Chapter 102 A new direction for solving the case, another possibility!

on the way back.

Neng Zhuangshi, Li Yanran, and Song Ruyan discussed Jiang Song’s past that they had just heard at the deceased Jiang Song’s house.

Lin Nan, on the other hand, sat in the co-pilot, silent and lost in thought.

Seeing this, I thought Lin Nan was still struggling, should I tell Jiang Song’s grandparents Jiang Song’s death?


“Xiao Lin, don’t worry about it!” Neng Zhuangshi pretended to be someone from the past and persuaded: “The old man is getting older, we can scare one day at a time!”

“As for telling them about Jiang Song’s death, leave it to Lao Zhang to deal with the headache!

“As a criminal investigator, it’s not uncommon for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person away.”

“You have to learn to get used to it.”

“No! I’m not struggling with this.” Lin Nan slowly shook his head and denied, “I’m thinking about another issue.

“It’s about Jiang Song’s patent certificates.

“Those patents are related to the word Taihe.”

“But I have never heard of the word Taihe, nor of this company.”

“Taihe? Taihe Company?” Brother Xiong frowned and recalled 12: “Why is it so familiar?”

“Hey! I remembered!”

“The abandoned factory at the crime scene was originally called Taihe Shoe Factory.”

“However, Taihe’s patent is useless!

“The Taihe shoe factory has closed down.”

“Can you still ask those small businessmen and hawkers for money?”

This sentence.

Like a bolt of lightning, it split Lin Nan’s thoughts in an instant.

Pieces of information began to slowly connect together.

The abandoned factory is called Taihe Shoe Factory.

Jiang Song owns all the patents of Taihe shoes, even the trademark of Taihe.

As long as someone uses Jiang Song’s patent, he must pay him a steady stream of money.

Jiang Song once said that he wanted to make a lot of money.

Lin Nan had a faint guess in his heart.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Aunt Bai, who worked in the Patent Office, and Aunt Li, who worked in the court.

“Brother Xiong, now back at the precinct, I have thought of a new direction for solving the case.

“What direction to solve the case?”

“There is not enough line now, I can’t be sure, I will tell you later.”


Bac Ninh Branch, Criminal Investigation Team, conference room.

“How is the situation now?” Captain Zhang Hai said, “Has the shortlist of criminal suspects been listed?

Lin Youwei, who was in charge of information, and Han Lin looked at each other, and helplessly took out a list and put it on the conference table.

Zhang Hai was a little puzzled and picked up the list to take a look.

good guy!

The list is densely populated with names, and at a glance, I am afraid there are hundreds of names.

And this list is not just one, but five.

“Team Zhang, Jiang Song’s interpersonal network is not that complicated.” Lin Youwei explained helplessly: “There are hundreds of candidates who have had conflicts with him just by finding out on the surface. Piece.”

“But if you add the age limit, there will be no more left on this list.”

We “have no choice but to type out this list and let you decide the next move.”

Captain Zhang Hai looked at the list in his hand and fell into silence.

Is it wrong to judge the footprints of the traces at the scene?

Was it deliberately misled by the criminal suspect?

If no on-site trace judgment conditions are attached.

There are hundreds of names, when did this investigation go?

However, if there are additional on-site trace judgment conditions.

But all were ruled out.

Now, how should this be checked?

Captain Zhang Hai, who had some headaches, simply put the list in his hand aside and did not deal with it for the time being.

Instead, he asked the third group of criminal investigations with a glimmer of hope:

“If you can be strong, the three groups will investigate the situation of Jiang Song’s house. Have you found anything?”

Xiong Zhuangshi calmly described the three groups of exploration.

About Jiang Song’s grandparents and Jiang Song in their mouths.

After saying this.

Nengzhuang came again.

“Cough! That’s right! Kobayashi once said that he found a new direction for solving the case, but now there are not enough clues to be sure.”

As soon as the words fell, Captain Zhang Hai said with a smile:

“Xiao Lin, what are you hiding here!”

“If there is any new direction for solving the case, let’s talk about it and let everyone hear it together.”

“Xiao Lin?”

“Xiao Lin???

“Ah! Here!” Lin Nan hurriedly stood up from the back of the conference room and replied loudly, like waking up from a dream.

It turned out that during the meeting just now, Lin Nan thought about it and fell asleep accidentally.

As for this matter, Captain Zhang Hai was not angry, but said with hatred: “I want you to rest, if you don’t rest, you can’t do it now!”

“The body is the capital of the revolution, and anyone can operate without criminal investigation.”

“Okay! Hurry up and tell me the direction of the clues you found, and then go back and take a good rest, seeing that you are so sleepy that you can hardly open your eyes.

The same is true for other “people. If anyone feels too sleepy and tired, he should go back and have a good rest and refresh himself before continuing to work.

“Driving is all about not driving fatigued!”

“The most important thing for criminal investigation to solve a case is to have a clear mind.”

“007 I’m sorry, maybe it’s because the biological clock is a little messy, and I’m a little uncomfortable with changing work and rest.” Lin Nan rubbed his eyes and said apologetically.

“Stop talking nonsense!” Captain Zhang Hai waved his hand impatiently and said, “Hurry up and tell us about your findings and the new direction for solving the case.

“Then just leave the rest to us. Get the hell out of there and go back and have a good rest.”

Lin Nan took out his mobile phone and saw that the two aunties had already replied to his messages.

The content of the information just confirmed his guess.

“Team Zhang, I have just received some information.” Lin Nan said confidently: “It just confirmed my previous guess.

“According to my guess, there may be some small deviations in our previous direction of solving the case.

“The suspect is not necessarily very familiar with the deceased Jiang Song.

“Possibly strangers.”

“Don’t know each other?” Captain Zhang Hai said suspiciously, “It’s unlikely!”

“Since we didn’t know each other, why did Jiang Song die?

“Moreover, it is still an extremely cruel method of burning alive.”

“Although I don’t know each other, there may be conflicts of interest.” Lin Nan said softly: “As for why the method of burning to death is used, it may also be because this method is the most labor-saving, or some other reason.”

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