Judgment from above.

Long Xiaoyun can't lose anymore, it's over!

Chen Jun looked at Long Xiaoyun and said, "Team Dragon, how is our agreement?"

Long Xiaoyun was not angry, but unusually calm, and said: "My marksmanship is not as good as yours, I admit it, you can take Leng Feng away, but I want to compare with you again."

Chen Jun grinned, Long Xiaoyun really didn't let himself down, if he changed to another woman, it was certain that he would be messing around, even if he won, he would not happily agree.

The other party is simply admitting defeat directly, not dragging mud and water, just rushing this point, her character is commendable.

No wonder she was able to subdue the entire squadron of Wolf Warriors and make a bunch of big men obey her orders.

Chen Jun said: "Then Bibi."

Long Xiaoyun stared at him and said: "This is the battle of honor of the wolf warrior, I won, you can still take Leng Feng away, but never say that the wolf warrior is not as good as a hacker, if you lose, I admit in the whole army that the wolf warrior is not as good as a hacker."

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, looking at this woman's stubborn appearance, knowing that his humility was the biggest disrespect.

Long Xiaoyun's ability to become a generation of heroines among women is inseparable from her stubborn and tough style.

There are too few such overlord flowers in the army!

When Leng Feng and the others heard that the Dragon Team was going to compete with Chen Jun, they all felt a headache.

The captain is competing with Chen Jun, and he actually bets on the honor of the wolf warrior.

However, Chen Jun kicked the door to the door, if he didn't fight back, it was really not Long Xiaoyun's style.

"What to do? If you don't talk to the captain, forget it? Shi Sanba said weakly, and then turned his head to look at Leng Feng.

The corners of Leng Feng's mouth twitched, "What do you think I'm doing?" To go, you go.

Banzhuan said: "Leng Feng, it is most appropriate for you to go."

Yu Fei said: "You go, otherwise you will lose, the dragon team will blow too hard, can you see it?"

Shao Bin said: "Go ahead, no one can parry the dragon team except you."

Leng Feng was speechless and said, "You guys are really... Can the Dragons' temperament be stopped?

At this moment, Long Xiaoyun walked to the training ground without looking back, and Chen Jun threw the pistol to the wolf warrior soldiers, and quickly followed.

And the others quickly followed, there was no way, the dragon team said that if they competed again, everyone hoped that the wolf warrior could win.

But Leng Feng and the others, who were familiar with Chen Jun's methods, knew that there was no chance of winning at all.

The gatekeeper shook his head and muttered, "Mud horse, there's no end to it." "

In marksmanship, Long Xiaoyun can't beat Chen Jun, and he can't win in other aspects.

Soon, everyone came to the training ground, and Long Xiaoyun was climbing downstairs.

The climbing tower, which is 15 meters high, has an uneven façade and is not surrounded by any protection.

Long Xiaoyun looked at Chen Jun: "My best thing is climbing, don't say that I bully you, if you are afraid, you can change to other projects."

Chen Jun smiled faintly and said, "Hackers are not afraid of any project.


The two stepped back and came to the starting line, 50 meters away from the climbing wall.

And the goalkeeper stood aside as the referee.

"Be prepared." Gatekeeper Shinto.

Long Xiaoyun bent over, like a leopard, ready to sprint at any time.

The same is true for Chen Jun.

The two of them just waited for the gatekeeper to shout to begin.

All eyes around were focused on the two of them.

They were very clear about Long Xiaoyun's ability to climb, and none of the entire wolf warriors were her opponents.

"Did you say the captain had a chance?"

"I guess I'm a little sure."

"What do you mean by should?"

"It's not good to say, although the captain has strong strength in climbing, but the other party should not be weak, otherwise it is impossible to accept the challenge."


the previous round, Chen Jun showed amazing shooting ability, which shocked them, and now they don't dare to make up their minds so quickly, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to slap their faces.

Leng Feng smiled wryly, "The Dragon Team compares this with Chen Jun... The odds are low.

Banzhuan also nodded and said: "The dragon team has never fought against him, I don't know the physical strength and speed of Chen Jun's pervert, will it collapse later?"

Shi Sanba said: "Hey, how do you feel that the captain's luck is very bad."

Yu Fei said: "Okay, if the captain loses, we will probably have a hard time in the future."

Shao Bin nodded and said: "Hurt the pond fish, we are part of the wolf warrior, the captain was slapped in the face, and it was us who was beaten." "

They have fought with Chen Jun and know the horror of the other party, and now let them compete with him again, they don't dare, because they will definitely lose.

As for the captain... Forget it, let's take it as a lesson.

"Let's go!" With the shouts of the gatekeeper, the two jumped out almost at the same time.

At the moment of impact, the high and low are separated.

Chen Jun's whole person bounced out, and there were three more positions of Long Xiaoyun at once, and between a few breaths, Long Xiaoyun had already been thrown behind for more than ten meters, and at the moment when he was close to the climbing tower, Chen Jun kicked his feet hard, and the whole body flew up, leaving the ground for more than three meters!

He spread out, his hands outstretched, and grasped the protruding part of the wall, which was nearly 5 meters above the ground.

The next moment, Chen Jun cooperated with his hands and feet, like a gecko attached to the wall, and quickly climbed up the rock, and the speed was amazing.


"His feet are equipped with springs, such explosive power, speed, and bounce power, is he still human?"

"It's over, our dragon team is looking for abuse!"

"Hey, this guy is so terrifying, it's just a humanoid machine, a jump of more than three meters, how did he jump out, the world champion is not as strong as him."

"You can leave the rest alone, look at his climbing speed, it feels like his hands are sticky, it's incredible."

"With such climbing ability, I'm afraid I can't find a second person in the army, no wonder the other party dares to be so arrogant, it's not done, the dragon team has already lost."

Leng Feng and the others had already guessed such a scene, and they all held their foreheads one by one, and they all wanted to squat down.

The Dragons are like a kid in front of each other, how to play?

In the midst of everyone's discussions, Long Xiaoyun finally arrived at the climbing downstairs, looking for the climbing point with a blue face, and quickly climbed up, telling himself to be fast.

But she had only crawled five or six movements, and a figure had already rushed down from it and landed beside her.

"Dragons, I'm sorry, I'm here." Chen Jun smiled indifferently.

Long Xiaoyun's eyes widened instantly, he looked up at the roof of the building, and turned his head to look at Chen Jun.

She's going to break down.

I've only reached the second floor, and this guy has already come down? Is the gap so big?

The rope that came down was on the top of the building, and he must have climbed up to get the rope and then slid down...

Such a perception is too great to be on a level at all.

I thought that my strong climbing ability would be enough to win back a game, but I lost even more.

Long Xiaoyun was completely desperate.

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