While the thugs were still laughing, Lao Song had already snatched a steel pipe with one hand, and a whirlwind kicked the chin of the leader of the people.

The other party suddenly screamed, bit his tongue directly, bit blood, and the whole person fell backwards, knocking down the little brother behind him, and the two flew out half a meter away together.

The little brother's pants rubbed on the ground, only to feel a cold feeling behind him, and then there was a hot pain, so painful that his tears came out.

This change was something that none of the gangsters expected, and they looked at Lao Song in horror, and they actually retreated.

The leader screamed in pain, and as soon as he touched his mouth, blood flowed out, but fortunately, he just bit it and didn't bite it directly.

In an instant, he was painful and ruthless, and said with a big tongue: "What are you doing in a daze? hack him to death!"

Anyway, the person who bought the murderer said that he was in charge of everything, and even if he killed these people, he would pay to excuse them.

There is no monitoring in this area, so it's a big deal to kill them all, and there is no right thing to do.

These little gangsters really belong to newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and they are mixed in this way, relying on one word: ruthless.

But no matter how ruthless they are, they haven't encountered real hard stubble, otherwise they don't know how many times they have died.

When the little brothers heard this, they still had watermelon knives in their hands, and when they went down, the blood was pumping. No matter how awesome he is, he has to cry and roll on the ground.

As soon as they thought of this, everyone was immediately full of confidence, and rushed towards Yan Mofei and Yang Xiaoli one by one with knives and steel pipes.

Or these two are better to bully.

Yan Mofei stretched out his hand and caught the steel pipe thrown by Lao Song. Immediately after, he handed the steel pipe to Yang Xiaoli, and he quickly slipped aside.

These little Luo Luo Luo need him to solve it personally, of course, it will be handed over to the great old Song and Xiao Li.

Lao Song was naturally not idle, he turned around and stared at the person closest to him, and instantly fought with the other party.

And those who were against Yang Xiaoli only felt how terrible it was at this time, and between the swords and soldiers, the weapons in their hands almost flew out of their hands. Even if they didn't take it off, they were shocked and numb.

What the hell is this? How can a thin little girl have so much strength, the steel pipes have been discounted, and the watermelon knives have been split.

The two entangled all the younger brothers, and Yan Mofei took a detour to the person in charge.

As soon as the leader stood up, he immediately snatched the steel pipe from the hand of the half-dead younger brother who was crushed by himself and faced Yan Mofei.

The tongue is still large, and he spurts blood and saliva as he speaks.

"Wang Dadan!Oh, I want Yin's life!" As

he spoke, he rushed to Yan Mofei's side, waving the steel pipe in his hand in a desperate manner.

His steel pipe was just about to touch Yan Mofei, Yan Mofei dodged with a dodge, and then Lao Song kicked him on the wrist with a kick, and the steel pipe got out of his hand and flew up in an instant.

Yan Mofei kicked the man in the stomach again, and he was immediately kicked to the ground.

The little brother who didn't have time to get up behind him was full of horror and quickly rolled to the side. Between the rolls, the bloody ass could be faintly visible from his frayed pants.

The leader fell to the ground, and the steel pipe fell and slammed down on his head. Almost, just closely, he was about to be crushed to death by a steel pipe.

Although he was not dead now, the loud sound of the steel pipe colliding with the ground also made his ears buzz.

"That's it, I want my life. Let's go to the prison and exercise for a few more years!"

"Say, who bought you?" The

ears of the person at the head were still ringing, and some of them couldn't hear Yan Mofei's voice clearly, so they could only look at Yan Mofei with a frightened expression.

In his opinion, this handsome face is no different from a bull's head and horse face.

I'm scared to death, it's the first time he's taken such a big order, how did he run into someone who received his life!"

"Don't say it? Then don't blame me for being rude."

Yan Mofei tilted his head, pressed his hand, and performed a set of ten dragon slaps at him, directly throwing people away.

"He doesn't say it, you say!" Yan Mofei turned his head and looked at the little brother next to him.

The little brother who was covering his ass and watching his boss being beaten and crawling out secretly, and didn't dare to make a sound at all was already trying to reduce his sense of existence, why didn't he let him go?"

"I, I don't know anything, I just know that the boss suddenly received hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the other party named and said that he wanted your hands and feet. And that woman, too, scare her.

"The person is the boss who touches it alone, I don't know, I don't know anything, please let me go!" "

Let it go? Why did he call the police after letting it go?"

Yan Mofei raised his foot and gasped hard at his exposed ass, and the little brother screamed in pain, and tears came out.

He didn't dare, he didn't dare anymore.

Zhang Yao hid in the dark, quietly watching the battle situation here, seeing that the people he spent money to find were beaten one by one and lying on the ground and couldn't get up, he could only curse secretly.

It seems that it is not easy to deal with these people.

Well, he can only ......

Zhang Yao looked at Ling Qingzhu who was sitting in the car, as long as Ling Qingzhu was in his hands, he was still worried that these people would not give in?

He thought fiercely, quickly moved to the side of the car, went around the back of the car, and then came to the front of the car door, stretched out his hand to pull the car door.

It was pulled sharply, but the door didn't move.

This is different from what he imagined, Zhang Yao has acted in a similar scene, obviously the car door will open as soon as it is opened, and someone will pull the hair of the person inside and drag the person down.

Why can't the door open?

He went to pull the window again, and after a long time, the window did not move.

Zhang Yao didn't give up, went around all the car doors, and tried to knock on all the windows, but none of them satisfied him.

On the contrary, Ling Qingzhu stared at him tightly with a pair of innocent eyes, as if he was silently asking, what was he doing?

Zhang Yao was furious: "You open the car door for me!"

Ling Qingzhu looked at him even more innocently, like looking at a fool.

When she is stupid? Everyone has come here, and at a glance she knows who bought those gangsters, and she still has to be strict with one hand and one foot, who does he think

he is? Now that she is a legal society, can you understand some law and come out again?

"Open it for me!" Zhang Yao kicked the car door so hard that he even wanted to overturn the entire car with his bare hands.

On the other side, Yan Mofei and the three of them had already finished solving this group of gangsters, and the three of them stood together, all of them looking at Zhang Yao who was snorting over there with mentally retarded eyes.

It wasn't until he heard the siren that Zhang Yao got up as if he was frightened, and wanted to slip away quickly.

Yang Xiaoli calmly took off the shoes on his feet and gave them to Lao Song, who glanced at them, silently took off his shoes, and then threw them at the back of Zhang Yao's head.

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