The name of the hacker brigade, of course, their picket team knows that because of Chen Jun, there was also a detachment leader who left ahead of schedule, which once caused a sensation in the entire picket team.

Now the two chiefs are angry and killed, because the pickets have arrested someone who shouldn't be arrested?

For a moment, they were all a little nervous.

can make the two chiefs angry like this, and the identity of that person is probably scary.

"Yesterday, your law enforcement team went to arrest someone?"

"I went out to enforce the law, but I haven't heard of arresting anyone."

"Could it be in another district?"


At this moment, in the face of Mr. Gao's anger, Huang Tao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Chief, what are these words?" I didn't do anything excessive, I honestly did things according to the rules, and I don't know who you said I had arrested. "

Huang Tao really doesn't know, all the names have been over, and I haven't found Mr. Gao mentioning hackers.

Mr. Gao roared angrily, and saliva sprayed on Huang Tao's face.

"Hmph, who is you, who went to the base of the hacker brigade and arrested Chen Jun, the captain of the hacker brigade, will you, the captain, not know?"

After all, Chen Jun's level is not low, and the hacker brigade is a commando team built by the military region, can the pickets not know?

Speaking of which, it is not once or twice that the pickets have troubled Chen Jun.

They're fed and holding on, aren't they?

Gao always gets more annoyed the more he thinks about it.

Huang Tao is scolding his mother in his stomach, when did Lao Tzu send someone to arrest him?

He hurried, "Your chief, I really don't know, I promise, this is definitely not my order, otherwise, I will be struck by lightning when I go out!" "

Huang Tao can achieve this position, naturally he is shrewd.

Immediately judge the serious consequences of the matter.

And he really didn't give such instructions.

He is not stupid to sit in this position.

Who doesn't know that Chen Jun is a treasure that Mr. Gao likes, and the other party will definitely soar in the future, so why should he provoke him if he has nothing to do?

If there is a chance, it is too late to have a good relationship with him.

Huang Tao's stomach is also scolding his mother, what is that bastard who made it, why don't you tell Lao Tzu about catching such a person, don't you want to do it!

Mr. Gao looked at Huang Tao with fierce eyes, "However, the person was captured by you, this is right."

Huang Tao said: "Chief, you wait a minute."

He immediately pulled out his phone and dialed it.


Huang Tao, you......."After a while, Huang Tao hung up the signal, looked at Mr. Gao with a bitter face, and said, "Chief, I did arrest it, but this kind of small thing, how can it alarm you two old people!"

"Nonsense, I thought we were running over for tea?" Mr. Gao scolded.

Wang Changlin stared at Huang Tao coldly, "Now that you think about it, right?" Tell you, how much do you have to pay to catch him?

Huang Tao looked aggrieved and said, "But I really didn't give an order, my deputy Wang Liang did it..."

Mr. Gao interrupted him.

He was in no mood to listen to the other party's explanation now, he just wanted to see Chen Jun now and know how he was doing now!

Such a hero, who had just fought for the face of the commander of the Southeast Military Region and for the sake of the countrymen, was arrested and brought to the General Administration for interrogation before he could take a break or receive a word of praise.

So much chills Chen Jun's heart?

This is also the most annoying part of Mr. Gao, if Chen Jun is dissatisfied because of this incident, then...

Where did Huang Tao dare to slack off, and said, "I'll take you over now." "


Huang Tao walked quickly out of the office and into the hallway.

Originally, there were many officers gathered here, but when they heard the movement inside, they dispersed at lightning speed.

One by one, they were shocked in their hearts.

They just heard that someone in the picket team arrested Chen Jun, the leader of the hacker brigade!

That's the captain of the hacker commando, the rising star of the military district, and the darling of the head of the military district.

Whoever provokes him is to make himself uncomfortable.

They know very well who can be provoked and who can only have a good relationship with them, and people like Chen Jun, who have soared into the sky, are provoked.

"See, the two bosses personally came over to ask for someone, how heavy is Chen Jun's weight in their hearts."

"Who caught it? Haven't investigated it before?

"Arranged by the vice-team? This...... Hey, I see.

"I'm in trouble!"

"Look, this matter is not expected to end well, who is not good at targeting, choose to target him..."

"This way." Huang Tao led the way in front.

Along the way, everyone who saw it saluted the two one after another, and their eyes were full of doubts.

After a while, the crowd came to the door of the interrogation.

Huang Tao gently pushed open the door and said, "This is it."

Mr. Gao and Wang Changlin walked in quickly, and saw Chen Jun at a glance.

At this moment, this world-shaking king of soldiers, the captain of the hacker base, and the hero who fought bloodily for the country, was being interrogated by someone wearing a cold hand buckle, sitting on a cold chair!

This is like a slap in the face, they were still discussing just now, how to reward Chen Jun, now...

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