The first lifelong professional troop!

The moment they heard the words, the joyful light in the eyes of He Chenguang and the others flickered.

Originally, with the captain, they just thought of being powerful, but later, they did also improve, and there was a hacker commando.

To be able to set up a hacker commando, they thought it was already the ceiling, but they never thought that now Mr. Gao also said that they can become a member of the lifelong professional army.

It's unprecedented!

He Chenguang and the others never dreamed that this would be the result, this is stronger than winning first-class merit, and it is better than getting the salute of these military region bigwigs.

Chen Jun was also shocked by Mr. Gao's words, and was slightly stunned, and suddenly felt overjoyed.

He did make this request, but he didn't expect Mr. Gao to really agree.

Hacker Commandos can really be a professional force for life!!

Oh yes!

Chen Jun couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart for a while, and almost couldn't hold back his roar.

You must know that lifelong occupations are only available in the West, and Yan Guo, they can be established, which is a precedent, to be the first person to eat crabs.

However, once the hacker commando has this system, the Matrix Empire will leave the deepest imprint in the Yan Country, and because of the lifelong system, the strength of hackers will be more terrifying, and it will have more significance for inheritance, which can then affect the country's military strength.

If the Hacker Base develops, it even becomes the existence of the Matrix.

This means that the Matrix has truly begun!

Chen Jun has always remembered the big goal of the Matrix, but in his opinion, the most important thing is that with a lifelong career, soldiers will not use their youth to gamble on tomorrow, even if they are old, they can continue to stay in the army and shine.

The head of the border guard, You Junda, retired directly because of his age and physical reasons.

However, he dared to say that Regiment Commander You left with regret in his heart, and the regiment commander had long regarded the border defense as his home, and it was particularly hurtful to leave like this suddenly.

This is the helplessness of the soldiers of Yanguo, when they are past their youth, the army will be forced to retire, so that young people can be on top, and retired soldiers can only reluctantly accept such a system.

Commander You is a living example, how loyal and hot-blooded, in the end, he has to retire.

It is precisely because of seeing Regiment Commander You's treatment that Chen Jun wants to give the soldiers a sense of belonging to a family, the army is their home, and it is worth their youth and all their energy.

When you are young and energetic, you should dedicate a kind of strength, and when you are older, you will dedicate it in another way, and there will always be a suitable way for them to shine, rather than retiring directly.

To put it bluntly, the home of the army is the harbor where they can stay for the rest of their lives, and they can always stay in this harbor and dedicate themselves, not the harbor needs, they stay, and they have to leave if they don't need it.

The army is the place where they have struggled all their lives, and it can be said that this completely solves the worries of demobilized soldiers, and they can retire with peace of mind, and there are also talents available.

Let these demobilized soldiers stay, of course, it is also to eat rice, Chen Jun has already planned, he can use his hacking skills to continuously improve them, and change these people to the greatest extent in terms of physique and strength.

Anyway, none of the soldiers who enjoy a lifelong career are idlers.

This makes a lot of sense for both individuals and countries.

The more Chen Jun thought about it, the more excited he became, and in the next second, he saluted to Mr. Gao, "Thank you, chief."

Seeing Chen Jun's excited look, Gao Shiwei didn't say anything, with a smile on his face.

In fact, he is also looking forward to the implementation of the lifelong system in the army, as a soldier, especially as a leader with status, he knows better what such a system will mean to soldiers and the country.

To put it bluntly, it is to give the military a new height.

There must be benefits, as for why it was not implemented before, but there was no suitable candidate, and Chen Jun was very suitable.

This guy is different from any soldier or any commander, he dares to think, dare to fight, and is hot-blooded, the key is that he still has strength.

Such an excellent young man is destined to stand in a high position and take everyone with him.

He had to do it for life.

Gao Shiwei nodded lightly, and then asked the assistant to bring boxes one by one, which were full of medals.

After taking the box, Gao Shiwei looked at Chen Jun and the others: "This is approved by the military department, put it on for you, you are all heroes, this time the country is sorry for you, but you do everything, the motherland will not forget, the people will not forget."

After speaking, he directly took out the medals, wore them one by one, and finally took a step back.


Gao Shiwei roared and saluted directly.

At the same time, everyone saluted again.

The people present are all high-ranking cadres of the Southeast Military Region, who have worked hard since they were young, and they all know that these soldiers are heroes worthy of respect.

These soldiers have endured hardships and humiliations, but they have always believed in the motherland, so no one will forget them, and this is their honor.

This is the respect they deserve!


Chen Jun roared and returned with He Chenguang and the others.

In the face of the salute of so many leaders, He Chenguang and others suddenly felt passionate in their hearts.

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