Lei Zhan likes Enron, but in the end, the person who married Enron was Chen Jun, everyone knows about this, and of course Gao Shiwei also knows.

He also knew that before Chen Jun left the wolf's tooth, Lei Zhan also challenged Chen Jun.

In that challenge, Lei Zhan was somewhat mixed with personal feelings.

Lei Zhan has always been dissatisfied with Chen Jun's marriage to An Ran.

Now, he actually wants to go to Chen Jun's commando, this matter is a bit complicated, even if he wants to go, Chen Jun may not be willing to accept him.

For this, not only Gao Shiwei did not dare to guarantee the ticket, but He Zhijun also did not dare to guarantee the ticket.

Chen Jun has strength, but people also have personality, according to his personality, he really doesn't necessarily give Lei Zhan face.

Lei Zhan is asking for his own suffering!

There is no need for this.


matter what kind of eyes everyone looked, Lei Zhan saluted directly, "Please rest assured, chief, if I go, I will definitely be able to stay."

Gao Shiwei thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, you can handle this matter yourself."

After a while, He Zhijun and Lei Zhan left the headquarters together and went back to the wolf's tooth.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Lei Zhan directly took off the rank of major, and then changed to the rank of lieutenant without saying a word.

The demotion of the military rank is not a joke, and Lei Zhan is not joking, he did not hesitate at all, and directly changed the rank.

Then, he simply packed up and went straight out with his luggage.

Pedal ...

Lei Zhan just walked to the door, but as soon as he stepped out of his front foot, he was directly stunned, because, at that moment, there was a group of people standing in front of him.

It was everyone from the Thunderbolt Commando Team who came, He Zhijun, as well as Fan Tianlei and Gao Dazhuang.

At that moment, everyone looked at him silently, and Lei Zhan also looked at them, neither of them spoke.


! The scene was silent, and you could hear the needle dropping!

This stalemate lasted for a long time before a voice sounded.

"Captain... Are you really going to leave Raiden?" the

man who spoke was an old fox, his eyes were red, and his voice was a little shaky.

Harley's face changed slightly, and then he spoke: "Captain, don't you have to discuss, do you have to leave?" "Captain

, the Thunderbolt Commando was created by you, you are gone, what should we do? Where are you going, we will go together." "

Yes, let's go together..."

On the side, Hades and the others spoke one after another, everyone's voice changed, and their eyes were red.

The Thunderbolt Commando was created by Lei Zhan, and he just left it alone, and he was willing to do it?

Every member of the Thunderbolt Commando Team was sad and reluctant when they heard the news that Lei Zhan was leaving.

Hearing this, Lei Zhan's heart warmed, everyone didn't forget himself, but unfortunately, he let everyone down.

He is not strong enough, when he is strong, come back and bring everyone!

Lei Zhan took a deep breath and grinned slightly, "I'm not dead yet, what are you crying about, I'm quite surprised, I thought that when I left, no one came to see me off, but I didn't expect that I have been so strict with you in the past few years, and you still treat me as a friend, it's worth it."

Harley's eyes were red, and he said, "Captain, don't say that, you will always be our captain."

Yuanbao: "Yes, captain, how can we forget you, you will always be our eldest brother, take us with you..."

"Now, I'm going to look for these green leaves and branches and become big trees again, brothers, take care.

After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he straightened his waist directly and saluted everyone.

The old fox shouted, "Salute!"

All the thunderbolt commandos immediately saluted, and everyone looked at Lei Zhan with a deep reluctance in their eyes.

Lei Zhan is a captain, a comrade-in-arms, and a brother for them.

They used to train together, kill the enemy together, and are already comrades-in-arms who share life and death.

Today, when they suddenly saw the captain leave like this, everyone couldn't bear it, even if they were bullet holes through their bodies on the battlefield, they didn't shed a single tear, but at this moment, they couldn't help crying.


of them wanted the captain to leave.

Of course, Lei Zhan understood everyone's thoughts, and his gaze stayed on everyone for a few seconds before nodding vigorously at them.

He has long regarded these team members as his brothers, and if he could, he would also want to be strong with them, but unfortunately, he is not strong enough now.

Not strong enough to influence them too much, if you want to really influence them, you must first be strong.

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan immediately put away his gaze, followed directly with his luggage, and then turned around and left without looking back.

Behind him, Lao Gao shouted loudly: "Remember to write an ideological report, you still have to hand it in." Hearing

this, Lei Zhan's back obviously paused and trembled slightly, but he still didn't look back, and said directly and loudly: "Don't worry, I will definitely not be in the water this time."

On the side, Fan Tianlei suddenly sighed, "He is a good soldier, I feel that pig raising is delayed, and it is the best choice for him to leave." Compared

with raising pigs and going to Chen Jun to study, Fan Tianlei naturally values the latter, but he didn't expect that Lei Zhan would really make such a choice and bend down to study with Chen Jun.

Once, before they were sent to raise pigs, he, Lei Zhan and Lao Gao were tasked to persuade Chen Jun to join the wolf teeth, at that time, Lei Zhan was 10,000 reluctant, after all, Chen Jun robbed his daughter-in-law.

Now, Lei Zhan has actually undergone a 180-degree change, and he took the initiative to go to Chen Jun to study, what a big change!

He Zhijun looked at Lei Zhan's back, his eyes were also a little complicated, he couldn't hold back, and sighed slightly, "I hope this kid can find his branches and vines and become a good soldier again." "

Lei Zhan has a good foundation and strength, but he has taken some detours in some aspects, so he didn't have to stretch for a while.

Now, if he really wants to change, He Zhijun is still full of expectations for him.

Lei Zhan has been the king of soldiers for three consecutive years, and he is also the king of the famous brand of the wolf's teeth, he represents the face of the wolf's teeth, if he can become stronger, He Zhijun is of course very happy to see it.

It was also because he had always had expectations for Lei Zhan that he agreed to let Lei Zhan try, but he had already lost anyway, and starting over might be a way out.

Next to him, Lao Gao looked at Lei Zhan's back, a bright light flashed in his eyes, he nodded directly, and said, "As long as Chen Jun is willing to take him in, he will definitely be able to."

"Lei Zhan has his own pride, and now, all his pride has been lost, crushed into mud, and he can stand up again, he is a good soldier. "

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