"Waste, you useless waste. I spent a lot of money to invite you here, and you can't even find out anyone!" "I

clearly remember that when I was with her, I locked the door and drew the curtains, how could I be photographed?"

Zhang Yao was puzzled, and the shot was so clear, as if the other party was standing at his bedside watching them perform.

And he also went to the hotel to check afterwards, there was no surveillance, and no one appeared in the corridor at that time.

He signed a ten-year contract with the company, and now it is hidden, and the termination fee is something he cannot afford to pay anyway. With his current reputation, he has been repeatedly rejected for private orders.

He wants revenge, revenge on the paparazzi who broke the news, and revenge on the person who broke the video to the paparazzi.

This has become an obsession for him, bordering on madness.

The two hackers were sweating profusely, and the other party's firewall was even more terrifying than they imagined, it was not aggressive, but it was like a blank space, as long as you walked in, it was a layer of fog, and it couldn't be removed.

At least in their abilities, there is no solution to the matter.

It is unbelievable that an account that broke the news can reach such a point. With this technology, you can't go sideways in the world of hackers.

"We haven't solved the matter, and we don't want the money from you, so you can find another master. The

two of them threw away their bank cards and quickly slipped away.

A small breaking news can't be solved, it's really shameless to get mixed up in the hacker world, and I'm out of the circle.

"Do I want money? I want people!" Zhang Yao roared angrily in the back, but unfortunately it was the back of the two of them who resolutely left.

The outstretched hands clenched tightly, and nothing was grasped.

Zhang Yao's face was like ashes, and he fell to the ground.

After a long time, he looked up. Because he had been sad for several days, his face was haggard, his eyes were red, his beard was unkempt, his hair was unwashed like a chicken's nest, and his clothes were even more wrinkled. This one raised his head like an evil ghost.

"Yan Mofei, Ling Qingzhu, I became like this, don't think about it!" he

punched the ground with his hand, and then bared his teeth in pain, like a funny evil ghost.

Grabbing the bank card in his hand, Zhang Yao went out.

The screenwriter of the crew has seen less hair at a visible rate during this time, and he doesn't know how many times he has changed the script, and the dark circles under his eyes that stay up late occupy most of his face.

"Sister Ling, your job is really not a human job, if you continue like this, I will die young.

Ling Qingzhu smiled, looked at the newly rushed script and said, "You are almost forty years old, not an early death."

"This is your overtime pay, I give it privately, and the crew will also compensate you.

"It's the last time, you can rest well.

Holding the bank card in his hand, the screenwriter smiled and saw dark circles under his eyes: "Really? That's really good."

"Don't rush anymore, I'll sleep first."

He planted his head on the table, so frightened that Ling Qingzhu hurriedly reached out to probe his snort, but before his hand could touch it, a loud snoring sound had already sounded.

Ling Qingzhu smiled helplessly, and ordered someone to carry the editor down to sleep.

Seeing this, the other staff members sighed with emotion: "Teacher Ling, you worked overtime with the screenwriter teacher to revise the script, why did he become like this, but you are getting better and better?"

Ling Qingzhu's face quickly flew two red clouds, covered by blush, and the light outside was dim, but no one could see it.

She looked at Yan Mofei who was waiting there and smiled shyly.

Maybe this is the nourishment of love.

"Because I usually have a good rest, you all go back to rest, and tomorrow we all have a day off. The

crowd cheered, and then dispersed.

Ling Qingzhu walked to Yan Mofei's side, her hand was open, but she was afraid that there would be paparazzi secretly taking pictures, so she didn't hold Yan Mofei's hand in the end.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting so late.

"I'll invite you to have a supper, there is a supper stall nearby, and the director mentioned to me that it is delicious.

Yan Mofei nodded, and the two walked towards Yan Mofei's car.

In the car, Lao Song was sitting in the driver's seat, while Yang Xiaoli pulled the window and looked this way, his round eyes were crooked with a smile, but he was holding a mobile phone in one hand, only the part of the camera was exposed, and he was taking pictures of this side.

"The boss is so handsome, and the beauties are all the boss's. Although

her angle is strange, when shooting, she only captured Yan Mofei's part.

Looking at it, she felt that something was wrong.

Yang Xiaoli shouted over there: "Boss, be careful!"

Yan Mofei felt the sound of breaking the air at the same time, he reacted very quickly, grabbed Ling Qingzhu and hid to the side.

A fist-sized rock was grazing his shoulder, and if it had been hit, his head would have burst with plasma.

Yan Mofei looked behind him coldly, and saw a few people coming from the night, holding weapons such as steel pipes and watermelon knives in their hands, looking ruffian, and they looked like professional hooligans.

Those people looked at Ling Qingzhu in a cheongsam and whistled at her.

"Yo, this chick is good.

"What do

you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" Someone will pay you for one hand and one leg, and if you are willing to obediently submit and cut off this hand and this leg yourself, we can still let you go.

"Otherwise, I have a crush on this chick, and I can take it back to have fun."

Ling Qingzhu's face was gloomy: "Do you know who I am

?" The leader touched his purple hair: "Isn't it just a play?" I don't know how many people have slept with, and I really think of myself as golden." "

What, do you want to use your fans to smash us to death now?"

"I'm just looking down on you guys. Earn so much money, not to mention take it out to help us. With such a good face and figure, you know that those directors who are full of fat intestines are cheap. "

Brother, don't I smell good?"

he said, and he took a deep breath, but he didn't know it in the smell.

"You guys are committing a crime!" she gestured with her hand and asked Yang Xiaoli and them to call the police.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaoli and Lao Song actually got out of the car directly and stood in front of them.

Yang Xiaoli looked excited: "Boss, someone is delivering food again, this time I must behave better than Lao Song."

Old Song kept a straight face, staring at those people closely.

"What are you doing when you get out

of the car? Call the police!" Ling Qingzhu was anxious, sure that these people were here to deliver food, not to get blood packets?

Yan Mofei grabbed Ling Qingzhu and walked to the car, calling the police as he went.

He briefly explained the situation, reported the address, and then sat Ling Qingzhu on the saddle: "Stay in the car, lock the doors and windows from the inside, and leave the rest to me."

Looking into his eyes, Ling Qingzhu nodded for no reason, showing trust.

Subsequently, Yan Mofei got out of the car.

The thugs laughed, and the three weak chickens were in front of them, wouldn't it be easy to deal with

them, and they were confident that they could get rid of the three before the police came, and then quickly slipped away.

And before they moved, Lao Song moved ...... first

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