When Chen Jun saw Gao Yan and the others chirping on the side for a long time, he shouted: "Don't you leave? I will give up this mission automatically when you do!" The

command of this mission must fall into his hands, otherwise he will not dare to guarantee what will happen next.

Wang Yanbing said softly: "Captain, what are you doing with all this nonsense with them, we can solve it ourselves!"

Chen Jun glared, and Wang Yanbing didn't dare to say anything.

Lei Zhan is a veteran of overseas operations, and he knows very well that without the cooperation of other personnel, it will be difficult for them to complete their tasks.

However, the command must be controlled in the hands, and Chen Jun is right about this.

Gao Yan and others are full of black lines.

This guy is too...

"Let's go."

Gao Yan waved his hand and quickly followed with the team.

An hour later, Chen Jun and the others, with the help of the intelligence bureau personnel, crossed the border unnoticed, and finally stopped at a mountain peak.

Chen Jun said: "Why don't you leave?"

Gao Yan said: "The person waiting is about to arrive." As

soon as he finished speaking, he

saw an off-road vehicle rush out of a mountain road not far away, stop in front of Gao Yan, and then a man with messy hair pushed the car door and jumped from the driving position.

The man grinned, showed a mouthful of white teeth, and shouted at Gao Yan and Chen Jun, "I am Fang Xinwu, the intelligence officer here.

Gao Yan said: "That's him."

Chen Jun nodded, and walked over with Gao Yan.

When the two approached, Fang Xinwu glanced at Chen Jun and Gao Yan, and said to Gao Yan: "You are Captain Gao."

Gao Yan was stunned and looked at Fang Xinwu in surprise.

Because it was the first time to cooperate on a mission, they had never met before, and it was a bit strange that the other party recognized him at first sight.

Why didn't he think that Chen Jun was Gao Yan?

Chen Jun was also surprised: "Have you seen him?"

Fang Xinwu shook his head and said, "No, but his skin is so dark, it must be a high team."

At this time, the subordinates behind the high team couldn't help but laugh.

Gao Yan is notoriously black, if he is placed in the middle black area, judging by his skin color alone, no one will say that he is an outsider.

Therefore, what this kid said is not wrong at all.

Chen Jun is different, with a healthy complexion and a little white, if it weren't for a fully armed outfit, no one would have said that he was a soldier, and he was also a special soldier.

Gao Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "You are quite humorous, which is different from the introduction in the file."

Fang Xinwu smiled, fiddled with the messy hair, and said, "This is the real me." "

Gao Yan!" "

Fang Xinwu!"

Then, the two hugged each other vigorously like old friends.

Chen Jun naturally knew that the two of them met at the same time, but because of the needs of the mission, the two had been secretly communicating for a long time, and they were invisible comrades-in-arms.

So when the two officially met, they both had a feeling of sympathy for each other.

After the two chatted casually, Fang Xinwu looked at Chen Jun and said, "Who is this?"

In the communication, Fang Xinwu only knew that Gao Yan would come to carry out the mission, but did not know that Chen Jun would come.

And this operation, Chen Jun and the others were also notified on an ad hoc basis, and they were not planned in advance, so it is not surprising that Fang Xinwu did not know.

Gao Yan smiled and

said, "He..."

Chen Jun took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said: "Captain of the Hacker Brigade of the Southeast Military Region, Chen Jun, the back are all my soldiers, we are the best special forces in the country."

Gao Yan and the team members behind him had their eyes jumping wildly, is this guy boasting? It's too crazy!

You know, there are dozens of commandos in several major military regions in the country, and who dares to say that they are the best?

They are so arrogant that they are boundless!

They are not inside the army, so naturally they don't know the horror of the hacker commando, Chen Jun said that he was the second in the country, and he really didn't dare to say that he was the first, so he said that they were the best special forces in the country, which was not too much at all.

Gao Yan touched the sweat on his forehead, and it was difficult to deny it, but he didn't take it seriously.

Who wouldn't say anything about boasting? As long as the skin is thick enough

, Fang Xinwu was quite serious when he heard this, stood upright, and saluted Chen Jun and said, "Team Chen,

hello. This

made Gao Yan and the others feel surprised, Fang Xinwu wouldn't take it seriously, right?

Chen Jun nodded and said, "Time is pressing, hurry up and talk about the specific situation, where

is Yan Duo?"

Fang Xinwu put away his previous hippie smile and said, "Yes!"

"Yan Duo has been arrested by drug dealers, this guy is too greedy, he actually took other people's goods, he wanted to eat black, he was discovered by the other party, and now he is locked up in the casino in Zapu. "

The casino is very heavily guarded, and all of them are Zapu's people, so I'm planning how to catch the other party, as long as he catches him, he can prove the innocence of our dead crew members, and at the same time, he can also prove that this incident was planned by Nuo Ka, so as to justifiably arrest him."

Fang Xinwu General had a lot more details about the situation, and in order to obtain this information, he kept staring at Zapu's people.

Now what he is most worried about is that Zapu will attack Yanduo and kill him, then the certification will be broken, and it will be very troublesome in the future.

That's why he was in such a hurry to contact the country, hoping to send someone over and take action as soon as possible to snatch people out.

Chen Jun nodded and said, "Is there a map of

the casino?"

"Yes, wait a minute!"

Fang Xinwu immediately turned back to the car, took out the map, and handed it to Chen Jun, "This is the topographic map I drew in detail, and the defense of the casino has been completed." "

In order to draw this map, he put a lot of effort into it, dressed up as a gambler, and lost a lot of money in it.

Chen Jun took the area and scanned it carefully.

This map is very well drawn and detailed, from the perimeter of the casino, to the main entrance of the casino, and the distribution of people on the side.

It is guarded on all sides, and the layout of the interior is specifically noted.

"There are some internal institutions that I can't get into, and I haven't figured it out yet. Fang Xinwu added.

"The guards at the casino are all loyal subordinates of Zapu, absolutely loyal, and I tried to get close to them, but without success.

Chen Jun nodded and said, "Zapu should be a very cautious person.

"Yes, this bastard is also the most afraid of death, and he takes a lot of men with him every time he goes in and out.

"He hates others betraying him the most, all Yan Duo wants to eat black and black, with Zapu's approach, he will definitely not let him go, so we must hurry up, otherwise we can only mention him to collect the body." "Fang Xin Martial Dao.

Gao Yan said: "Time is really short for us, and Iwado is a very key person, he must fall into our hands!"

This is also the main task of their coming.

Chen Jun didn't say anything, looked at the map carefully, and suddenly his brows furrowed.

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