Jia You looked at her cute child and was happily teasing, her child was already two years old, and it was the age of naughty at this time.

Looking at his lovely son, Jia You felt more comfortable than anything else.

She threw a ball out, and the child scrambled over and picked it up, giggling, showing its small, white teeth.

"Mom, Qiuqiu.

Jia You took the ball and continued to throw it.

This was her happiness, and she even gave up her career in order to be able to take care of her children herself. The babysitter she hired is only responsible for helping with the children when she has something to do. Other times, she was with her.

After having a child, she can leave all her career and husband behind.

Just then, her phone rang. Jia You glanced at the number, and his eyes became solemn.

She waved her hand, and the nanny immediately came over to take her place and play with the child.

Say. In

a simple word, her aura was completely different from when she was playing with the child just now.

Just now she was an amiable mother, but now she is more like a wolf fighting people in the mall.

Listening to the report over there, she nodded, then clicked on the Weibo, and after seeing the hot search above, her eyes became more ruthless than just now.

"Okay, good, I'll give you the trust to take over my place, and that's how you treat me.

She dialed the phone again: "Do what I said before, and take back all power." Answering

over there, Jia You's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the video above.

The scenes made her feel sick.

She came to the mirror and looked at herself. Dressed in loungewear, the body is slightly fat, but the temperament is still there.

Her hair was coiled up, and her face was not covered with any makeup, like a housewife.

It's just that she is better than a housewife, because she has a wealthy family, and she doesn't need to take care of the rest of the things except for accompanying the children.

The skin on his face is well maintained, and it is completely impossible to tell that it is a person in his thirties who has given birth to a child. As long as you soften your eyes, you will be like a college student in your twenties, youthful and beautiful.

Jia You touched his face: "I don't know how to cherish such a good-looking wife, go play with a brother."

"Gao Zhengchu, your vision is really not good. Since this doesn't work, then don't use your eyes and dig it.

After speaking, Jia You smiled lightly, and she looked like a demon in the mirror.

In the afternoon of the same day, Gao Zhengchu received a call from above: "You don't need to be the producer of this drama, you can pack up your things and leave."

Gao Zhengchu's eyes widened suddenly: "What? I don't need to be the producer, so who do I want?" "

Who do I use as the producer, and I still need your guidance? If you get out, you will get out, and you won't have to do things with me anymore."

After saying that, the other party immediately hung up the phone.

Gao Zhengchu's face suddenly became gloomy.

He is a director, a role equal to that of investors, why did he come to remove his position? Is he really the same as before, just a small producer?

After marrying Jia You, he did rely on Jia You's resources to become a producer that he wanted to be before. Because when a producer can choose his favorite role, he can live the addiction of casting and watching other people's dramas.

Xu Dingzhan was favored by him in this situation.

It was six years ago, not long after he and Jia You got married, Gao Zhengchu found out that Jia You was a person who said the same.

He is not as rich as Jia You, he is not as capable as her, although they are husband and wife, Gao Zhengchu feels that he is more like a subordinate of Jia You, he is called and drunk, and he doesn't dare to talk back.

And these actors have to beg him one by one to let him choose himself. Xu Dingzhan also appeared in front of him at this time.

At that time, Xu Dingzhan had just debuted, but there was a sense of arrogance in his eyes. This is a look he has not seen among some rookie actors.

At that time, he had a strong interest in this girl.

He likes to conquer those who have tsundere eyes, and find in them the pleasure that he can't conquer Jia You.

Xu Dingzha's temper is very arrogant and self-centered. But after seeing Gao Zhengchu's financial resources and identity, he surrendered to him.

After that, things were logical, and Gao Zhengchu justifiably raised her on the grounds of praising Xu Dingzha.

Xu Dingzhan can become a third-tier star, most of the reason is because he is behind him to help the flames and smash resources.

It's a pity that Xu Dingzha's own conditions are not enough, otherwise he shouldn't be in the third-tier position now.

After Jia You became pregnant, he slowly handed over his power to Gao Zhengchu, and Gao Zhengchu and Xu Dingzhan slowly became wise.

Until now, he has squeezed out other actors in a grand manner and praised Xu Dingzha. He took Xu Dingzhan to show his affection openly in the crew, and the two lived in the same hotel and room, and they did not avoid people.

He has power, he has the ability, and if he has any news, he can just spend some money and suppress it.

In the near future, not only will he be able to conquer Xu Dingzhan, but even Jia You will have to beg him under him.

Who would have known that all this would be broken by a small paparazzi's revelations.

Gao Zhengchu is preparing to use his power to suppress investors. Unexpectedly, the news he got was that it was sent by the Yan family himself.

The Yan family, the largest investor, only invests, regardless of anything else.

Why did he stretch out his hand to himself at this time, and made a special statement, not only to remove his identity as the producer of this play, but also to make him disappear permanently in this industry.

If his boss can still rely on Jia You's authority to suppress it, then the Yan family is like a big tree that he will never be able to touch. Even if it was close in front of him, he was not qualified to touch it.

Gao Zhengchu's face was a little pale, and he tried to think about where he had offended the Yan family, but he couldn't think of it, it was another round of hair, and he was about to bald.

Not long after, Xu Dingzhan received a call from the crew.

"You don't use it, your character is already there.

Xu Dingzhan was shocked: "What? You want to open me? Who gave you the power

?" "It was personally designated by the investor, do you want to disagree and go to the investor?"

Xu Dingzhan was also really brave, she yelled: "Okay, you tell me, which investor said it? I'll go and confront them." "

With Gao Zhengchu in the background, who was she afraid of?"

But when she heard the name reported on the other side, Xu Dingzhan was silent.

She cried and hugged Gao Zhengchu: "The Yan family said they were going to fire me! What did I do wrong?"

But soon, she stopped crying, she was actually noticed by the Yan family, does that mean that there will be a better role for her? She is going to hug thicker thighs?

At the same time, Bai Luo received a notice to join the group, asking her to immediately pack up and take makeup photos, which will be used at the opening ceremony tomorrow.

Bai Luo was shocked: "So fast?".

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