It's a good thing to get support from above, but it's only material support, and no personnel have arrived, so you still have to rely on yourself to fight.

When he heard the news, Chen Jun was only happy and didn't pay much attention to it, and then led people to continue to lay traps.

This time, they were able to fight a total of about 10 people, and this was still counting Chu Yunfei's people, but the enemy might have more than 400 people, and it was impossible to fight head-on.

If you want to win, then rely only on tactics, and in the tactics of winning more with less, traps are the most effective.

That's the most efficient way to stop the enemy, which will greatly reduce casualties, and finally, they will conserve their stamina and deal with the remaining ones.

The strength of the hacker commando team is good, but it is difficult to achieve more than ten enemies with one enemy, so it can only rely on traps.

"Everyone is prepared carefully, and everything must be foolproof!" Chen

Jun commanded while checking the traps set by everyone, which was the most important and crucial means to defeat.

The people who were responsible for setting the traps were a few hacker team members, after all, they were deeply trained by Chen Jun's hacker instructors, and they had an advantage in this regard.

They are not ambiguous in what they do, this is also the principle of hacker warfare, and they must do their best on the battlefield.

Otherwise, a large army of the opposing party will rush over, and they will die.

The militants this time were different from the last sneak attack on the bandits, and Chen Jun was so serious.

It was dark, and Chen Jun and the others were also ready.

Chen Jun looked at the windy forest, his face suddenly became serious, and then he turned his eyes to look at everyone, "I hope you can all survive." Chu

Yunfei nodded, "My child, you haven't given a name yet." The

two looked at each other and smiled, no longer speaking, at this moment, a team of people suddenly came over, it was Xia Lan who came over with more than 40 hunters.

Chen Jun looked at Xia with a displeased face, "Didn't you let you retreat?"

Xia Lan was very stubborn, and said directly: "This is the home of the villagers, they also have to fight, I am a soldier, and I will not leave." "

Soldier? She is even a soldier if she does this?"

Chen Jun's eyes lit up with anger, and he stared at Xia Lan coldly, a self-righteous guy would kill people.

He was about to get angry, but was stopped by Chu Yunfei, and he persuaded: "It's too late, let them join, at least they also have combat power."

Chen Jun naturally didn't look down on the other party's combat effectiveness, but he didn't want to make trouble, so he directly told Xia Lan indifferently, "If you want to stay, you must listen to me, otherwise, I will shoot you." "

You..." Xia Lan only felt a blockage in her chest, and was about to open her mouth to scold, but when she came into contact with Chen Jun's eyes, she couldn't say a word.

Because at that moment, she felt inexplicable palpitations, as if if if she continued to speak, the other party would definitely do it.

Of course, she is not afraid of the other party's move, but the big war is imminent, and it is not suitable for infighting.

"Good fellow, I'll settle accounts with you when I kill the enemy.

Xia Lan silently suppressed the anger in her heart...

It wasn't until 9 o'clock in the evening that a helicopter arrived, which was to drop weapons and medicines on them, although the news said that it was 8 o'clock, but I don't know why it was delayed, anyway, the time was too late, and Chen Jun did not pursue it.

After getting the weapon, Chen Jun directly gave a part to the hunters, but these hunters only used shotguns, and did not use new firearms.

Chen Jun simply asked Huzi to teach them how to use simple firearms.

On the side, Geng Jihui took out an assembled mortar and looked at him with his eyes lit up.

"Good guys, the feel is good enough, what would it feel like if you shot those guys?"

"This thing can knock down a hill, what effect does it need to say." "

Come, show me, it's too deterrent. Looking

at the swarthy and metallic mortar, everyone's eyes lit up with gold, and few of them had touched it, at most just to look at it.

"The lethality of this mortar is an absolute nightmare for a rifle.

"He Chenguang, this is for you, you are suitable. "

Yes, promise, blow up these bastards.

When He Chenguang took over the mortar from Geng Jihui, his two small eyes were about to narrow into a line, but his eyes were indeed green.

It's like seeing your prey staring at for a long time.

Guns are men's favorite things, and mortars are definitely the most favorite guns for snipers.

Soon after, the weapons and materials that had been sent were distributed.

After the preparations, Chen Jun asked several young hunters to stay behind to help, while the other hunters were asked by him to go back to guard the village.

Although the villagers have retreated, the village still needs to be protected, and it is also the most familiar place for hunters, where they can also take charge of themselves and get information for everyone.

Of course, the most fundamental purpose of doing this is also to protect them, after all, these hunters have no combat effectiveness, and Chen Jun naturally will not let them rush to the forefront.

Before you knew it, another hour had passed, and the night had deepened, and the forest had gradually quieted down, except for the occasional birdsong.

The night in early winter was still very cold, and as soon as the temperature dropped, people's drowsiness immediately came, but at this time, Chen Jun and the others were not a little sleepy.

Because, the more night it is, the more dangerous it will be.

Chen Jun has been opening the hacker space, scanning the surrounding crises little by little, within a radius of 3,000 meters, once an enemy approaches, he will naturally be the first to react.

Just when Chen Jun was engrossed in scanning, suddenly, a startling realization flashed in his mind, and he immediately frowned and reminded everyone: "They are coming, pay attention." Suddenly

, everyone's nerves tensed, and they turned on their night vision devices, and the sky turned green in their sight.

After a while, 500 meters away, a series of figures appeared, and these people who came were all holding guns, swaggering towards one by one, as if they were not vigilant at all.

Looking at those guys, the corners of Chen Jun's mouth lifted, revealing a sneer, "These guys, saying that the rabble, have all lifted them up." "

Good fellows, they're all going to die, aren't they?

Chen Jun observed for a while and began to order, "Be careful, don't shoot yet, let them enter the explosion range."

"Yes. Everyone whispered in response, patiently waiting for the prey to approach, and then stepping into the trap that had been laid out for them.

In this jungle, they have buried all the explosives, and as long as they take a step, it will cause a violent explosion, and when the time comes, those guys will have no chance to get out.

"Come in and blow them up first. The

crowd clenched their fists, stared at the militants, and strode forward.

500 meters, 450 meters....

As everyone watched, the guys walked into the blast zone.

Chen Jun felt the same, and his face sank and ordered: "Detonate."

"Yes. Geng Jihui immediately pulled the string in his hand and began to detonate.


Suddenly, a violent explosion came out of the ground.

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