In order to let the other party take the bait, Chen Jun deliberately planted a tree in front of the sniper, and then quietly came down, hiding not far away and waiting quietly.

Those four grenades, of course, were prepared by the other party, and as long as those people came, they would definitely die.

The sniper on the opposite side didn't see Chen Jun coming down, and indeed he always thought that he was still in the tree, and shouted excitedly at the communication, "White Bear, he's on the tree, hurry up."

"As soon as you arrive, it's all over. "

Keep an eye on it, and in less than 1 minute, we'll be able to get there." The white bear received the news and continued to gallop over.

Chen Jun heard the footsteps more and more clearly, and from the footsteps, he could hear that there were many people coming.

"Good fellow, I really like to take the bait. After

a while, the white bear and the people had already come to the front of the big tree not far away.

Spread out, the muzzle of the gun pointed at the tree. The white bear glanced at the big tree, and after giving an order, he asked the black bear again, "You, are you sure he is in the tree, and he hasn't had a chance to go down yet?"

the black bear responded, "Absolutely not, I have always seen it clearly, he has never left at all, this is the last chance, do it quickly, don't let him run." In

an instant, the white bear's eyes were full of fierce murderous aura, and his right hand was raised, looking at everyone, "Ready to shoot." The

people present began to take aim.

Three seconds later, the white bear's big hand slashed like a blade, followed by a violent gunshot.

More than 30 people fired at the same time, even if it was not a machine gun, because the gunfire was dense, and the gunfire had the effect of a machine gun.

Bullets pierced through the darkness of the night and roared away, and the branches and leaves of the big tree fell with a screak.

Such an onslaught, even a bird's nest hidden in the tree, was not spared, and in the blink of an eye, the leaves at the top of the tree became a little thinner.

After all the bullets were gone, the front of the big tree was a mess, broken leaves, branches, falling bullets, dust all around... It's all mixed together, and it's as messy as it can be.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, everyone immediately changed their magazines and turned back on the tree.

"It should be dead. "

Let's take a closer look!" "

The white bear brought people over to check, but found no blood.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiong's brows furrowed, "Impossible, with so many dense bullets, it is impossible to hide, unless he runs away."

Thinking of this, the white bear said carefully to the sniper black bear: "You look carefully, I'll take someone over." The

black bear confidently assured: "Absolutely no problem, you can rest assured." The

crowd slowly approached the tree.

Bai Xiong was a little nervous, after all, he had never met such a tough opponent, so many of his subordinates died, they couldn't help each other, and they couldn't even keep up with the pace of others.

Chen Jun heard the footsteps of those people, and he was still silently calculating the distance of the other party in his heart.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, followed by a pull of the rope in his hand, brushed it, and the grenade hidden in the tree was pulled down by the line segment.

In front of the big tree, Bai Xiong and the others just saw a black mess and didn't react, and the grenade that had already been pulled out of the lead exploded directly in the air.

Boom, boom....

The four grenades tied together, the shock wave was very terrifying, and the heads of the ten people at the front of the position exploded into a bloody blur.

The white bear didn't see it clearly, its head was directly shattered, and the remaining people who were a little farther away were also miserable, one by one they were blown out, and when they fell, their bodies were incomplete, and they fell to the ground one by one wailing...

In the dark, Chen Jun took a deep breath, and when the aftershocks subsided, he immediately rushed out like a cheetah, and then lowered his body, avoiding the sniper's point of view, and directly recharged the guns to the security guards and intelligence bureau personnel who were not killed.

More than 20 seconds passed, and everyone was killed, and the point was that everyone couldn't figure out where the grenade came from or where the enemy came from until they died.

Wasn't he in a tree? Almost

all of them had this doubt, and then their lives were ended.

At this moment, the black bear in the high place also saw the situation here, but it was already frightened and stunned.

The explosion?

When was that guy preparing for the explosion, and when did he come down...

The black bear couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately started calling the white bear, "White bear, received, reply quickly." "

Whoever receives it, reply quickly..."

, the black bear shouted over and over again, but when his voice stopped, there was a dead silence in the headset.

The white bear didn't reply! The others didn't reply either!

Cold sweat trickled down the black bear's

forehead, and the fear in his heart was extremely strong.

He suddenly realized that he thought of an extremely terrifying thing, these people were brought by himself, and he might have been misled by his opponent!

At this point, the black bear himself was afraid, this thought was too terrifying.

If this is the case, they will be like fools, running over to die!

Thinking of this, the

black bear panicked, and immediately communicated again, "Sir, our people are all dead, this is a trap, he has led our people into a death trap, retreat quickly, otherwise, everyone will die." The

minister's roar came from over there, "This is our territory, what can he do

?" "How can so many of us not be able to catch him alone?" "

No matter what, we have to kill him, it is definitely not complete, we have never bowed to the Yanguo soldiers, we must kill him..."

Before he could finish speaking, the black bear's voice suddenly stopped because his sniper scope saw Chen Jun's figure.


That guy appeared!

The moment the black bear saw Chen Jun, he was not happy at all, but shocked at all.

As everyone knows, he is the last person among all who can see Chen Jun.

The next moment, Chen Jun directly raised the gun, and before he could react, he fired, and with a bang, a bullet came straight in, shattering the sniper scope, and then piercing his eyes and head.

In an instant, the black bear's head directly turned into paste, and streams of red and white things splashed everywhere.

Before being shot in the head, the black bear had already smelled death, but the time was too short, he didn't have time to react, and finally collapsed with grievances.

Until he died, he couldn't figure out how the other party found him, and he couldn't figure out when the other party was eyeing him...

He's a veteran sniper, and he's been played to death like this.

When the black bear fell, his eyes were full of grievance and unwillingness.

In the headset, the minister also heard the gunshots, and was also frightened, and immediately shouted, "Black bear, black bear, answer..."

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