"Oh yes, our Hero Captain is back."

"Our hacker squadron is finally no longer leaderless."

"Captain, freedom, hooray, hacker commando freedom, hooray."

"We are not afraid of hacking enemies, we are also afraid of white helmets, and we are not afraid of shadows, so we can get rid of it..."

Every hacker team member here is very excited, just because of Chen Jun's return.

I have to say that the moment I saw the captain being taken away by the picket department, each of them was very worried and not at ease, as if someone had taken out their hearts and lost their souls, they had no intention of training, no intention of resting, no intention of eating, and they had been waiting for the captain here.

The captain is the soul of the hacker, they can't just do without the captain.

If something happens to the captain, they don't want to stay here.

At that moment, every hacker team member suddenly had extreme thoughts in their hearts, but they didn't explode until the end.

Seeing that the captain had come back intact, everyone immediately let go, cheering at the top of their voices.

Chen Jun was thrown higher and higher by them.

In the cheers, Chen Jun, who was thrown up, suddenly warmed his heart.

This is the unit he brought out, and it is also the unit he likes, and he likes such comrades-in-arms.

It's nice to have such a group of comrades-in-arms with you!

Although Chen Jun had just returned, he also knew that these comrades-in-arms had been waiting at the door until he came back, believing that he could come back and then take them to defend the country.

That's trust!

This is the trust of his subordinates in him.

To have such subordinates, what regrets do you have in this life...

The next morning, Chen He took it directly, and the six people who went out with him on the mission this time, wearing handsome military uniforms and ties, went to the headquarters together.

That's right, everyone is dressed in official military uniforms, leather shoes and ties, even Wang Yanbing, who has been a gangster, is also wearing it, but it's just a little awkward.

Wang Yanbing's heart was relaxed, and the smile on his face kept coming, "Boss, you say, did we get a first-class merit this time."

Li Erniu immediately smiled when he heard this, "Is it really a first-class merit?" I almost jumped when you told the truth.

"You're just a second goods, no matter how long it takes, you're just as stupid."

"Wang Yanbing, why do you scold people? I'm really happy..."

In this way, the seven of them chatted while hurrying, and there was constant laughter in the car.

Killing the enemy and winning the prize is, of course, what they are looking forward to the most.

At the entrance of the headquarters department, there were many cadres waiting in line early in the morning, and they were all waiting for Chen Jun and others.

When they saw Chen Jun and the others coming in line, everyone present immediately saluted them.

This is a tribute to the strong, there is no generation, and there is no identity.

The hacker commando team's removal of the international drug king Nuoka has been reported, and the cadres of the headquarters are known to everyone, and the officers present are shocked by this.

The poison king Nuoka of Jinshanjiao, how many people have been poisoned in history, and how many soldiers want to take him down to repay the blood debt, but he has never succeeded.

This time, Chen Jun took 6 team members to completely remove these tumors, give an explanation to the dead fishermen, and also give the people of the world an extra guarantee for a stable life.

These soldiers deserve everyone's respect, especially Chen Jun, who took the lead, is incredibly strong.

Who would have thought that a young soldier in his 20s would have such great achievements, not only have his own commando team, but also lead the team to fight a beautiful battle.

Definitely the most cherished talent.

Looking at the young Chen Jun, every cadre of the military region did not hide his appreciation in his eyes.


Facing the eyes of the leaders, Chen Jun's face was calm, and he roared in a low voice, and returned the salute with everyone.

Suddenly, in the face of so many officers saluting themselves in person, the vanity of Wang Yanbing and others was satisfied at once.

Why, this is the headquarters, and the officers salute them one by one, how cool is it?

In an instant, the resentment in their hearts disappeared and was replaced by a burst of darkness.

"Mr. Gao is waiting for you, come in."

For a moment, the colonel, who took the lead, led them over with a smile and a very respectful attitude.

After a while, Chen Jun and the others were taken to the conference room, and then they were surprised to find that the cadres here were of higher rank, major generals, and lieutenant generals.

Nima, this is a big scene!

Wang Yanbing and the others all chuckled in their hearts, and suddenly became serious.

They had never seen such a scene before, and they immediately felt all kinds of coercion, of course, Chen Jun could also feel the coercion, but the feeling was not so strong.

After all, his physical fitness has reached more than 7, and his mental quality is stronger than those players.

Besides, in the face of the extremely cruel and bloody battlefield, he is not afraid, afraid that the leader will not come, but there is still a sense of tension.

Because the scene was too big, Chen Jun didn't take everyone into the room recklessly.

And Mr. Gao also stared at them, and immediately shouted: "Come here, come here." "


Chen Jun led the team members, walked in, and saluted.

"Report chief, all the people involved in the Mekong operation, all here, the mission has been successfully completed, please instruct."

Looking at Chen Jun and the others, Mr. Gao saluted solemnly.

"Take a break."

Everyone immediately made a posture of taking a break, even if it was a posture of taking a break, everyone was full of strong momentum, like a sharp blade waiting to be unsheathed.

Seeing the full mental state of these hacker team members, Mr. Gao nodded with satisfaction, "You have done a good job in this mission. "

The Nuoka Group is a bandit that every country wants to get rid of, in history, countless soldiers have paid a lot and can't do it, this time, as soon as you make a move, you directly destroyed their group and captured the leader alive."

"This operation proves your ability, showing that our Yanguo soldiers are not afraid of things, and they have strong combat effectiveness, what is the great prestige of the country?"

"This is!"

"Applaud your achievements."

After speaking, Mr. Gao personally took the lead in applauding, and suddenly, there was warm applause in the office.

Hearing Mr. Gao's words of approval and warm applause, Wang Yanbing and the others did not change their faces, but their hearts were full of enthusiasm.

This is a commendation from the highest leader!

It's so rare that they can be praised by the chief!

Mr. Gao said again: "I promised Chen Jun one thing, as long as you complete the task, I will support him to form a professional soldier in Yanguo."

"Today, I promise that your hacker commando will become the first lifelong professional unit in the whole army!"

The first lifelong professional unit in the whole army!

Belonging to a hacker commando?

As soon as Mr. Gao's voice fell, the faces of the hacker team members present were filled with a strong excitement and pride.

A lifelong career, this is unprecedented.

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