Chen Jun stared at He Zhijun and said solemnly: "You are the pioneer of the wolf's teeth, you should take the wolf's teeth out of a better way."

He Zhijun's eyes were on fire, and this proposal really touched him.

The wolf tooth has come to the end of the crossbow, if you don't want to change it, you will be eliminated by history, and Chen Jun's proposal is indeed a very good way, at least the best way he has seen at present.

Suddenly, the office fell silent and everyone fell silent.

The dog-headed boss Gao also seemed to notice something, and he didn't dare to say anything, for fear of disturbing the wolf's analysis.

Lei Zhan's eyes became more eccentric, while He Zhijun was thinking quickly and weighing the pros and cons.

Silence, all are silent.

Fate is in a thought.

Time passed little by little, about ten minutes passed, Chen Jun stood and waited, and did not urge, after all, it was a big thing.

Suddenly, He Zhijun suddenly looked up at Chen Jun and said, "If I listen to your advice, how can you help us?"

He can sit in the position of the wolf's head, he is a shrewd person, Chen Jun's plan is good, but it is not easy for the wolf's teeth to completely change.

Wolf Tooth needs Chen Jun's experience, otherwise, it can't be completed at all.

Chen Jun thought for a moment and said, "In this way, I can formulate a whole set of training plans, and my people will take turns to fight and communicate with you on a regular basis, so that the wolf teeth will become stronger, how does the old chief think of this?"

Hearing this, He Zhijun's eyes lit up completely, and he no longer had any hesitation.

"Don't regret it.

Chen Jun said: "Whoever regrets it is a grandson, if there are any good soldiers in the future, don't be reluctant to give it to me."

He Zhijun directly clapped the decision and said: "Okay, just do it."

He stretched out his hand to Chen Jun and took the initiative to shake hands with Chen Jun.

"Without further ado, I'll go to Chief Gao now.

He Zhijun didn't stay any longer, strode out, and went directly to find Gao Shiwei.

This is the last straw.

After He Zhijun and Lao Gao left, Lei Zhan couldn't help but ask Chen Jun: "It's not easy to turn the wolf tooth into a ranger, right?"

He was very clear about the ranger's approach, when he went abroad to study, he had been exposed to this kind of training method, it was very difficult, with the current foundation of the wolf tooth, if you want to improve to that point, I am afraid it will take more than ten times the effort.

Of course, this is indeed a very good direction of development, the last hope of the wolf's teeth.

Wolf heads, they will definitely fight hard.

Chen Jun nodded and said: "It's really not easy, but there is no way, the wolf tooth wants to come out, this is the only way I can think of, of course, I also have selfish intentions, the wolf tooth is restructured, we will have more funds for training."

Lei Zhan was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Jun and said, "You don't want to turn the wolf's teeth into our warehouse, do you?"

Chen Junran smiled indifferently and didn't explain.

Is it so superficial? You can see through it.

"Lei Zhan, no matter what means we use or what kind of way we use, our goal is to make the troops stronger, this is our original intention, to make the Yan country stronger!" Chen Jun said firmly.

Lei Zhan's stomach twitched, this is a good thing, but how do you feel a little like a sixth child.

Forget it, as long as the wolf's teeth can be saved, no matter how Chen Jun operates, in short, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat, and everyone wins.

"How did you come up with such a method?"

Chen Jun smiled, "This... Is it difficult?"

Lei Zhan felt that he shouldn't have asked, and let this kid pretend to be it.

"Let's go, this matter is not so easy to implement, take advantage of this time, let's hurry up and improve ourselves.

Chen Jun walked out of the office quickly and continued training.

On the other side, He Zhijun and the dog-headed Lao Gao went straight to the military region, and when they arrived at the office building of the military region, before the car stopped, He Zhijun pushed the door and jumped down.

This frightened Lao Gao, quickly stopped, and then rushed to chase He Zhijun.

"Wolf head, you slow down, don't be in such a hurry. Lao Gao chased after him, for fear that He Zhijun would leave in too much hurry and fall.

He Zhijun didn't pay attention to Lao Gao at all, and went straight to Gao Shiwei's office, constantly reviewing what Chen Jun said just now, and the solutions he proposed, which had already achieved results.

He wanted to persuade Gao Shiwei to agree to such an institutional reform.

This is a chance for the wolf's fangs to keep going.

Soon, He Zhijun came to the door of Gao Shiwei's office, pushed the door in directly, and then shouted: "Report!"

This startled Gao Shiwei, who was answering the phone, and almost dropped his phone.

He hung up the phone in a hurry and shouted, "What are you doing?"

When did this Xiao He become neither big nor small, he came in and shouted a report, and shouted a hairy one.

He Zhijun didn't care so much, and said urgently: "Chief, I have something important to report."

Gao Shiwei glared at him, seeing He Zhijun's excited appearance, he couldn't help but wonder, He Zhijun has always been calm, and he has never seen him lose his temper so much.

"How old a person you are, impatient, don't forget, you are still the wolf head of the special forces, and you are not afraid of others seeing you and laughing at you. Gao Shiwei scolded.

He Zhijun could manage so much, and said excitedly: "Chief, I have found a suitable path for the development of the wolf's tooth, so that the wolf's tooth can be transformed into another form of special forces."

Gao Shiwei was a little dumbfounded and looked at He Zhijun, who was a little crazy, he knew that for the development of the wolf's teeth, he had a lot of relationships with He Zhijun in private, just hoping to keep the wolf's teeth.

But is this useful? It's useless, it is a national policy to streamline the administration of elite soldiers, and it is impossible for two special forces to appear in a military region, and the Black Arrow is performing so well, and the wolf teeth have been going downhill, they must be eliminated.

Even if he is reluctant, he has to carry it out, probably because this makes He Zhijun have a heavy psychological burden.

He was under a lot of pressure during this time, Gao Shiwei could understand that he wouldn't be whimsical, right?" "Xiao He, you're

not crazy, are you, you still have a fever, and your brain is not bright? What kind of transformation, are there any other models of special forces?"

I know you're stressed, so let's do it, you make an application, I'll take family leave for you, take a good rest for a while, and then come back when you have enough rest, otherwise you will have a problem with your brain, you are old, do you have any model of special forces, you don't know?" Gao Shiwei scolded directly.

"Yes!" He Zhijun said firmly, "I have been able to find a very good way..."

, so he sold Chen Jun without hesitation, and told Gao Shiwei about the conversation with him.

At first, Gao Shiwei was still a little impatient when he listened, but as He Zhi stated, Shiwei's ears pricked up, and it sounded quite reasonable.

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