The door of the picket captain's office slammed, and was kicked open by the angry Wang Changlin, and then walked in with Mr. Gao in a huff.

This made many officers in the aisle see it, and they were all stunned.

"What's going on?"

"Something is wrong!"

"Why did the captain mess with the two chiefs? Kick the door!

"Vice President Wang has always been here, I have never seen him get angry with anyone, nor have I seen him have such a domineering behavior, how angry he is to let him do such a thing."

"Who the hell did the captain mess with?"

"Are there still fewer people in our pickets? But I haven't seen the two chiefs come to ask, they are all delegating power.


all became curious and nervous at the same time.

What is the picket corps? Discipline place, the officers below came here, and they were all frightened.

That is, the two leaders will be so domineering.

What is it that makes the two chiefs angry like this?

Suddenly, many officers gathered around curiously, wanting to hear what was going on.

And in the office, Huang Tao, the captain of the picket corps, was giving instructions for documents, and suddenly the door panel was kicked open, startling him, and he raised his head and roared, "Who the hell did it, what are you doing when you go out, there is..."


Huang Tao's stomach is scolding his mother, the two chiefs, can't you push the door in well? You have to kick the door!

And what are the sentinels doing to eat, the chief is here, why don't you notify in advance!

Seeing the anger on the faces of Mr. Gao and Vice President Wang, Huang Tao felt bad, and the back of his head was cold.

What the hell is going on?

"What a fart!" Mr. Gao strode over, his face almost touched the bridge of Huang Tao's nose, and his loud voice roared, "Okay, I'll call you the chief in the future, okay?" You're a great captain!

Huang Tao broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead, and said with an embarrassed face: "Chief, what do you mean by this, don't... Don't scare me. He

stammered a little.

What is Mr. Gao? The hawkish boss is the most promising head of the military department.

Huang Tao didn't dare to do anything with him even if he had ten guts, not to mention that he, the captain, was still under the control of the military region, if Mr. Gao was not satisfied, and the military region ordered him, he, the captain, would have to move his nest.

Now that Mr. Gao is angry, he said this directly, it was definitely what he did to make the chief extremely dissatisfied, so that the chief came to the door in person.

Not only Mr. Gao came, but even Vice President Wang came together, so the matter is definitely not a trivial matter.

Huang Tao quickly searched in his mind for what he had done in the past few days.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of a reason.

Huang Tao will not provoke the people in the military region, and the local companies have not arrested anyone, and there is no one at the colonel level.

That's weird....

At this moment, Mr. Gao said coldly: "This is you scaring me, hero, you all dare to arrest it, you can catch it casually, have you asked me if you have it, where are the special forces, especially the hacker brigade, just go in casually, report, Huang Tao, you are awesome!"

"Unorganized, undisciplined, embarrassed to say that you are a picket, you are so bold, others still think you are the commander-in-chief!"

Huang Tao feels like he has been hit by a million crit, hero? Hacker brigade?

"Don't dare, don't dare, chief, don't scare me." Huang Tao said again and again.

Who in the entire military region does not know that the hacker brigade is now the darling of the military region, and the military region focuses on building troops, and General Manager Gao attaches great importance to it.

With such a force, their pickets will not be stupid to provoke.

Anyway, Huang Tao didn't dare.

He thought about it carefully, and in the past few days, he had not given instructions to arrest the hacker team.

Wang Changlin also followed, "You are scaring us, you think we are troublesome and hindering you, you want to cut everything in one fell swoop, don't you?" "


Huang Tao was going to cry, he could swear he had never had such an idea.

Now that the two leaders have suddenly come to accountability, Huang Tao's brain is a mess, and he hasn't figured out what the problem is.

"Chief, is there any misunderstanding here?" Huang Tao said.

"Misunderstanding? When you arrested people, did you think that it was a misunderstanding? Okay, you're really comfortable sitting as the captain, so how about changing you to a relaxed troop tomorrow? Wang Chenglin said.

Huang Tao's face turned red, "Chief, I really don't know what you're talking about, can you explain?" "

If it was an arrest, Huang Tao would definitely know, but there was no news.

And in the corridor, the people who came to watch the excitement were shocked, the two chiefs were really angry, this is to remove Huang Tao?

Listen to this means to catch someone who shouldn't be arrested?

Who the hell is it, so awesome, that the two chiefs came to ask in person, and directly kicked the door panel.

So they checked themselves one after another, and saw that among the people they arrested, there were no people from the hacker team.

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