Chen Jun looked at Fang Xinwu and said, "Is the information reliable?"

Fang Xinwu nodded and said: "Reliable, it took more than 10 hours a day, a total of a week to draw it, there will be no mistakes, at least there will be no mistakes in the places I see."

Chen Jun put away the map: "Okay, act immediately and rescue Yanduo!"

Fang Xinwu and Gao Yan both looked at Chen Jun in surprise.

This is too hasty, and he just acted on this map? Shouldn't he continue to observe the surroundings for a day or two, and after mastering it thoroughly, make a detailed plan, and then take action? Why did he start it as soon as he arrived?

Fang Xinwu was also anxious,

hoping to rescue Yan Duo as soon as possible, but he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and he also knew that especially on the other party's territory, the consequences of chaos would be very serious.

Gao Yan was even more shocked, he knew that Chen Jun was strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

To what extent did he have confidence in his own strength?

Chen Jun didn't pay attention to them at all, but let He Chenguang and the others come over as if nothing happened, and began to deploy men on the map, preparing to attack.

The police were stunned!

Erlang God said softly: "What are they doing? You don't really want to attack now, right

?" Senior Brother said: "Why do I feel that they are crazy?"

Bingbing said: " That guy is too arrogant, messing around, no, you have to let the captain talk about it, you can't let the other party come nonsense, if you startle the snake and want to act again next time, it will be difficult!" Everyone

had long been dissatisfied with Chen Jun's behavior before, and now that the other party was so anxious, they were even more dissatisfied.

They all glanced at Gao Yan.

Gao Yan couldn't help it, walked towards Chen Jun, and said, "Team Chen, are you sure to start the action to save people now, don't wait until night

?" Chen Jun said: "Is there a problem?" Gao Yan was completely speechless, and said: "

Captain Chen, it's broad daylight, how to save it?"

You also know the situation, there are armed drug dealers everywhere, their firepower is much stronger than ours, we will suffer a big loss if we work hard.

Fang Xinwu also nodded, and said: "Team Chen, I am also very anxious about this operation, but I am really not in a hurry, we must make a detailed plan, at least tomorrow, and it is night, the situation here, you are not very familiar with it, I am most familiar with it, we have no chance of winning if we force an attack during the day." "

He knows that special forces are powerful, but special forces are also people, and in the face of forces that are much stronger than themselves... Still no chance of winning.

Chen Jun looked at everyone, frowned, and said: "I said, we are special forces, not your police thinking, in addition, I am the person in charge of the operation, you only need to cooperate and carry out according to the plan formulated, this matter is related to the honor of the country, as well as the reputation of the dead citizens, so you can't delay for a minute!"

As the executors of the operation, now, our compatriots have been killed, we must give them justice, severely punish our enemies, delay for a minute, it is all our dereliction of duty, understand!"

Gao Yan and Fang Xinwu's hearts trembled slightly, they didn't expect Chen Jun to think like this, The other party was right, but it was too risky, but there was no better reason to convince the other party.

The other party is a special soldier, a real professional soldier, which is indeed very different from their police in terms of action.

And when facing Chen Jun, the powerful aura exuded by the other party, or the murderous aura, made them feel an invisible sense of oppression, and they didn't dare to argue with him.


At this time, the master came over, saluted Chen Jun, and said, "Team Chen, I can understand your feelings, but if we attack rashly like this, we will have casualties.

Chen Jun stared at him and said: "Every time the special forces perform a mission, the premise is to complete the task, as long as the task is completed, the casualties will be ranked second, and the task will be the first!"

There is no room for negotiation at all, the other side is carrying out the same set in the army, military orders are like a mountain, and the task is always the first.

Chen Jun said it so clearly, sacrifice also has to save people, what else can Gao Yan and the others say? Anyway, they can't beat others, he is the person in charge, and he has the final say.

What can a soldier say if he can sacrifice himself in order to accomplish his mission and take risks with this courage

? In addition, what can they say if he stands at the highest angle of the country and the highest point of morality?

Everyone looked at each other and did not know what to say for a while.

And Wang Yanbing and the others remained silent, what the captain said was awesome, a few simple words, domineering enough!

This is their captain.

Chen Jun said: "If you want to help, just listen, otherwise you can choose to leave by yourself."

Gao Yan sighed, the other party was too strong.

Doesn't this mean that without you, we can still act, you are dispensable.

You're here

to help!

The faces of the senior brother and the others changed again and again, didn't they say before that they would come to help? How did it become now, the police are playing soy sauce.

It's too much of a bully.

Bingbing was the first to swallow this breath, and was about to open his mouth to theorize, but was stopped by Gao Yan.

"Execute the command. Gao Yan knows very well that this is not the time for infighting, let's take a look at the situation first.

Afterwards, Gao Yan brought the others over and stood aside to see how Chen Jun arranged it.

"Falcon, you are responsible for finding the sniper battlefield and taking cover!" He


said: "Yes!" Chen Jun pointed to two points on the map: "Firebird, buffalo, you are in charge of these two areas respectively, once the battle starts, all the people who come in and out will be killed!" "Understood!"

Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu said at the same time.

Chen Jun pointed to a high ground: "Thor, you climb to the top of the building and cooperate with the falcon

!" "Yes!"

Lei Zhandao.

Chen Jun's orders were issued one after another, and everyone had their own position and was responsible for different areas, making the route clear.

Gao Yan and the others watched from the side, their eyes all showed a look of horror, judging from the map, the defensive position arranged by Chen Jun was really full of


That is to say, everyone was fighting independently, but they got along and cooperated to form a powerful firepower network.

How does this battle mode feel like a formation...

After Chen Jun finished arranging, he turned his head to look at Gao Yan and said, "You bring military dogs, follow me in, your people, arrange it yourself, it is best to pick up from the periphery." Gao

Yan's nose was crooked, and let all their people defend on the periphery to respond, isn't this letting them play soy sauce?

The most hateful thing is that the other party would rather take Xiaotian than anyone else.

Who is this looking down on!

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