Gao Shiwei looked at He Zhijun and Lei Zhan seriously, and his heart was not easy.

He Zhijun and Lei Zhan, but they were all soldiers who he watched grow up, and he felt uncomfortable when he saw them being punished.

One had a major demerit recorded, the other was removed from all positions, and at the same time he was demoted in rank and treatment, which can be said to be the heaviest punishment he had ever seen since he became a commander.

"Nope. After a moment, He Zhijun replied in a deep voice, "Thank you for the organization's trust in me He Zhijun."

On the side, Lei Zhan also said: "I have no opinion, even if I come back directly, I have no opinion, human life is above all else." "

If you make a mistake and be punished, He Zhijun and Lei Zhan have no opinion on this, but for such a heavy punishment, it is false to say that you don't feel it, so these two people's faces are not very good-looking.

Gao Shiwei was also helpless, and sighed secretly, "Okay, you go back, about the future of the wolf's teeth, our leadership team will continue to study, by the way, Lei Zhan, you go back to raise pigs first, don't lead the troops." Hearing

this, Lei Zhan's face immediately darkened, but he had just come out of the pig farm, and he didn't expect that he would finally come out, but he only carried out a mission, but he went back to raise pigs.

Is this what people do?

He can't raise pigs anymore, and if he raises pigs again, he probably won't be able to fight in the future!

Lei Zhan's eyes were full of anxiety, and at that moment, he seemed to smell the smell of pig again.


stinks, it stinks, and after a day on the pig farm, he smells of pigs all over his body, and his head is blank.

If you continue to raise pigs like this, I am afraid that you will have to raise them for the rest of your life

! No, wherever Lao Tzu falls, he will have to stand up there, and when he goes back to the pig farm, he will definitely not be able to stand up!

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan suddenly clenched his fists and shouted: "Chief, I have a request.

Wang Changlin's face was serious, and he snorted coldly, "You still have a request, can you go and tell the pig?"

Is it really so desperate?

Lei Zhan originally shouted the report with a big breath, but when he saw the rejection, his face turned red, and his heart became entangled.

According to the chief's meaning, he won't be given a chance, but...

However, you can't just raise

pigs! Thinking of raising pigs, Lei Zhan had the courage again, and continued to report, "I ask to go to the hacker squadron." "

What?" On the side, the moment Gao Shiwei heard this, he frowned directly, looking at Lei Zhan's eyes that were weird, as if he had never known each other.

Once, just because Chen Jun robbed Enron, Lei Zhan wanted to fight once he saw someone, but now, is he going to go to the hacker squadron and follow Chen Jun? Or is he going

to challenge?

Gao Shiwei couldn't figure out what Lei Zhan had in mind for a while, and on the side, Wang Changlin was also startled, and asked directly: "Are you raising pigs in order to escape?"

People from the military region, who doesn't know that Lei Zhan's sworn enemy is Chen Jun, Lei Zhan actually wants to go to Chen Jun in person, and no one will believe him when he says it.

Wang Changlin didn't believe that Lei Zhan was sincere, even if he took 10,000 steps back and said, if Lei Zhan really wanted to go to the hacker squadron, it was very likely that he would go to make trouble.

"It's not. Lei Zhan seriously denied it, and then continued: "Pig raising can be postponed, and now I want to go to the best place to learn." "

Go to the best place to study? Go to the hacker squadron to study?

Lei Zhan has recognized the hacker squadron!"

Wang Changlin frowned slightly, and he didn't understand Lei Zhan's original intention for a while, and asked directly: "Give me a reason." "

Lei Zhan is the king of the wolf's teeth, since he came back from studying abroad, he has not learned from others, when did he become so humble and want to learn from others.

This matter not only made Wang Changlin incomprehensible, but also Gao Shiwei and He Zhijun, both of them were equally incomprehensible, and they all looked at Lei Zhan in a daze.

Did Lei Zhan suffer too much blow this time

? How could he, a soldier who had never succumbed to himself, think of learning from his opponent?

Even if his brain was opened, it would be difficult for He Zhijun and the others to digest what Lei Zhan meant.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lei Zhan looked serious, and said: "In the past, I came back from studying from foreign armies, but now, I feel that I am in the wrong direction, I am a bastard, and I have been making mistakes, which led to the death of the agent."

"The agent's death is undeserved, but I can't make amends, but I want to start over, Team Chen has what I need, so, I want to go there, no matter what I do, I can bear it, the only purpose, I want to be a real special forces." Speaking

of this, Lei Zhan's whole body trembled slightly, and his emotions were very excited.

In the past, his combat methods were too foreign and cold, but now he realizes that after walking on that road for a long time, he has forgotten his original intention.

In particular, after seeing Chen Jun's training with his own eyes today, the more he felt that he had really lost his way and didn't know the changes.

Now, he has found his way, and Chen Jun is the beacon he tracks, and he wants to learn from Chen Jun.

Chen Jun's iron blood, Chen Jun's harmony with the team members, is what he wants.

Chen Jun is more powerful than him, but he has no shelf, and it is in this way that the cooperation between people and the team members far surpasses him.

It is useless to rely on this strength alone in combat, and he also pays attention to command strategy, and in terms of command strategy, he is also greatly inferior to Chen Jun.

Especially in terms of tactics, he is not as far-sighted as Chen Jun, and no one can see far, so he has lost his fighters again and again.

Learn from Chen Jun!

Lei Zhan is sincere.

Go to the hacker squadron, this is Lei Zhan's heart, but Gao Shiwei didn't answer him immediately, he looked at He Zhijun instead, and asked, "What do you think?" After all, he is your soldier.

He Zhijun glanced at Lei Zhan and nodded directly, "I respect his choice, he is a good soldier, but he is in the wrong direction, he is still very young, if he understands it now, it is not too late, I think the chief should give him a chance, not just throw it away from the pig farm." "

Punishment Lei Zhan to go to the pig farm is indeed a very heavy punishment for Lei Zhan, but what affects him at most is his arrogance, and it has no direct effect on growth.

If Lei Zhan is really willing to learn from Chen Jun, He Zhijun is also willing to see it, of course, he is also surprised by Lei Zhan's choice.

This Lei Zhan is the pride of the wolf's teeth, he has always looked at others with lofty eyes, but he didn't expect that this time he could actually put down his body and change himself.

Perhaps, this is his last chance to transform.

Gao Shiwei thought for a while, and finally nodded, he also agreed that Lei Zhan was a good soldier, if Lei Zhan was allowed to sacrifice for the motherland and the army, he believed that Lei Zhan would not hesitate.

Since you are a good soldier, why don't you give it a chance?

Finally, Gao Shiwei said solemnly: "You can go, but whether Team Chen takes you in depends on yourself, I heard that you still have emotional disputes." "

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