Mr. Gao's roar shook the sky!

The surrounding walls felt like they were shaking.

He's fire!

Chen Jun is a hero, but he has to suffer such an insult, as his chief, if he can't give his soldiers and get justice, what kind of leader should he be!

Who is Mr. Gao? The last thing that this general who has come out of a real war can see is that his soldiers are wronged.

Wang Liang and Huang Tao's ears were buzzing, and they were scared.

Who is Mr. Gao? Absolutely hawkish!

I thought he was scaring people, and he dared to do it.

Especially Wang Liang's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the clothes on his back were penetrated.

It was the first time he had seen Mr. Gao get so angry.

It's over, I must have let Mr. Gao remember, and the future will definitely be difficult, I already knew what I was doing to provoke Chen Jun like this.

Isn't it uncomfortable to find yourself?

Huang Tao can be regarded as seeing how fierce Mr. Gao's anger is.

The two of them were conscientious, where did they dare to say half a word.

Really scared.

Don't talk about them, even Chen Jun was scared, what is Thunder Fury, this is!

At the same time, I was a little moved.

As long as there is an understanding between the leader and the country, a soldier can accept any grievance and overcome any difficulty.

In the face of the sudden interrogation, Chen Jun had a lot of dissatisfaction before, but now that he has such an attitude as a chief, he has nothing to say.


Chen Jun suddenly stood up and saluted, and said, "Mr. Gao, why don't you forget it?" Actually, I didn't suffer much grievance, and he also carried out the orders of his superiors.

Mr. Gao roared angrily: "It's a fart! Many people say that Lao Tzu is old, literary and artistic youth, just like the Kang Tuan of the Iron Fist Regiment, he was bullied, and he could only drink and pretend to be confused, Lao Tzu told them that Lao Tzu was a hawk, what is a hawk? It's just that there is an enemy to report, don't stay overnight, life and death are downplayed, and if you are unhappy, do it, does Lao Tzu care about this hat? They can move me, but they move you, no! As

he spoke, he stared coldly at Wang Liang and Huang Tao.

Vice President Wang also roared angrily: "Yes, you can't forget it like this, Lao Tzu is not a dove, you can compromise, you are heroes, backbones, and pillars of the country, why should you suffer such grievances?"

"Without you, none of those drug lords can be caught, the revenge of the fishermen cannot be avenged, nor can we prove our strength to the world, heroes cannot be wronged, even if Lao Tzu does not do it, it must be solved, who can't do it!"

Vice President Wang, who has always been Sven, was also furious this time.

Who is Chen Jun? The Almighty Soldier King is the strongest soldier in the Southeast Military Region and the strongest soldier in the entire Yan Country.

The hacker commando team he created will one day become the strongest commando in the world.

How could such a soldier with strong strength, who insisted on having personal convictions, who were loyal to the country and the people, be interrogated like a prisoner?

No way!

Huang Tao and Wang Liang were completely dumbfounded, it is understandable that Chen Jun is a hero, but is it too late to say that he is the pillar of the country and the backbone of the country?

The two of them secretly complained in their hearts, this is to offend the two chiefs miserably!

And Chen He is so important in their mouths that he has risen to the national level.

How else to judge?

Wang Liang thought about the time when he was about to interrogate Chen Jun just now, and when he brought Chen Jun here, his attitude was not very friendly, especially when the hacker was stationed, he almost clashed with Chen Jun's soldiers.

Thinking of this, Wang Liang was about to cry.

I'm miserable!

There are two chiefs covering Chen Jun, and the people above will definitely not send people over to target Chen Jun again.

Who are they? Representatives of the hawks!

Wang Liang now understands why Chen Jun is calm, and why the previous captain retired early, all because of Chen Jun.

Aren't you going to repeat the mistakes of the past?

This time, he interrogated Chen Jun, which was indeed the intention of his superiors, and in order to produce a result as soon as possible, he was really unfriendly to Chen Jun in terms of attitude.

Now that the two chiefs are standing up for him, this means that it can't be counted like this, and Chen Jun must be asked for an explanation.

It's okay now, Mr. Gao can't control the headquarters, but they can control him.

Thinking of this, the more Wang Liang thought about it, the more afraid he became, and secretly looked at Mr. Gao's trouser belt, but he didn't see a gun, otherwise he was really afraid that he would be annoyed and give him a shot.

Now what? What to do?

Wang Liang wants to say how depressed he is, and he now understands a little bit why the staff officer of the old Fan Tangtang Wolf Tooth Brigade went to the hacker brigade.

"If it was too good to Chen Jun just now, it wouldn't be like this, if this matter is investigated by yourself and reported to the captain first, I'm afraid it won't be such a result, and I blame myself for being negligent for a while."

Wang Liang regretted it unspeakably, but now it is useless to regret it, it depends on what Mr. Gao finally handles himself.

Huang Tao didn't think like this, he must have been implicated by Wang Liang.

Chen Jun himself was frightened.

"Heroes, backbones, are the pillars of the country, do I deserve such an evaluation?"

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