Huang Tao and Wang Liang had 10,000 helplessness in their hearts, which was beyond their imagination.

Generally speaking, the picket headquarters does not need to report to Mr. Gao in advance, and Mr. Gao will give instructions at most afterwards and will not interfere in specific work.

After all, the picket brigade of the military region has a strong independence and is also under the management of general affairs.

This has resulted in a transcendent identity of the picket brigade.

The sword above the first general affairs thinks that whoever has a problem will be brought to interrogation and let him explain the problem.

Once it is found that there is a problem, it will be criticized by the whole army, and it will be the lightest, and the heavier one will have to take off the military uniform and be locked up.

This is the picket department.

It is also the reason why other troops are afraid when they see them.

As a result, because of Chen Jun's matter, the two chief and deputy bosses were there to kill and beat.

That's pretty outrageous, okay!

Huang Tao lowered his voice and said to Wang Liang: "You guy, don't you discuss this kind of thing with me?" Kicked to the iron plate!

Wang Liang smiled bitterly: "I thought it wasn't that serious, and I also wanted to report it to you, but you weren't in the office at the time, so I thought I'd wait for the interrogation to end, and then report the results to you, hey, what should I do now?"

Huang Tao said: "What else can I do?" Cold! "

The anger of the two CEOs has been raised, and this matter will definitely not end well.

Now I just hope that they will scold and dissipate their anger.

Wang Liang said softly: "Captain, you must help me this time, I am also carrying out the orders of my superiors."

Huang Tao rolled his eyes and said, "I'm all mud bodhisattvas crossing the river now, and it's hard to protect myself, how can I help you?" Before you interrogated him, you didn't score anything, how did the previous squad leader come down? That's not the case with the head iron.

Wang Liang looked bitter, and it was useless to say anything now.

At this moment, Chen Jun was also excited, being a soldier is not for anything in return, the soldiers of Yanguo are very poor, but what does it depend on to become the world's first field army? Iron Bone and Willpower!

I have already received the highest rating from the chief, it is enough.

"Thank you, chief." Chen Jun saluted.

He didn't know how to express himself.

Mr. Gao has always taken great care of himself and absolutely supported him at work, if it weren't for him, he wouldn't be able to get to his current position.

And last time, because of the problem of establishment, Chen Jun also had a quarrel with Mr. Gao once, and Mr. Gao was so angry that he almost beat him.

Now, when he heard that something was wrong with him, he was the first to rush to him.

It is the greatest luck in my life to meet such a chief.

Mr. Gao gently patted Chen Jun on the shoulder, then pulled him to sit down, and said, "Don't get up, sit well, I will administer justice to you." "

Lao Wang."

As a result, Wang Liang and Wang Changlin both shouted: "Here!"

Wang Changlin stared at Wang Liang, "Don't tarnish the name of Lao Wang!" Wang

Liang was about to cry.

He also blamed himself for being beaten, usually others call himself like this, but he reflexively shouted with him.

How many levels is there between himself and Mr. Wang, and what qualifications does he have to call himself Lao Wang?


Wang Liang suddenly felt that his life was beginning to be bleak.

And Huang Tao is ruthless next to him, a pit man!

When did you make such a low-level mistake, what do you want to do?

Huang Tao felt uncomfortable all over his body.

Wang Changlin said heavily: "Chen Jun, if we can't wash away your shame today, we are not worthy of giving you an order to carry out a special mission." "

This time, Chen Jun carried out another mission, which can be said to be full of dangers, and it was they who fought with their lives to achieve the brilliant results later.

And this order was discussed between Wang Changlin and Mr. Gao.

Chen Jun returned triumphantly, but he was treated like this, whose face is this? It's his and Mr. Gao's faces.

If you don't help Chen Jun breathe a sigh of relief today, how will he and Mr. Gao lead the troops in the future, and how will they be in charge of the entire Southeast Military Region?

This matter is no longer a problem of Chen Jun alone.

Seeing this, Chen Jun did not say anything.

It seems that the two bosses attach great importance to him, and the black gauze hat is pressed on his body, if he says it, he will probably be offended and hurt the chief's feelings.

As for Wang Liang's side, from the beginning to the constant interrogation, the other party's attitude was very problematic, and the high-mindedness really made Chen Jun very unhappy.

Today, if it weren't for the arrival of the two CEOs, Wang Liang's face might not be too good for him.

Forget it, the two CEOs can deal with it as they want, and they will obey the leader's arrangement.

At this moment, Mr. Gao looked at Huang Tao and asked heavily: "Huang Tao, let me ask, I am still the supreme head of the Southeast Military Region, right?"

This startled Huang Tao, and hurriedly said, "It must be."

Mr. Gao asked again, "Do I have a disposition of the officers under my jurisdiction?" "

Yes, you are the supreme chief, and you have absolute management authority." Huang Tao's business trembled slightly, what does Mr. Gao mean? What are you going to do? It won't be... it!

When Wang Liang heard this, his face changed greatly, and his body trembled involuntarily.

It's not good!

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