Gao Yan looked at the boxes of gold bars and the prickly knives, he couldn't estimate how much money was here, and it was definitely calculated in hundreds of millions.

No wonder Nuoka is so rampant, it is so much wealth that makes him swell, unscrupulous expansion.

Money can make people lose their minds!

For a person like Nuoka, money represents strength, and as long as he has enough money, he can expand his power and bring greater benefits.

According to the information gathered, Nuoka's goal is to become the strongest armed force organization in the Jinshan region, and then control the entire Southeast Asian market.

Finally, it went global and became the world's largest drug trafficking agency.

For this reason, in recent years, Nuoka has expanded wildly and become the largest armed organization in the local area.

And because of the rough methods and full of blood, he accumulated a lot of wealth.

These should be the wealth he has accumulated over the years.

It's terrifying!

No wonder drugs are a lucrative industry, just look at the wealth.

These are all drug money, and according to international practice, whoever seizes it belongs to whomever it is.

Gao Yan was naturally not polite, and ordered them all to move out, and there was nothing left.

At the same time, he contacted the headquarters and quickly reported the situation.

The task here has been completed, can you go back, and what to do with the money at the same time.

At the General Headquarters of Yanguo, everyone stood up with excitement when they heard that the task was completed and that there were no casualties and that the backbone elements, including Nuo Ka, were captured alive.

It's incredible.

No one expected that the battle would end at dawn and be completed so perfectly.

The operation was aimed at the Nuoka drug cartel, the strongest armed organization in the region, and even the local government armed forces, which were very afraid of the local armed forces.

As a result, overnight, Nuoka and the others were all captured alive!

It's too easy, isn't it? Could it be that the arrogance of the Nuoka drug cartel is all false?

But either way, it's a good thing!

During this time, the killing of the crew members attracted global attention, pushing the public opinion of Yanguo to the forefront, and all kinds of questioning voices.

On the side of the Chinese people, there are all kinds of angry voices, strongly demanding that the murderer be severely punished and avenge the dead.

If they don't give people a satisfactory answer, their law enforcement agencies will be under severe pressure.

Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Nuoka and others are properly judged, the people will definitely have a strong sense of pride and security, which is of great benefit to a country.

As for why he caught Nuoka and the others so easily, Gao Yan didn't say something right away.

The result looked perfect, but Gao Yan knew very well that if the whole process was not for Chen He's proper command, coupled with the strength of the commando team he brought, and dared to fight hard, relying on the assistance of the Bison Commando, he would not have been able to catch Nuoka.

Not to mention that it is still a matter of catching the glutinous card, whether it can win the opponent's troops or not is a question.

Chen Jun is the biggest hero!

After returning home, Gao Yan will report the whole process in detail.

Mr. Wen's solemn expression in the command center was completely relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face, and he sat in the war room all night, waiting for news, and giving instructions at the right time.

He has confidence in Chen Jun, but there are no absolutes in everything, and no one dares to guarantee that there will be no accidents until the end.

Now that he is finally waiting for the results, of course Mr. Wen is happy, "Captain Gao, you did a good job this time, you immediately escort Nuoka and his men to the airport, and you also evacuate together, the situation in the Jinshan area is complicated, you can't stay too long, and complete the evacuation before the other forces react." "

Yes!" High Rock Road.

Of course, he knew that the collapse of the Nuoka Group would definitely attract the attention of the major local forces, especially those who wanted to fall into the ground, and they would definitely not miss such an opportunity.

At that time, Gao Yan and others may face a siege by Wuhan elements in the entire region.

Mr. Wen suddenly said in a deep voice: "All the stolen money has been shipped back, we have to announce it to the world, show our strength, these stolen money is your military merit medal and honor, and it must not fall into the hands of other drug dealers." "

If Nuoka is caught, the local armed forces will definitely be enthusiastic about the large amount of wealth that Nuoka has accumulated through drug trafficking over the years, and once they get this fund, they will definitely expand their armaments and recruit troops.

At that time, it will definitely be a glutinous card again, a big local tumor.

Gao Yan nodded and said, "Yes!" "

This is a lot of money, if it is used to buy equipment, it will be enough to equip a company, and the cost of a good year.

Mr. Wen laughed, "Yes, you have made great contributions this time, and you have seized so much stolen money, which is unique, and when you come back, I will give you credit!" "

Yes!" Gao Yan responded.

After listening to Mr. Wen's praise for a few words, Gao Yan hung up the communication.

Gao Yan let out a long breath, finally able to relax.

He looked at the loot in front of him, and it was very terrifying.

What is Gold and Silver Mountains? That's it!

If all of these are displayed as trophies, it will definitely be able to increase the influence of Yan Country in the world, after all, this is a transnational anti-drug project, and only Yan Country and Beautiful Country can do it to this extent in the world.

Gao Yan will think about it, and it feels like a dream.

During the day, they only joined Chen Jun and others, and the original plan was to carry out a sneak attack after 7.

It's just that Chen Jun came hard, and in less than 24 hours, he captured Nuoka alive and destroyed his entire base, such a thing, looking at the whole world, no commando team can do it.

Chen Jun let Gao Yan see what real special operations are, and let him understand what the real gap is.

"Captain, what did the superior say?" Senior Brother couldn't help but ask.

Nezha said: "I must be surprised, I feel like a dream now, I feel like we haven't done anything, and the mission is over perfectly."

Erlang said: "That's because Captain Chen's strength is too strong, far beyond our imagination, otherwise how could it be so smooth?"

Gao Yan nodded, "This is the strength of special forces, the distance between us and them is still very large, this time we have learned, I hope that after we go back, we will work hard to improve our strength, and we can't be too far from others, otherwise there will be no chance of cooperation in the future." The

senior brother smiled and said, "Captain, let's compare with Captain Chen, forget it, if we practice for another ten years, we won't be his opponent."

Nezha and the others all nodded.

Chen Jun was already like a mountain erected in front of them, they could only look up and worship, and if they wanted to live on it, it was impossible.

Gao Yan said: "Okay, don't complain, we have to compare with yesterday's, not with a killing god!" "

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