
Accompanied by a violent explosion, a large area of fire mixed with thick smoke directly covered the militants who had just stepped into the forest.



sudden explosion completely frightened the unprepared militants, and those who walked in the front were directly shattered by the terrible blast impact in the moment when the explosion sounded.

The people, who weighed nearly 200 kilograms, were directly blown up in the explosion like a kite with a broken string, and then thrown into the sky.

When it fell again, the whole person was shattered, and in the thick smoke, stumps and broken arms flew everywhere, and blood splattered everywhere.

Until they died, they didn't react, they died that simply, and of course they died so miserably.

They were going to fight, and they didn't expect that they had just stepped into this place, and they hadn't even seen the enemy, so they were bombed up.

The militants who were bombed did not know the pain, but the militants who did not approach the explosion point in the back were completely frightened.

Afraid of it, they couldn't escape such an explosion, although they didn't hang up directly, but they were also not lightly injured, either they were blown up and lost their legs, or they left an arm, or shrapnel pierced their bodies...


power of the explosion is beyond imagination, and those who have experienced it know how miserable it is, and in just an instant, the jungle turned into hell, full of corpses, charred blood, organs, limbs...

Lin Zi's screams and cries resounded all around, the sound was desolate, and in the team behind, Ma Shichang, who led the team, was also pale with fright, and he didn't expect to be ambushed by the other party like this.

However, the battlefield experience told him that he couldn't walk in the front, so he asked some people to explore the way, but he didn't expect that the people in front of him were all gone.

"Damn, they already knew we were coming, it was a trap. Ma Shichang scolded hatefully, and his eyes did not hide his anger.

On the side, a leader looked at him and asked in a trembling voice, "Do you want to retreat?" "

Retreat? How do you have a long brain, you were scared by a small explosion. Ma Shichang looked at the man and scolded directly, "Waste!" The

latter looked bitter, "They are from the army, and they have already prepared, we will go over like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat good fruits."

Ma Shichang's face was gloomy, and he shook his head directly, "Mi Guoyan said, there are only a few of them, today, no matter what, we must eradicate the village, otherwise, as soon as they get out, all the passages will not be able to get through in the end, so how can they make money?"

This is the reason why Ma Shichang has to move forward at the risk of death.

When the leader heard this, he said no more, for he knew what the passage meant.

The next moment, Ma Shichang directly ordered, "Rush over and kill them all, otherwise, there will be no way to live."

"Yes. Under the temptation of Ma Shichang, all the leaders were iron-hearted and let go.

No way, for the sake of money, you have to take out your life to fight.

But desperately, of course, it wasn't them, but their men.

"The smoke has almost dissipated, everyone rushed over and killed them, there were not many of them. As

soon as they heard the captain say that there were not many people on the other side, those subordinates immediately had less scruples and rushed over with their guns raised.

These are all militants who sell their lives for money, and they all put their lives aside in the face of the task.

The explosion was terrifying, but it wasn't going to stop them from moving forward.

Of course, Chen Jun had already expected these guys to continue the attack, and when the explosion was about to end, he gave the order, "Quickly, kill them, and never let them get even half a step close."

"Yes. Together with Chen Jun, the hacker team members who were ambushed in different positions raised their guns one after another, and they shot wildly at the militants who rushed over.

Although it is night, the vision is not very good, but they have night vision devices, so the darkness in the night does not affect their shooting accuracy at all, plus the opponent has a large number of people and a close distance, so they don't need to aim at all, they can kill a person with one shot.


The loud gunfire directly drowned out the noise of the explosion, and more and more militants fell on the ground.

Those militants were no match for Chen Jun and others at all, and under the suppression of such firepower, they were completely killed as many as they could.

However, as time went on, gradually, the numerical superiority of the militants became apparent, after all, although the group of people in front fell, they also blocked the bullets for those behind.

Someone blocked the bullets, and the guys began to scatter and attack, and others used trees as cover and began to attack.

When the two armies are at war, whoever has the upper hand will have a chance or leave.

The militants, stimulated by their leader, grew more and more confident to continue their attacks, and as a result, they fired more bullets than Chen's side.

After a while, Chen Jun and the others were suppressed, and for a while they all had to give up the initiative to attack, and they began to look for opportunities to dodge bullets.

On the side, Geng Jihui yelled into the headset, "I can't stand it, there are too many of them."

At this time, Chen Jun just shot a militant in the head, and when he received the news, he still did not stop attacking, and directly ordered: "According to the original plan, cover the retreat and attract them over."

"Yes. Geng Jihui responded a few times and immediately looked for an opportunity to retreat.

After Geng Jihui killed the militant who was the most threatening in front, he directly turned around and retreated a few dozen meters, found a tree, and then continued to hide there, shooting at the front again.

"Quick, I'll cover your retreat. Hearing

Geng Jihui's order, the team members who were with him got up and ran back, and after finding the big tree to hide, they began to cover Geng Jihui again.

In this way, several of them kept changing people to cover each other, and continued to retreat on one side.

On the other side, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, with a few hunters, were also retreating, and they were also covering each other's retreat.

This is the retreat strategy that Chen Jun has formulated for them a long time ago, if they can't fight, they have to retreat, but they can't just run, they also need to cover each other, and only if there are no casualties, can they maintain their combat effectiveness.

Sure enough, they all covered well, and in the process of retreating, there were no casualties, on the surface, they couldn't beat the militants, but in essence, they still had the upper hand, because the militants were constantly killed, and the number of the other side was decreasing.

In the opening battle, Chen Jun's side was in a good place at the right time, and no one was injured.

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