Gao Shiwei was silent for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more interesting he felt, this is a very good new idea, and it can indeed be tried, but this is a bit risky.

"Is this Chen Jun's suggestion?" Gao Shiwei paced back and forth in the office for a few steps, and couldn't help but ask again.

He Zhijun was a little moved when he saw Gao Shiwei, but he was still a little hesitant, and directly lit a fire, "Chief, you don't believe me, don't you still believe that kid? He is a special operations expert and more professional than me, and he put forward these ideas."

"I'll tell you, I went to grind with him for a long time, and I had to let him come up with a way to live for the wolf fang, he couldn't bear the face, so he couldn't think of it, after all, he also came out of the wolf fang, and he also has feelings for the wolf fang, so he can be regarded as pulling the wolf tooth."

"Otherwise, do you think my brain can come up with such a layout? My current thinking is that I can't keep up with the pace of world development, so the wolf tooth is falling behind day by day, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten, this is a painful lesson, and the wolf tooth must find a way, and this is the responsibility on the shoulders of our wolf tooth people."

"Those martyrs who once shed their blood for the wolf's tooth, there must be no want to see the wolf's tooth disappear like this, old chief, you also watched the wolf's tooth grow all the way, and you must have feelings for the wolf's tooth, and you don't want to watch it withdraw from the stage of history like this." "

Chen Jun gave the wolf tooth a new way out, I can guarantee that once I start from this aspect, I will definitely bring out a new wolf tooth, if you don't worry, I will make a military order!"

He Zhijun is out of the way, no matter what he wants to persuade Gao Shiwei today, knock this matter to death.

This is the hope for the last rise of the wolf's fangs.

Gao Shiwei is still unclear about He Zhijun's thoughts? The wolf tooth was set up by him, of course he didn't want to watch it disappear like this, in the past few years, the wolf tooth has been a pool of stagnant water, constantly going downhill, and if it continues like this, it can only be eliminated.

The rise of Chen Jun just replaced the wolf's tooth and became the benchmark of the military region.

Of course, from the bottom of his heart, Gao Shiwei didn't want to remove the wolf's teeth, after all, this was a unit that had made great achievements, but whenever there was a little hope, he didn't want the veteran to be cold.

He thought about it for a moment, "The size of the wolf's fangs is indeed similar to that of the rangers of the Ugly Country, but overall it is still not as good as others, but in terms of squad combat, you are similar to the seals, which is indeed an awkward position."

"The wolf's tooth is something I have watched and developed, and of course I want it to continue to grow, but you know better than anyone the wolf's tooth situation over the years.

He Zhijun nodded and said: "So it needs to be reformed, and the functional system is restructured, according to Chen Jun's plan, the wolf tooth will become a new model for the whole army." "

Model?" Gao Shiwei's eyes lit up instantly, anyway, the wolf's teeth are at the bottom, if you don't toss, you can't turn over at all, you can only be eliminated by history, of course, the most important point is that once the wolf's teeth are restructured, the military region will spend less money on it, and there will be fewer opinions from others.

If it can really set a new example, it will definitely be a good thing for the military region, and it will be able to get greater support from its superiors, and when the time comes, resources will be inclined to the southeast side, and it will be possible to become the boss.

Chen Jun's brain is good, and he has never let himself down in what he does.

"In this way, you go and get a plan, how to restructure, compile, funding, etc., and report it in a unified manner, and I will discuss it with other leaders and finally determine it.

He Zhijun saluted Gao Shiwei: "Thank you, chief, the wolf tooth will definitely be able to create more brilliance!"

Gao Shiwei chuckled in his heart and said, "Okay, just don't let me lose face, go ahead."


After He Zhijun left Gao Shiwei's office, he immediately rushed back to Langya without stopping, and when he was halfway through, he notified all units in advance to hold a meeting

in the conference room, and he was not to be absent!

When he arrived at Langya, he immediately plunged into the conference room, and all the upper leaders of Langya gathered to discuss the issue of restructuring, but Fan Tianlei, chief of staff, was stopped outside the conference room.

Lao Fan was directly furious, and scolded the guard: "What do you mean? You won't let me in at a meeting?"

The guard looked embarrassed and said: "No. 5, I know your identity, but the brigade commander said that he would not let you participate, and said that you are about to change jobs, so I won't trouble you."

Fan Tianlei, who was furious, was stunned for a moment and said, "What? How come I don't know!"

He seems to have been hit by a million critical points, he has no intention of changing jobs, and he can't change jobs, he wants to work in the wolf's teeth for the rest of his life!"

The brigade commander told you, No. 5, don't embarrass me, you can go back. The guard said helplessly.

Lao Fan trembled aggrievedly, is this a forced job change? If I am really transferred...

He knew that the wolf head had a very big opinion of him, but he wouldn't let him change jobs, and he wouldn't even let himself come to the meeting...

The more Lao Fan thinks about it, the more empty he becomes, and the more chaotic his heart becomes.

He waited in his office, but waited until it was dark and the meeting was over, and no one came to inform him.

Fan Tianlei was completely desperate.

Fan Tianlei walked to the window and looked in the direction of the hacker brigade, where the lights were bright.

He clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of anger, "It must be Chen Jun, this kid is going to change jobs!"

As he spoke, he turned around suddenly, walked out of the office quickly, came downstairs, got into the military vehicle, and went straight to the direction of the hacker team.

At this time, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening, and the hacker commando team was conducting special training on the training ground, and Chen Jun personally commanded it.


A member of the team quickly ran over, saluted, and said, "Report to the captain, there is a disturbance at the door, saying that he wants to see you." Chen

Jun was happy when he heard it, did he dare to make trouble at the door of the hacker brigade and eat leopard gall?

"What person?"

"It's Fan Tianlei, the chief of staff of the wolf's teeth."

Chen Jun heard that it was Lao Fan, "It turned out to be this old boy." "

This will come to find yourself mostly because of the last time I was pitted, who can blame this? Now I know that I am in a hurry, with the temper of the wolf head, Lao Fan must be sad, if he doesn't clean him up, it is not the style of the wolf head."

But what did he come to himself for? He didn't want to take his anger out on himself.

Chen Jun raised his hand to look at the time and said, "You bring him in, give him five minutes." "

Yes!" the

sentry quickly turned away.

Today He Zhijun came to him to ask for ideas, It is estimated that he has obtained permission from Gao Shiwei, and the next step is the implementation of the problem, the wolf tooth will definitely eliminate some of it, as for who to keep, it depends on the wolf's head.

Fan Tiankeng is going to be transferred?

Chen Jun immediately thought of this question, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Someone is really anxious now. "

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