"Black bear, black bear... Please answer when you receive it!"


minister was unwilling to shout the name of the black bear over and over again, but in the headset, there was no sound.


black bear was still talking to him just now, and after just one gunshot, the black bear was silent.

The moment this question flashed through his mind, the minister's face changed drastically, and a terrible thought suddenly popped up in his mind: Dead

! The

black bear must be dead

! In the blink of an eye, the black bear was killed by the mysterious special forces of the Yan Kingdom!

This is the real thing?

The minister was very reluctant to believe this fact, but the facts were in front of him, and he had to admit it.

For an instant, he fell silent.

On the side, an agent saw the minister's expression and reaction, and guessed probably, he immediately became anxious, "Minister, we can't rely on us, ask for support." "

I have to say, at that moment, the minister also panicked, after all, so many people have died, and he can't kill a special soldier in Yanguo, and he can't explain this!

The minister's heart was like ashes, he sighed, and directly ordered, "Immediately ask the people of the local geographical intelligence bureau to tell them that there are Mi Lao citizens who die here, and they must take action."

"Yes. "The agent was ordered to go out.

Behind him, the minister shook his head helplessly, his eyes full of grievances.

Although it was a shame to ask for support like this, he knew that only by saying so would those people be willing to intervene.

Now there must be those people who intervene to have hope....

Soon, in this town, a shrill alarm sounded, followed by the figures of heavily armed policemen, and then quickly surrounded the area.

As everyone knows, just before they surrounded, Chen Jun had already used hacker disguise techniques, disguised himself as a security guard, and walked away under their noses.

Chen Jun walked on a small road with a calm face, and now that the task has been completed, the next step is to disconnect.

We must find a way to escape from here as much as possible!"

Chen Jun rolled his eyes, looked around, and began to look for a means of transportation that could be used.

He is now empty-handed except for weapons, and if he wants to leave quickly, he must have a means of transportation.

Fortunately, after walking two alleys, he found a motorcycle and sped away according to the agreed place.

After dawn, Chen Jun had already left the city, and at this moment, the voice of the system sounded.

"The host implements the hacking principle and rewards 310 experience points. Chen

Jun was overjoyed, and quickly glanced at the experience points, and sure enough, he reached 860.

Now it's actually the next time it's upgraded.,It's 40.,This time I came out and got a lot of gain.,These miscellaneous pieces are really valuable.,Next time you see it.,Kill more.。

Chen Jun was happy in his heart, but he also had too much time to delay, and continued to hurry.

The law enforcers and the people of the Geographical Intelligence Bureau searched the entire town, but they did not find Chen Jun, and the only thing they found was a skeleton.

Soon, the skeletal disguised dummy was sent to the minister, and looking at the skeleton, everyone present felt endless irony, and all of them had a hard time looking at it.

On the side, an agent was suddenly surprised: "I can't find anyone, but our people are all inexplicably dead, they are all masters, but they are played like this, either headshots, throat cuts, heart stabs, and blown up... It can't be this skeleton that killed it.

The minister was already very angry, and when he heard this, his lungs exploded, "Idiot, you let it kill me, we are being tricked." From

the moment he saw this dummy, he knew he had been tricked.

It is a trivial matter to be tricked by others, but the point is that so many people have died, and almost all the troops have been wiped out!

How can you explain to the above?

As soon as he thought of this, the minister felt a headache and felt deeply helpless.

Because he knows that once such an achievement is reported, it means that he is an incompetent waste!

However, paper can't contain the fire, and even if he doesn't report it today, the people above will always know.

Once you know it, all the results will be the same!


minister's chest was uncomfortable, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly showed a fierce look, it was already like this, it was better to be more ruthless once.

After thinking for a while, the minister ordered: "Find that drug dealer, let him gather people, I want to make Langde Village disappear..."

Looking at the unfamiliar forest in front of him, Chen Jun paused, and was about to start distinguishing the direction, at this time, some sounds came, and then, Chu Yunfei and Huzi rushed out together.

Chu Yunfei's eyes were full of excitement, and he looked at Chen Jun and said, "I knew that you would definitely come back." With that

, he rushed directly to hug Chen Jun, and when he looked at the bright red blood stains on the other party's body, his eyes were red.

Huzi also rushed over and hugged Chen Jun, and then asked in shock, "Ghost, how did you get out?"

Chen Jun nodded, "After killing all of them, you will come out." Huzi

thought silently in his heart, swallowing his saliva fiercely before suppressing the shock in his heart.

It's easy to say that you have killed all of them and escaped.

However, there are regular army units guarding there, how can they kill them all?


Huzi directly denied his own understanding, because he could never imagine how Chen Jun would have to deal with it when he was surrounded and suppressed by so many people before he could leave.

It doesn't matter what the ghost went through, the important thing is that he came back alive.

As long as he can come back, nothing else matters.

But at that moment, his respect for the ghost increased again.

If you can come out of such a place, the ghost is probably the first person in the world.

Huzi looked at Chen Jun excitedly and gave a thumbs up directly, "You, awesome!" Chen Jun

didn't speak, just smiled faintly.

Chu Yunfei said again: "Don't say more, hurry up and leave, it's not safe here." "

Okay, let's go. The

three of them discussed, and rushed into the SUV.


violent roar sounded, and the car rushed straight out.

They drove out all the way out without being stopped, and it was not until 5 p.m. that they reached the border.

Suddenly, a few people appeared in the grass, yelling at their car, "Don't move!"

Chen Jun shouted at those people, "We are soldiers of the Yan Kingdom. Suddenly

, the crowd roared, "It's the captain." The

voice fell, and several people from Xiaozhuang ran to Chen Jun one after another.

Seeing these familiar faces, Chen Jun breathed a sigh of relief and finally returned to his motherland safely.

Chen Jun didn't say much, and directly ordered, "Escort the village chief back to the village."

"Yes. Thirty

minutes later, everyone entered the Langde Village, and the whole village had already come out to greet them.

One by one, the villagers were excited when they saw the village chief returning.

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