Long Xiaoyun took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Chen Jun, and said simply: "You win, my whole army announces..."

Chen Jun waved his hand to interrupt her: "No, it doesn't matter if we win or lose, the important thing is that you still have a chance to catch up."

Long Xiaoyun looked at Chen Jun in surprise, and immediately understood that he didn't care about the present, the key was to work hard in the future.

Judging from Chen Jun's strength alone, hackers are indeed stronger than Wolf Warriors, and more than a little, because whether a captain is strong or not determines the strength of a force.

Why is the wolf warrior strong, it is because Long Xiaoyun is strong enough, and only the strong can bring out a stronger team.

That's why the long saying is that a wolf with a flock of sheep can turn a sheep into a wolf, and a sheep with a flock of wolves can turn a wolf into a wolf.

Long Xiaoyun's eyes changed when he looked at Chen Jun, this guy was full of strong confidence in himself like his previous self.

He is declaring war on the wolf warriors, and it is time for the wolf warriors to prepare.

If it weren't for the competition with Chen Jun, Long Xiaoyun would never regard Chen Jun as his opponent, but now, Chen Jun is his powerful opponent and the goal he wants to surpass.

"Are you sure?" Long Xiaoyun stared at Chen Jun as if he wanted to engrave the other party in his mind.

Chen Jun smiled, turned to look at the team of wolf warriors and shouted, "Who else is not convinced?" I'll wait for him!

His gaze swept over everyone, and no one dared to answer, and all remained silent.

The wolf warriors are holding their breath, isn't this bullying? The dragon team with the strongest climbing ability has lost, aren't they looking for abuse when they go up?

They are much worse than Long Xiaoyun.

Seeing that no one made a sound, Chen Jun shouted again: "Shooting, climbing, off-roading, etc., whatever you choose, I feel free, as long as any of you can beat me, I will admit that you are better than us hackers!" The

crowd remained silent.

The 50-meter sprint has already seen Chen Jun's terrifying explosiveness and speed, the 15-meter climb reflects his terrifying skills, and the coin hit reflects his powerful shooting ability... This is an all-round soldier king.

Who compares to him?

Leng Feng and the others were silent, they were the strongest commandos among the wolf warriors, they didn't say anything, who was embarrassed to speak?

This time it was really cleaned by the other party.

Smash the field!

The corners of the gatekeeper's mouth twitched, the young man is arrogant, but if he was as young as Chen Jun, he had such strength, what if he was arrogant?

It's good to be young.

The gatekeepers began to look forward to what kind of wonderful things would happen after Chen Jun's meeting in the future.

"This kid doesn't play cards according to common sense, hehe, hehe, he has to do it."

He suddenly felt that the most important decision he had made in his life was to follow Chen Jun.

Long Xiaoyun walked to the front of the team and shouted, "Leng Feng, get out of the ranks!"

Leng Feng quickly took a step forward and looked at Long Xiaoyun with a surprised expression.

What did you call him out for? I can't do Chen Jun by myself... Leng Feng was full of doubts.

Long Xiaoyun said: "Leng Feng, starting today, you go with Team Chen, hackers are more suitable for you."

Leng Feng was stunned, what is the situation? Let him go to the hacker brigade....

"Report, I'm a Wolf Warrior Commando sniper, not a Hacker Commando sniper, please take back the order." Leng Feng said.

Long Xiaoyun said: "Don't ink, I've tried, hackers are more suitable for you, if I'm not the captain, in order to become stronger, I'll go too."

Leng Feng clenched his fists, emotionally he didn't want to leave, because here are his best brothers, best comrades-in-arms, and Long Xiaoyun, but hackers have a strong man like Chen Jun, and for special forces, the challenge can become stronger.

Leng Feng has seen Chen Jun's strength, and his goal is to surpass Chen Jun, only by getting close to the other party can he know how to become stronger more quickly, from this point, he wants to be with Chen Jun.

The two are very contradictory.


Long Xiaoyun directly interrupted him: "Don't talk nonsense, go to hackers, do a good job, once a wolf warrior, a wolf warrior for life." "

Yes!" Leng Feng didn't hesitate anymore and saluted.

For him, this is an opportunity, a chance to make himself stronger, and the wolf warrior is his home, and he can come back in the future if he wants to.

Long Xiaoyun turned to Chen Jun and said, "People, I'll give it to you, bring him into a good soldier, otherwise

, I..."

Chen Jun interrupted her: "Team Long, don't worry, if you are not qualified, I will come to see you."

Long Xiaoyun stared at Chen Jun for a few seconds, then waved his hand, "Let's go."

Chen Jun did not leave immediately, but turned his head to look at Shi Sanba in the team.

The face of the gatekeeper standing next to him changed, this guy has to inch in, it's not enough to ask for a cold front, he also wants the best assaulter, this is really bold enough, not afraid that Long Xiaoyun will turn his face and not recognize people?

I've seen the bold, but I've never seen the bold!

But the next moment, the gatekeeper was stunned, because Long Xiaoyun said without hesitation: "Okay! "

Damn, is this okay?

Today's young people, their thoughts are really crazy, one is bold enough, the other dares to give, and they hit it off!

Now he is becoming more and more unable to understand what kind of path Chen Jun is, how can he feel that he can strangle Long Xiaoyun, a tigress, to death.

The world of young people is crazy.

Long Xiaoyun immediately called Shi Sanba out, "You go with Captain Chen, from today onwards, you are also a hacker." "

Ahh Shi Sanba's mouth was wide open, with a stunned expression on his face, and he didn't react to what was going on at all.

Chen Jun came to the wolf's tooth, abused the captain all over again, and took Leng Feng away, and now he is also taken away... This is beating people, and carrying them away.

Isn't the Dragons stupid?

The people around me were dumbfounded, which was too weird.

"Captain, you don't want me anymore?"

Long Xiaoyun glared and scolded: "Cowardly, wolf warriors, they are not afraid of anywhere, they are all to become stronger, do you want to go?" If you don't go, you can clean the toilet for a year. "

What... I'll go! Shi Sanba immediately saluted.

It's so scary, cleaning the toilet for a year, it's going to kill him.

As Long Xiaoyun said, it's the same wherever you go, as long as you become stronger!

"Let's go." Long Xiaoyun shouted to the two.


Leng Feng and Shi Sanba saluted Long Xiaoyun at the same time, and then prepared to get on the helicopter with Chen Jun.

Chen Jun expressed his friendliness and stretched out his right hand to Long Xiaoyun, but Long Xiaoyun turned around and ignored it directly, which was angry in his heart.

Such is the case with proud women.

It seems that women's anger is not so easy to settle, especially a woman like Long Xiaoyun... Chen Jun saluted Long Xiaoyun and said, "Thank you, Team Dragon, there will be a period later!"

Long Xiaoyun didn't look back, and shouted with his back to Chen Jun: "Yes, I remember your words, the wolf warrior will not lose to the future, next time, see you again, you will be all over the ground looking for teeth!" "

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