Gao Zhengchu woke up and found that he was on fire, and he was also on the hot search. His face was gloomy and very gloomy.

went to make people suppress the hot search as soon as possible, but the result was that they couldn't be suppressed at all, because everything else could be deleted, but the source of the revelation could not be deleted.

Such a deletion has made the source more and more popular. Not only was the hot search not suppressed, but after an operation, it rose by two places.

Gao Zhengchu's face darkened.

He was not afraid of the rest, he was afraid that his wife would see the news.

Don't look at him showing affection with Xu Dingzhan in the crew in such a high-profile manner now, it was all because he was hiding it from his wife.

Just a little bit closer, he will be able to take full control of all his wife's things. If something goes wrong at this point, it will be more than worth the loss.

Xu Dingzhan didn't care, but hugged Gao Zhengchu even more. She is going to shoot today, even if it breaks out at this time, what can she do?

At most, her private life is not very proper, and with Gao Zhengchu, the producer, she can still join the group to shoot.

Those who scolded her in the comment area and ate her melons. Just let them scold, their scolding can be worth a few dollars.

She has fans and will help her get back. And the more they scold, the more popular the show becomes, and the higher her popularity. After filming this drama, let them take a look at their plastic surgery-like acting skills, and this drama can still be popular.

No matter how she counts it, she doesn't lose money, so she thinks it's a hype for this drama.

"What, are you afraid that the yellow-faced woman in your family will see it?" Xu Dingzhan gently hooked Gao Zhengchu's chin with his hand, forcing him to turn his head to look at him.

"Wouldn't it be better for her to see it, and I'm going to divorce her anyway. It's good for her to know first and get ready. "

Anyway, the winner in the end is her. It would be a great honor for these people to see her crazy side.

As long as Gao Zhengchu divorces the other party, she will be able to justifiably ascend to the throne, and then see who dares to say that she is a junior.

In love, only those who are not loved will be called Xiaosan.

She's the favored one.

Gao Zhengchu hugged her and sighed: "Tell me, you bear with it a little longer, I only have one last step left." As long as the last step is taken care of, all she has will be mine. You can do whatever you want.

"But right now, I can't let her know.

Xu Dingzhan snorted: "I know this account, it's like a virus, as long as the material that breaks out can't be deleted, since he can break our information, he won't let you delete it." You still have to think about it, how to speed up the pace and divorce her. "

She can't wait to get on the spot.

After Gao Zhengchu went through it, he really understood that the information that broke the account "Popping Melon" could not be deleted. Not only that, but I could only watch the account increase by dozens of followers.

Seeing that the pressure could not be forced, he asked the official to check the information of the account. The result got an official second back.

"Account information is confidential.

Gao Zhengchu's face was pale, when was the special thing, and it was still a secret. Did he think he didn't give enough money?

Before the sentence was sent, I received another official message, which was a recorded video.

No matter how they deal with it, there is no way to see each other's messages.

At this time, Gao Zhengchu finally realized the true meaning of the so-called secrecy.

The official also sent a message: "Give up, even we can't crack it, no one can crack it."

Gao Zhengchu was unwilling, thinking that his wife had rarely paid attention to the news on the Internet since she brought the baby, especially these entertainment gossips, and if she didn't deal with it, it would be bad if she really found out.

He can't leave anything to chance.

Since there is no way to dispose of this account, then contact the owner of this account, smash him with money, and smash it like crazy.

For him, millions are trivial, and he can earn it back without him.

But when his wife found out, I'm afraid that the money will be gone.

He began to contact the "Pop Melon La" account, sending a message every half a minute, but the other party never replied, even though his price was getting higher and higher, and even opened to 10 million. There wasn't even a splash over there.

"Damn! Isn't it just for the money? Why don't you give you money!" Gao

Zhengchu began to get angry and threw his phone on the ground.

Fortunately, the floor of this five-star hotel is covered with carpets, otherwise his mobile phone would have been scrapped.

Xu Dingzhan still didn't think so, and lay down again, anyway, you don't have to join the crew today, and tomorrow will be the official start-up ceremony.

She was ready to catch up on her sleep, she had indulged herself a little too much last night. In my mind, I thought that if I could shoot the scene of the battle between myself and Gao Zhengchu, I am afraid that it was not the camera installed in the hotel.

When she sleeps, she will go to the hotel to settle the bill.

The shooting has already been filmed and put on the Internet, what can she do, it is better to lie flat, everything is solved by Gao Zhengchu.

Gao Zhengchu was so angry that he couldn't sleep, got up and smoked a cigarette, and after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't figure out who took the picture.

So, he called the person in charge of the hotel, and the person in charge said that the hotel would never do this kind of thing, and also used special equipment to do an inspection, and did not find any candid shooting equipment.

What's more, the video was taken last night, and the two of them were in the room all the time, and no one would come in quietly and take the things away.

Gao Zhengchu even looked at the release time, at that time he was still awake, and he was engaged in a new round of battle with Xu Dingzha.

Gao Zhengchu just pulled his own hair and didn't think about how the other party took pictures

? Could it be that there are really some metaphysical things in this world? For example, stealth, such as the technique of piercing through walls, such as the technique of turtle breathing?

A person with such ability would not come to oppose him and stare at him specifically to shoot!

Yan Mofei had a good night's sleep and was refreshed.

He opened the Weibo and looked at it, and sure enough, it was still hanging on the hot search, and he was very satisfied with it.

So, I turned on my phone and called my father.

"Son, how did Dad arrange for you? Is it particularly in line with your heart?"

Yan Mofei remembered those handmade costumes, and smiled: "Satisfied, satisfied." Well done, don't do it next time, just let the props play freely.

"That's not going to work, my son, you have to use the highest row.

Yan Mofei laughed embarrassedly twice, his own Lao Tzu's brain circuit is really different.

After a few irrelevant words, I returned to the main topic.

"Dad, the producer of this crew was not arranged by you, right?"

Yan Zhen immediately replied: "No, I keep my son, and I don't care about the others." "

All he wants is to throw money at it, and then just hold his son.

"Since it's not, let's notify him and get him fired. "

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