Chen Jun stared at Nuoka coldly.

Nuoka was lying on the ground, only the ability to breathe, and nothing else could move.

Blood poured out of the broken bones.

These limbs are completely destroyed, which means that even if he is healed, he will spend it in a hospital bed.

This is more uncomfortable for people like Nuoka than death.

"You... Bastard. Nuoka's weak voice came out of his mouth, and now for him, just wanting to die early and live in this world for a day is uncomfortable.

Chen Jun snorted coldly and said: "You should feel lucky, those of your subordinates, or the so-called friends, are not as lucky as you, if it weren't for the country to judge you, it would be better to guarantee that you would live than to die, you should thank Yanguo for letting you die happily." "

Nuoka almost vomited blood, Lao Tzu was tortured by you to the point that life is worse than death, Lao Tzu will still feel lucky? Lucky yarn!

The grace of not killing?


Nuoka snorted, his eyes full of anger.

If the eyes were killing, Chen Jun didn't know how many times he had died.

Chen Jun no longer paid attention to the two father and son, but came to the outside of the cave entrance, called the others, and asked them to come over.

After about half an hour, Gao Yan and Lei Zhan arrived first.

Chen Jun said: "Nuoka and him are inside, and they are out of combat, drag them out, just walk along the bright light."

Gao Yan and Lei Zhan didn't ask much and quickly rushed into the cave.

There is a light source in the cave that extends inward, which is arranged by Chen Jun Nuoka and others with flashlights.

When they rushed into the hidden vault of Nuocka, they were stunned by the scene in front of them, and they should be said to be frightened.

The caves here are full of money and gold bricks, how much money has to be stored here?

Lei Zhan is not a person who likes money, but his eyes are also shocked.

He was prepared to never see so much money in his life, and now the gold bricks were thrown to the ground like garbage.

It's arrogant enough!

Lei Zhan swallowed his saliva and said, "How much money is here?" It's kind of scary!

Gao Yan also exclaimed, "The property seized by Lao Tzu in the past ten years is really nothing compared to this, and it can't be compared to a fraction of it." "

The gap is just too big!

Of course, the most critical point is that Chen Jun was not moved at all and said the location.

But anyone with selfish intentions, as long as he kills Nuo Ka and his son, this secret vault is only known to Chen Jun.

Chen Jun, this guy... Not bad!

They soon noticed Nuoka and his son lying on the ground.

Seeing the injuries on their bodies, I couldn't help but gasp.

People are alive, but there is not much difference from death, it's too miserable!

Chen Jun is really ruthless!

Gao Yan turned his head to look at Lei Zhan and said, "Are you captains so ruthless?"

Lei Zhan kicked Nuoka, who was in a semi-comatose state, "Holy shit, how much family happiness have you wasted in exchange for so much money, bastard!" It's not an exaggeration to kill him ten thousand times, Ling Chi is merciful to him! "

All this wealth is obtained by Nuoka through drug trafficking, how many people have been harmed by such a huge amount of wealth?

Lei Zhan hates drug traffickers the most, and if he hadn't thought of bringing the other party back to China, he would have broken the other party's neck a long time ago.

"One of the things the captain often says to us is that to be merciful to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself." Lei Zhandao.

Lei Zhan and Gao Yan tied up Nuoka and his son, and dragged them out of the cave.

The others had just arrived, and when they saw Nuoka and his son, they couldn't help but get excited.

Their biggest task this time is to arrest Nuoka and bring it back for trial.

And seeing Nuo Ka being injured like that, he also gasped, and people who didn't know thought that these two people were abused by fierce beasts.

Gao Yan looked at Chen Jun and said, "Team Chen, you're not injured, are you?" "

Just now, Chen Jun rushed all the way to the first place, which can be said to be the first soldier, if it weren't for his amazing pursuit speed, I'm afraid he really let Nuoka escape.

Chen Jun's first achievement!

If it weren't for him, the sneak attack would definitely not have gone so smoothly, and it wouldn't have been so easy to catch Nuoka.

Chen Jun shook his head and said, "It's okay."

He looked at the glutinous card on the table, "If it weren't for the fact that the state must be tried publicly, I would have killed them now!" "

Ling Chi? Gao Yan was horrified when he heard it.

There is no doubt that Chen Jun will do this, and he will definitely be able to do it.

Just look at the other party's current injuries to know how angry Chen Jun is in his heart.

Although he didn't have much contact with Chen Jun, it proved that Captain Hacker hadn't seen any mercy from the moment he came into contact with the enemy.

When I went to deal with Zapu again, a dagger slashed more than 20 people, and when I killed Zapu, I killed him.

However, these people do deserve to die.

How many people have broken up their families and fallen into the abyss of inactivity because of his existence.

As Lei Zhan said, killing Nuoka thousands of times can't offset his crime.

Gao Yan nodded and said, "Nuoka and the others really deserve to die, they will definitely receive the fairest trial." "

Captain Chen, has your task been completed, and the next thing will be handed over to me, what do you think?"

Chen Jun has no interest in how to deal with the follow-up, and it is indeed easier for the police to deal with these cumbersome things in the follow-up.

They are professional.

The hacker commando team is brave on the battlefield, only complicated to fight, and other things, others do, are two different development directions.

Chen Jun nodded and did not object.


Gao Yan immediately notified his people to come over, and they captured many key members of Nuoka's subordinates who wanted to escape along the way, and none of them let them escape.

In this way, the drug trafficking syndicate that had been in the Jinshan area for many years was completely wiped out, and all the key members of everyone were arrested, including Nuo Ka.

This matter, once announced, will definitely cause a huge sensation around the world.

Nuoka, their huge armed forces are the biggest cancer in the local area, and the local government does not dare to provoke them, so they adopt a policy of turning a blind eye.

Now that he has been completely exterminated by Chen Jun and others, the happiest person is the local government.

When the senior brother and the others saw Nuoka, they were just excited, but when they saw that the cave was full of gold bricks, they were all stunned.

Money grubber!

However, they were just excited, and they didn't think much of it.

Gao Yan contacted the Bison Commando, and in less than an hour and a half, the helicopter gunship arrived, and the Bison Commando arrived and took Nuoka and his men away.

What awaits Nuoka and others will be a fair trial.

And the last most difficult task left is to move money!

The riches of a whole cave....

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