in this direction, and now I will call up the first surveillance video to play.”

Lin Nan thought about it for a while, and said decisively: “This time, I doubled the speed without the hassle, and directly increased it to 64 times the speed.”

“Furthermore, there is no need to play one surveillance video and one surveillance video, and directly divide the projection into four parts, one surveillance video is displayed, and the four surveillance videos are played at the same time.

“It’s faster this way.”

“What? 64 times?” Lin Youwei exclaimed in surprise, “Xiao Lin, are you kidding me!”

“It’s impossible to see clearly at 64x speed.

“And it is necessary to split the screen and watch 4 surveillance videos at the same time, which is not realistic at all.”

“If you increase the speed to 64 times, you will increase it to 64 times.” Xiong Zhuangshi said proudly: “If you let you play 4 surveillance videos at the same time, you can play them at the same time, why is there so much nonsense?”

“I’ve already said that, the ability to watch videos is Kobayashi’s unique skill.”

“When investigating the disappearance case on 903 Pedestrian Street, Kobayashi relied on 64x speed video playback to watch more than 400 hours of surveillance video content in a short period of time to find clues.”

Hurry”! Don’t waste your time.

Lin Youwei didn’t seem to be joking when he saw that he could be strong, he divided the projection into four parts, and adjusted the video speed to 64 times.

this moment.

On the projected four surveillance videos, countless figures flashed by.

Brush brush!

4 screen contents, fast forward at 64 times the speed.

The 4 surveillance video images with completely different content, but equally dazzling, made the police officers who were trying to see the content dizzy.

However, Li Yanran was already prepared, and she didn’t even glance at the projection at all.

After all, it wasn’t the first time she encountered this.

The last time she was investigating the disappearance case on 903 Pedestrian Street, she already knew what it was like to watch a 64-speed video.

This time, she didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes, another afternoon.

What’s more, the video I watched last time was just one video, but this time, 4 different surveillance videos were played at the same time.

Unless she’s crazy.


She wouldn’t even look at her when she died.

And Song Ruyan tried to watch 4 surveillance videos at 64x speed with completely different content.

But after watching it for more than 20 seconds, she couldn’t hold it any longer.

Because, watching 64 times fast-forward surveillance video to find traces, in a short period of time, there are too many things to remember and observe.

What’s more, 4 surveillance videos are played at the same time.

She couldn’t stand the shock of such a large amount of information.

About 60 seconds passed.

Lin Nan suddenly said, “Stop!”

The pause key was pressed in response.


There are many people in the 4 surveillance videos.

But there is only no criminal suspect Dali Yao.

“The surveillance video in the upper left corner is reversed for seven seconds.” Lin Nan said softly, “Zoom in on the figure in the upper right corner.”

Lin Youwei immediately followed the instructions.

A miracle happened.

Rewind the video in the upper left corner for seven seconds, and zoom in on the figure in the upper right corner.

The figure of the criminal suspect Yao Dali.


see this scene.

Lin Youwei, who was playing the video, was completely dumbfounded.

A group of criminal police officers looked at Lin Nan with the same eyes as looking at a fairy.

Nengzhuang said proudly: “Did you see it?”

“Have you seen it all?”

“You can say whether it’s awesome or not!”

“You can say that my old bear’s trick is not very powerful!”

All the criminal police officers looked at this shameless big bear with disgust.

This is all due to Lin Nan, and it has something to do with your trick!


This is not the end, but a beginning.

In the following time, Lin Nan repeated the previous operation.

Find the last escape direction of the criminal suspect Yao Dali in the surveillance video, and call up the surveillance video on the relevant streets nearby.

Split Screen!

64 times faster!

Watch at the same time!

20 seconds later.

Lin Nan: “Stop!”

Find the suspect Dali Yao again.

Continue to adjust the video.

Keep following.

30 seconds later.

Once again, wait for Lin Nan to shout “Stop!


This shocking operation happened several times in a row.

5 minutes later.

The expressions of the police officers also changed from shock at the beginning to numbness and sluggishness in the end.

“Stop! The video in the lower left corner, rewind 4 minutes and 13 seconds, and zoom in on the upper left corner.”

Lin Youwei followed the instructions in a trance and finished the operation.

This time.

in the video in the lower left corner.

The suspect Yao Dali did not appear.

“Xiao Lin, are you a little tired?” Nengzhuang said with a smile: “Let’s take a rest first! Otherwise, mistakes will easily be made.”

“What went wrong?” Lin Nan gave Nengzhuang a strange look, pointed at the projection screen and said, “Brother Xiong, what nonsense are you talking about?

“Isn’t it Yao Dali in the video?”

See “Have that hand?”

“That’s Yao Dali’s hand.”

“We have found the location where the criminal suspect Yao Dali is hiding.”

I can look at the video with a stunned face.

But no matter how you look at it, you can’t tell the existence of Yao Dali from the black shadow mosaic.

At this moment.

Xiong Zhuangshi seriously suspected that Lin Nan was teasing himself, but unfortunately he had no evidence, so he could only glance at Lin Nan with suspicious eyes.

Feeling the question of being strong, Lin Nan pointed at the video helplessly and said, “Have you not seen it yet?”

“The blurry black thing was taken at the moment when a manhole cover was turned up, and the blurry white thing next to it was Yao Dali’s hand.”

“In simpler terms, Yao Dali fled to this street and passed this manhole cover.

“The moment I stepped on the manhole cover, the manhole cover rolled over and turned over in an instant.

“And Yao Dali just happened to fall directly into the sewer.”

“I just saw the time of this video, I have been watching the current time, and I have not seen him ever come out.”

“So, I guess he should still be trapped in that sewer at this moment, everyone can go and arrest him.

“Of course, if the video is played backwards for another two seconds, the content of the surveillance video is the moment when Yao Zheng stepped on the manhole cover.”

When Lin Youwei heard this, he adjusted his actions like a reflex.

Play backwards for two seconds.

Re-enlarge this position.

Monitor the content on the video.

It’s exactly the same as what Lin Nan said.

The suspect, Yao Dali, was stepping on the manhole cover.

From the subtleties, it can be vaguely seen that there is a sign that the side of the manhole cover is about to flip.

this moment.

Even the criminal policemen who had been shocked to the point of numbness in the previous 5 minutes could not help but widen their eyes again in shock.

ah this

Is this really human?

At this time, Lin Nan took out his mobile phone and checked the time.

very good!

It took 5 minutes to watch the video.

It took 3 minutes to explain to everyone.

Captain Zhang Hai hasn’t finished the phone call yet.

He will be very happy when he comes back!

This time, the promise he made to his daughter-in-law should still be fulfilled.

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