Chapter 115 Track down the escape suspect, a strong trick!

When Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi arrived at the branch office, they found that the other detectives were already in place, and they were the last two to arrive.

Of course.

This is also perfectly reasonable.

after all.

The others should not have gone out of the activity range of Beining District, but the two of them came from Xihu District.

The distance between the two districts is still very large.

Naturally, it will come later than others.

When the criminal investigation team captain Zhang Hai saw that everyone had arrived, he directly called everyone into the conference room for a case meeting.

“Today there was a vicious wounding incident in Beining District.” Captain Zhang Hai said with a low face: “In this case, the identity of the criminal suspect has been determined, but he has absconded. We must find the trace of the suspect in the shortest possible time. Arrest him.”

“Lin Youwei, Han Lin, the two of you will show you the criminal suspect’s information, and then distribute the surveillance video related to the criminal suspect’s escape route for everyone to see.

“I’ll go make a call first.”

After speaking, Captain Zhang Hai walked out.

When the door closed, the low-pressure atmosphere in the entire conference room dissipated a lot in an instant.

“Old Li, what’s the situation?” Nengzhuang and gossip asked, “Why is Team Zhang in such a bad mood?”

“What else could have happened? It’s probably because he let his daughter dove, and she was roaring wildly by her!” Li Ming, the leader of the criminal investigation team, replied: “Who made Lao Zhang a daughter slave and was killed by the daughter. of.”

“However, it’s no wonder that yesterday, I finally tried my best to successfully close the two cases of the 928 Abandoned Factory Incineration Case and the 929 Patent Extortion Case.”

“I thought I could have a peaceful National Day holiday.

“But I didn’t expect that just 12 hours later, a case of maliciously wounding people in broad daylight immediately occurred in the jurisdiction.”

“No one is in a good mood.

“Malicious wounding case?” Neng Zhuang scratched his head and said suspiciously. “Viciously hurting people in broad daylight? Why does this kind of case happen in our Bac Ninh district? It’s strange.

Not only is it strange to be strong, Lin Nan also feels strange.

Cases like malicious wounding in broad daylight.

Generally speaking, it only happens once a year or a few years.

This is normal.

And now, in just one day, such a rare case has occurred in two different districts, and anyone would be surprised.

At this time.

“Okay, stop talking!” Lin Youwei leaned over and said, “Hurry up and watch the surveillance video!”

“It may be related to the suspect’s escape route. There are dozens of surveillance cameras involved. Now we have to look at the surveillance video separately to find the suspect’s trace and escape route.

“God knows when someone will be found.


“This National Day holiday is going to be ruined again. For the remaining days, there is no need to rotate or not. Let’s form a group to watch the monitoring together!”

“Looking at the surveillance video to find someone?” Xiong Zhuangshi said confidently: “Just this little thing?”

“Look at my trick, and immediately find out the suspect’s trace and escape route.”

Liu Ming touched Xiong Zhuang’s forehead with his hand, and said jokingly, “Old Xiong, your forehead isn’t hot, you don’t have a fever!”

“Why are you talking nonsense?”

“And immediately find out the suspect’s trace and escape route, you seem to be teasing me.”

“For so many years, why haven’t I heard that you have such a trick?


Able to stretch out his hand and slap away Liu Ming’s clapping hands on his forehead, he said angrily, “Humph!”

“My trick is a unique trick, wait and see my trick.”

“Lin Youwei, turn on the screen in the conference room, follow the signs, start from the surveillance video that the criminal suspect is involved in, and start the video from the very beginning.”

Lin Youwei responded to the sound, and while playing a video of the suspect running away after hurting others, he said, “This man who escaped is the criminal suspect Yao Dali.”

“Okay! Pause the video first.” Xiong Zhuangshi raised his hand and said loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, the video paused instantly.

The picture just stopped on the somewhat immature face of the criminal suspect Yao Dali.

at this time.

All the criminal policemen turned their attention to Neng Zhuang, wanting to see what his unique trick was.

I see.

Able to take a deep breath, between three steps and two steps, he stepped to Lin Nan’s side, and said with a serious and solemn expression: “It’s over to you! Xiao Lin! Get him!

The policemen were full of question marks: “???”

Shit this…

Is that your trick?

The first step is to play the video.

The second step, to Xiaolin?

That’s it, I can do it.

at the same time.

…for flowers…………

Lin Nan also looked at the big stupid bear in front of him with black lines all over his head.

I didn’t have a share when I was just pretending to be forced, and when I finally did the hard work, you thought of me?

Seeing that Lin Nan didn’t respond, Xiong Zhuangshi put on a smile, dancing and gesturing, while Juan said: “Quick, quick! Xiaolin, give them some insight, with your super video-watching ability, the silhouettes fly by. that.”

“Give them a long experience.

“Brother Xiong, you are really a qualified team leader.” Lin Nan rolled his eyes at him and said angrily, “You really know my abilities very well.”

“Never forget me.

“Thank you so much.”

“Of course, one world, two brothers.” Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and smiled: “We are destined to be the twins of justice.


“This is what I should do, don’t thank me.”

Lin Nan was powerless to complain.

Sometimes, he really doubts that he can strengthen this scumbag.

Really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

However, now that things are in front of you.

Lin Nan is not ready to continue to shirk.

Lin Nan also heard about Captain Zhang Hai’s situation just now.

Sometimes, the criminal investigation work is like this. When you are busy, you have no time to play, you have to work overtime from time to time, and your mobile phone is always on call 24 hours a day.

Give up the small family, and take care of everyone, but that’s it.

Just like Lin Nan, when he was a child, he wanted to hang out with his parents the most, and sometimes he didn’t understand why they always liked to put pigeons and couldn’t do what they promised.

But when Lin Nan himself embarked on the road of the police, he naturally understood them.

At this moment.

face this scene.

Lin Nan has a feeling of deja vu.

Captain Zhang Hai was in an embarrassing situation at this time, just like what his parents had encountered back then.

Promise the promise of the child, but because of the sudden case, it cannot be realized.

In those days, my parents have probably encountered this embarrassing situation many times!

As a result, he has been released numerous times as pigeons.

As for now…

Lin Nan smiled and took two steps forward, adjusted a suitable distance to watch the video on the big screen, and said confidently:

“I’ll get him!

All police officers:???”

This Xiaolin, why does it feel like he suddenly burst into flames? Eight,

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