Time passed little by little, and more and more people came to bow down, and the last one left, and in the end, only Chu Yunfei, Chen Jun and Huzi were left.

At the grave, Chu Yunfei had been crying bitterly, and his eyes were swollen from crying.

Chen Jun and Huzi did not persuade, but just stood aside and waited quietly.

They all know that after 16 years, Chu Yunfei has too much guilt in his heart, he is worthy of the country, but he is sorry for the mother who raised him, and he is sorry for the hard-working daughter-in-law, and this sorry is something he can't make up for in his life.

This time can only be remembered by Chu Yunfei.

As night fell, darkness once again covered the land.

The cemetery is cold, the mountain wind is whining, and the world is sad.

At this moment, the caretaker of the cemetery came over, and when he saw the three of them, he went over to persuade them to leave early, after all, according to the regulations, they can't stay overnight, of course, no one usually stays overnight, and in the yin here, who has nothing to do here to spend the night, unless it is a drunk.

However, the administrator saw that Chen Jun and the others were wearing military uniforms, and saw Chu Yunfei holding the tombstone and crying like that, and he didn't know what to say.

Chen Jun briefly talked about Chu Yunfei's matter, pointed out that Chu Yunfei was a meritorious veteran, and asked the administrator to be accommodating.

After the administrator knew, he sighed helplessly, "It's all poor people, so let's do it, this is a spare key, when you want to go out, lock the door, and hang the key on the wall next to it."

He handed the key to Chen Jun, turned around and walked back a few steps, and turned back, "It's very cold here at night, it's best to bring a quilt and eat something, otherwise it's not easy to carry, do you have a car? If not, I'll arrange it for you."

Chen Jun was indescribably moved, these people have not forgotten the dedication of veterans and the greatness of soldiers.

As long as they have the ability, they will lend a helping hand as much as possible and will not chill the soldiers, just like when Chen Jun was seriously injured and needed help.

They love the military.

Just like those who came to pay tribute to Chu Yunfei's mother, because Chu Yunfei is a soldier and a meritorious veteran.

"Thank you, we have the car, just give us the keys.

Chen Jun thanked him, and then asked Huzi to drive to buy thick clothes and food, and planned to accompany Chu Yunfei tonight, but Chu Yunfei kept kneeling like this, his tears were gone, and his voice was hoarse.

The cold wind blew on his face, making his originally very crisp face even paler.

Chu Yunfei just knelt and didn't move, if it weren't for his voice, they would have thought it was a statue.

Chen Jun sighed, it was not easy to persuade at this time, so he turned around and found some firewood, which burned next to it to warm Chu Yunfei's body a little.

That's all he can do now.

It didn't take long for the administrator who had left before to bring some relatively large firewood and said, "You use it first, if it's not enough, come and call me." "

Thank you. Chen Jun hurriedly thanked him.

The administrator looked at Chu Yunfei, who was kneeling in front of the tombstone, with medals on his chest, and sighed helplessly, and said: "People can't be resurrected after death, comrade, you are still a great veteran, live, they are all watching you from the sky, you are a hero of the country, protect us ordinary people, if you don't pay, where would we have such a stable life, if you want to open a little and live well, you can be worthy, their hope for you, isn't it?"

He could see that Chu Yunfei was now falling into a kind of confusion and self-blame, people's hearts were long, and it was uncomfortable for anyone to change, and it was strange if he didn't collapse psychologically, but... Hey, I can only get out early and walk the road below.

I have been an administrator here for so many years, and I have seen too many life and death, but this is the first time I have met someone like Chu Yunfei.

Seeing that Chu Yunfei didn't speak, he sighed and turned to leave.

It didn't take long for Huzi to buy instant noodles and a thick coat.

The coat was covered with Chu Yunfei, and the hot water for the instant noodles was taken from the administrator.

After soaking the noodles, Chen Jun gave it to Chu Yunfei to eat, but the other party couldn't eat a mouthful, and in the end, Chen Jun forced him to stuff a few mouthfuls into his mouth and swallowed it.

In this way, Chen Jun and Huzi spent the night in Chu Yunfei Cemetery.

Chen Jun is a special soldier, Huzi is a scout, it is nothing to spend the night in the field, and when he is on a mission, where has he not stayed? Compared to the rear of the enemy, the cemetery is the most peaceful and safe.

In the morning, the first thing Chen Jun did was to call the military region and explain his situation here, and he might have to take two days off.

Gao Shiwei was shocked when he knew about this situation, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Chu Yunfei is a soldier under him, he knows this veteran's dedication very well, he didn't think that the other party had stayed up for so many years, made so many achievements, returned to his hometown, and wanted to share it with his family, but it was already yin and yang.

Gao Shiwei directly instructed Chen Jun: "Chen Jun, don't come back in a hurry, comfort Chu Yunfei, let him mourn and change, you must take care of him, it is not easy for him to be a soldier, the country owes him, if there is any difficulty, you can contact me directly." "

Yes!" Chen Jun said.

After getting the support of Gao Shiwei's side, Chen Jun continued to accompany Chu Yunfei in the cemetery, and so did Huzi.

Both of them took turns looking at Chu Yunfei.

For three days in a row, Chu Yunfei had been kneeling like this, motionless, like a walking corpse.

At this time, his lips were chapped, his face was pale, and his whole person was so haggard that he couldn't be haggard.

This tough guy, the hero who fought behind enemy lines, the soldier who didn't frown at the rain of bullets, became like a dead man.

Who would have thought that three days ago, this iron-blooded man was a person with a smile on his face and a radiant face.

Now he feels no different from dead.

Huzi was so anxious next to him that his scalp was numb, watching Chu Yunfei go down like this day by day, his heart was very painful, and he was more anxious than anyone else.

He knew that Chu Yunfei was uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable he was, he couldn't joke with his life.

Chu Yunfei will die

if he continues like this! In the past three days, he couldn't eat anything for him, and after eating a few bites, Chen Jun forced it into his mouth and forced him to swallow it, and then it was now.

For three days, even if he is an iron man, he can't stand it like this.

But they had no choice but to watch Chu Yunfei endure like this, and if possible, Huzi wanted to knock him out with one punch and carry him to the hospital.

Huzi turned his head to look at Chen Jun, he knew that the only one who could move Chu Yunfei now was Chen Jun.

He said heavily: "Boss Chen, Boss Chu can't go on like this, he will die here." "

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