"Aunt Wang, what's wrong? don't


This cry, Chu Yunfei was a little panicked.

Aunt Wang hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said: "Xiao Chu, why did you only come back now, when your daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, she had a difficult birth and left, and the child was not saved, your mother was overworked alone, and she was sad, and she also left last year, you... It was too late to come back.

Chu Yunfei's body staggered, and he almost fell to the ground, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and his ears were buzzing.

"They're all gone..."Chu Yunfei's whole person felt as if he had lost his soul, and he kept muttering, "They're all gone, they're all gone, I..."

Full of hope and joy, he hung all the medals on his chest and rushed back to see them, wanting to tell them that he was back, and that the family could be reunited in the future, and there was no need to be separated, but they were gone...

The son wants to raise but does not wait, and there is nothing more painful in the world than this.

Chen Jun and Huzi were also stunned, no one expected such a result.

They came all the way, looking at Chu Yunfei's happy appearance, what a happy smile this was, but no one expected that it would be such a result.

"Why, why do I know now?" Chu Yunfei's voice suddenly became hoarse, his eyes became red, tears rolled in his eyes, and he looked like he might collapse at any time.

Chen Jun could feel it, this was heart-rending despair.

Sister-in-law Wang said: "Your mother doesn't want you to be distracted, before she died, tell the neighbors that you are serving the country, and you can't delay your big things because of the country's absolute affairs. "

Hey, poor your mother, I've worked hard all my life, hey..."

Aunt Wang sighed, but there was nothing she could do.

"Where are they buried?"

"Can you take me now? I want to meet them." "

Okay, I'll take you there now.

Aunt Wang walked in front, Chu Yunfei and others followed, and the neighbors knew that Chu Yunfei was back, and they couldn't help but sigh one by one.

Many of them watched Chu Yunfei grow up, they were very filial children, and later went to become soldiers, and then there was no news for a long time.

And when they saw Chu Yunfei with so many medals on his chest, they immediately understood that this was a meritorious veteran.

The children of the Chu family have grown up.

It was a great honor for him to serve his country and bring glory to all his neighbors, but unfortunately his family was gone.

His mother is right, Chu Yunfei is not degenerate, he must have something important to deal with, he is doing things for the country... Now he's back in a full military uniform.


, behind Chu Yunfei and the others, more and more neighbors gathered, quietly following behind.

Chen Jun helped Chu Yunfei and said in a deep voice: "Brother, people can't be resurrected after death, take care of your life."

Chu Yunfei looked at Chen Jun, his expression was like laughing and wanting to cry, it was very strange, and he felt like he was going to be stupid.

Chen Jun's heart was also extremely uncomfortable, such an iron-clad tough guy, in the face of a powerful enemy, even if he was going to die in the next moment, he never lowered his head, and his brows did not wrinkle, but now he was exhausted and his mind was a little confused.

Hey, no matter how iron-clad a man is, there are times when he is weak.

The mother is gone, the wife is gone, and the child died before it was born... What a blow is this to a normal person? Even a person who is beaten with iron cannot resist it, unless the blood on his body is cold.

Huzi was also holding on the side, the two of them seemed to be flying away with Chu Yun, his whole person seemed to have no soul, he was floating when he walked, and the expression on his face was extremely complicated.

And behind them, I don't know when a long line has gathered.

These are all neighbors who came spontaneously.

"Hey, this baby of the Chu family has a future, she is a meritorious veteran, she has so many medals on her body, how much merit has she made for the country, she is a hero, but it is so pitiful, she can't take a last look when her mother dies. "

It's really pitiful, my daughter-in-law has a difficult birth, and the child has not been saved...""

Such a good person, why is God so unfair?"

"God doesn't have long eyes!" They

were very sympathetic to Chu Yunfei's experience, and only sighed that fate was too unfair to Chu Yunfei, but what could be done? The people are gone, it's useless to say anything, now I can only hope that Chu Yunfei can cheer up as soon as possible, he is still young, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

About an hour later, the group arrived at the cemetery.

Chu Yunfei stood in front of the tombstones of his mother and daughter-in-law, and the two tombstones were side by side.

At this moment, Chu Yunfei couldn't hold back any longer, knelt directly in front of the tombstones, hugged the two tombstones directly with both hands, and tears gushed out from his eyes like spring water.

"Alain, I'm back, Mom, I'm back......."

After Chu Yunfei tried hard to say this, he instantly collapsed and cried loudly.

Chen Jun and Huzi couldn't help it, their eyes were moist and their foreheads were moist, and the man did not flick his tears even if he shed blood,

this was a true portrayal of their soldiers.

Chu Yunfei is an iron-clad man, who has protected countless people he doesn't know, and in the eyes of many people, he is an unsung hero and a tough guy, but he doesn't have time to see the last side of his mother and daughter-in-law.


a man, not a beast, he's not made of steel, he's a man of flesh and blood, and he's full of joy on the way here, and he's still thinking about what he's going to say, how he's going to say it, how he's going to express it... Chu Yunfei has thought about all of them.

But who would have thought that when they came back, they would see their tombstones!

Relatives have been separated from yin and yang since then, what a sad thing, Chu Yunfei's heart hurts, he feels that he is almost unable to breathe, at this moment, he feels that he died in battle, it will be better...

The surrounding neighbors were moved, and many people gently wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes, and could only feel sorry for this.

Such a good family is gone, and those who once questioned Chu Yunfei had a look of shame on their faces, they blamed Chu Yunfei for wrong... It shouldn't have been questioned, and he even had an argument with his mother.

No, the hero's mother died too early, if she could live until now and see Chu Yunfei come back, it would be great.

It's a pity....

The neighbors could only pray for Chu Yunfei's mother, hoping that her heroic spirit would be able to see all this.

At this moment, Chen Jun and Huzi stood upright, held their chests high, and saluted solemnly to the tombstone at the same time.

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