Chapter 103 The reason for the corpse burning case, the anger from honest people!

“Conflict of interests?” Captain Zhang Hai was even more puzzled. “Never know each other but have a conflict of interests?”

“Xiao Lin, the more you talk now, the more confused I will be, please explain in detail!”

“Team Zhang, you should know about patent law!” Lin Nan cleared his throat and began to speak.

“The patent law was established to protect patent applicants. As long as someone is involved in using someone else’s patent to seek benefits, the patent law will protect the interests of the patentee.”

“Decades ago, the Taihe Shoe Factory closed down because it couldn’t pay wages, and many workers aged 40-50 were laid off. Given their age and circumstances, they couldn’t find a job at all.

“And the skill they’re most familiar with is making shoes.”

“Therefore, some people choose to make a living by making old-fashioned canvas shoes by hand, which is exactly the name of Taihe shoes.

“At that time, the patent law was not popular, and Taihe Shoe Factory never applied for any patents.

“Originally, with the closure of the shoe factory, this kind of thing naturally became a thing of the past, and everything went away.”

“However, someone has set their sights on this.”

“That person is the deceased Jiang Song.

“Jiang Song, the deceased, took advantage of the poor information and successfully applied for all kinds of patents related to the products of Taihe Shoe Factory a few years ago, including the trademark of Taihe.”

“Then use these patents to extort those laid-off workers from the shoe factory, because they used to manufacture and sell shoes in the name of Taihe Shoes. Legally speaking, this is a violation of the rights of the patent person, and it is an illegal profit-making act. ”


“I just asked someone to check. In recent years, Jiang Song has used the patent in his hand to send lawyer letters to small traders who used to sell Taihe shoes 137 times.”

“Without a formal subpoena, I don’t know how many people choose to carry out extortion threats in private.”

“So, our direction of solving the case should try here.

“How come I didn’t think of this direction.” “Captain Zhang Hai’s eyes lit up and said excitedly: “Xiao Lin, the direction you are talking about in solving the case is very meritorious. ”

“Related interests, this is the motive for murder!”

“However, even so, the number of people is quite large, and it takes a long time to screen!”

“Combining all the previous clues.” Lin Nan shrugged and said: “I think the group of criminal suspects may have the following characteristics.

“Between the age of 60 and 70, they used to be workers in the Taihe shoe factory. They may know each other. They usually have no other source of livelihood besides making shoes. suffering from disease.”

“It is very likely that he has received a lawyer’s letter or been extorted by Jiang Song more than once.”

“According to this condition, filter it.”

“It should be enough to find one member of this suspect team, and as long as one is found, it will naturally be easy to dig out the others.”

After these remarks, there was thunderous applause in the conference room.

“Okay! It’s justified and convincing!” Captain Zhang Hai said with a smile: “Lin Youwei and Han Lin, according to the conditions just mentioned by Xiaolin, immediately screen the information.

In less than a moment.

Lin Youwei said quickly: “Team Zhang, those who meet the requirements have been screened out!”

“There are five people in total, three men and two women, two of whom happened to have a medical record and met all the conditions.”

“Okay! Then go and invite all these old people back to assist in the investigation!” Captain Zhang Hai nodded and said, “Note that these suspects are somewhat special. When enforcing the law, you must pay attention to their influence and measure.”

The policemen said in unison, “Yes!”

Captain Zhang Hai immediately began to group according to the information.

“The first one, Tang Aimin, is in Room 102, Unit 1, Building 3, Yuanhu Community, Beihu District. Li Ming and Li Weiwei, the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Team, are in charge.

“Second place, Liu Jinjin, Room 202, Unit 4, Building 13, Linsen Community, Beihu District, is in charge of the criminal investigation team Liu Feng and Lin Youwei.”

“The third place. Song Mingming and Zheng Hu, leaders of the second criminal investigation team, are in charge.

“The fourth place is the responsibility of the two brothers Han Lin and Han Sen of the second criminal investigation team.”

“And the last one! It’s up to me and Xiong Zhuangshi to be in charge.

“The remaining four girls, Li Yanran, Song Ruyan, Tan Xiaotong, and Tan Xiaoxiao, are responsible for staying in the office.”

“As for Lin Nan! You are so tired, you can go back and rest first, we are enough for the rest.

“Team Zhang, don’t bother!” Lin Nan waved his hand and said, “I just took a break, I’m already better, I’ll stay in the office for the time being!”

“Okay!” Captain Zhang Hai said helplessly: “Then you should stay in the office too!”

At this time.

Li Yanran raised her hand and said energetically: “Team Zhang, I’m not tired, I also want to participate in the action.

“No need, there are enough people!” Captain Zhang Hai immediately rejected Li Yanran as soon as he heard that it was Li Yanran.


A big wave.

“Set off!”

The voice just fell.

The criminal policemen who have been assigned tasks, then filed out one after another, and began to act resolutely.

when they leave.

“Send!” Li Yanran asked with a gloomy expression, “Why do you want me to stay in the office!”

“I’m clearly not tired at all!

Lin Nan poured hot water into the thermos cup leisurely, and said lightly: “Maybe Zhang team is afraid that you are not serious or serious, and then he will cause a big disaster.”

“After all, even if you are strong, you can’t stand it, let alone those suspects who are about to catch up with your grandfather?”

Li Yanran is full of question marks:???”

“I have a question I want to ask. It’s about what you just said about the patent law prosecution.” Song Ruyan asked hesitantly, “What will happen if those small businesses and hawkers are sued in court?”

(The Zhao Lin Nan looked indifferent, and said in a faint tone: “Normally speaking, when a vicious patent application like him is tried in the court, he will generally deal with it, and it will basically not favor him, but will favor him. Small business hawker.!”

“So the odds of him winning the case are slim.

“But in fact, many small businesses and hawkers don’t understand the situation at all, thinking that if they are issued a lawyer’s letter, they have really violated the law and will be sentenced.”

“So, they generally choose to settle things down and spend money to avoid disasters.


“Precisely because of this, it gave some people with bad intentions an opportunity to take advantage.

“People like Jiang Song walk in the gray area of ​​the law, bullying the weak.”

“Now, it’s just a backlash.”

“A docile rabbit can also avoid eagles in anger”!


“The anger of honest people is the most terrifying.” Seven

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