
Lei Zhan finished speaking, he buried his head again, like a child who had done something wrong, and he didn't dare to look at Mr. Gao again.

This time he did make a mistake, and it was not an ordinary mistake, but a mistake that involved a human life.

At that time, if he hadn't been impulsive and hadn't launched a strong attack, he might not have caused the hostage to die.

The hostage sacrifice, he didn't want to see it, but at that time, he really ignored this, and the attention was on Enron, which led to the mistake.

Mistakes have become a foregone conclusion, and it is useless to talk too much, and all we can do now is to admit our mistakes and take responsibility!

Lei Zhan is also a person who dares to do things, so just when he saw the wolf head being scolded, he immediately bravely stood up and admitted his mistakes.

Hearing this, Gao Shiwei stared at Lei Zhan coldly, "Wrong? Now, what's the use of knowing that

you're wrong?" "Admit your mistake, can you save the young man's life?"

Gao Shiwei roared twice, and walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, and the anger on his face did not diminish at all.

Today, he was really angry about the death of that hostage

, it was a human life! Even if he was a veteran soldier who had seen a lot of deaths, he still didn't want to see such a sacrifice, of course, it was not only this life that made him angry, but behind the sacrifice it was the strength of Lei Zhan and these people.

Thunderbolt commandos, special operations forces, ace troops, and the last Great Wall of steel for the military, as a result they lost again.

Of course, mistakes on the battlefield are common, but this mistake can be completely avoided, for example, Chen Jun did a good job, I heard that at the critical moment, Chen Jun directly avoided the militants and saved An Ran from behind.

It is said that at that time, Chen Jun also punched Lei Zhan.

Gao Shiwei looked at Lei Zhan with an attitude of hating iron but not steel, and he was so angry that the roots of his teeth itched, and he couldn't wait to beat Lei Zhan to death.

What kind of thing, as an old special, or a famous brand, and I came back from studying abroad, I am not as good as a newcomer, and I can forgive if my skills are not as good as people in the exercise, but this time it is a real battle, and there is no life left in this way.


more Gao Shiwei thought about it, the more angry he became, he didn't want to talk anymore, and kept walking back and forth.

At this moment, He Zhijun was also so angry that his liver hurt, he hesitated, and said: "Chief, the wolf's tooth has become like this now, I am responsible, I request, remove all my positions."

Hearing this, Lei Zhan suddenly looked up at the wolf head as if he had been electrocuted, his eyes were full of shock, and the wolf head asked to be removed from

his position? Just because he made a mistake, he applied for removal from his position, what does this mean?

No, once the wolf head withdraws, all his achievements will be zero.


Zhan was shocked, and immediately looked at Gao Shiwei and shouted, "Report, chief, if you want to be removed from your post, you will remove mine, it is definitely not a wolf's head, the brigade commander is not wrong in this matter, it is me who is wrong."

Gao Shiwei ignored Lei Zhan, he suddenly turned his head to look at He Zhijun, and yelled: "What are you doing, are you threatening me?" "

You know, you are an old man, you know what to say, what to say, what not to say, young people don't know how to make mistakes, you also come to follow blindly, what do you mean?"

He Zhijun shook his head directly, gritted his teeth and said: "Wolf teeth, it's really gone, I'm old, but the wolf teeth are still saved, I don't want the wolf teeth created by myself to be destroyed in my hands in the end." On

the side, the more Lei Zhan listened, the more uncomfortable he became, and in an instant, his eyes were already red, and he said excitedly: "Wolf head, you can't do this, it's all my self-righteousness, I'm too conceited, it's all my responsibility, just punish me, you are the soul of the wolf's teeth, you must not do it."

"Chief, you listen to me, punish me if you want to punish, I should quit, it's definitely not a wolf's head, this matter really has nothing to do with him..."

Gao Shiwei roared angrily, "What are you doing, I'm singing black face and white face here, how to deal with you, the military region decided, it's not for you to mess around here, don't fucking threaten me, anyone can leave with wolf teeth."

In the face of Mr. Gao's anger, He Zhijun and Lei Zhan closed their voices and quieted down, when someone suddenly knocked on the door outside.

Knock knock....

After a few knocks on the door, the secretary shouted outside: "Report, commander, everyone is here, just wait for you to pass."

Gao Shiwei responded, "I'll be here soon."

After speaking, he looked at He Zhijun and the two of them, and said coldly: "Both of you are honest with me, I'll go to the meeting now and see what others have to say."

Throwing these words, Gao Shiwei went out angrily, but before leaving, he looked at He Zhijun and the two of them with anger in their eyes.

Regarding Lei Zhan's current performance, Gao Shiwei has reached the extreme of speechlessness.

In the last event, the wolf's tooth was already at the bottom, and this time the mission failed again, this is not a lack of opportunity, this is a chance, and I won't cherish it at all.

For the thunderbolt commandos, Gao Shiwei really hated that iron could not become steel, in fact, at this moment, He Zhijun, as the leader of the wolf's teeth, did not feel like this.

After Gao Shiwei left, he directly clenched his fists and slowly raised his head to look out of the door, his eyes were confused and disappointed.

This time, the wolf's fangs may be coming to an end.

The Thunderbolt Commando is his hope, but he has been pressed again and again, no, it is not called being pressed by others, but it is a real invincibility.

In the exercise, he was at the bottom of the exercise, he lost to other military regions before, and now he has lost to the rising star Chen Jun.

But the execution of the mission is different, and the tactical mistakes lead to the sacrifice of the hostages, which is a big deal, not to mention that he is a wolf head, or that Mr. Gao is a big man in the military region, and he may not be able to withstand it.

This military region meeting must be to discuss this matter.

It's not terrible to be punished for making mistakes, but it's terrible that there is no future.

Wolf Fang, when did you start to come to such a path...

He Zhijun's two brows were like being locked, and he couldn't stretch them at all.

On the side, Lei Zhan was also ashamed, and his clenched fists never let go.

He's sorry for the wolf head, the wolf head has always trusted him, and just now the wolf head will push himself out to take responsibility for the wolf's teeth.

How could the wolf's teeth be without the wolf's head! It was he who hurt the wolf's head and the wolf's teeth!

At this moment, Lei Zhan really understood what regret was, and if time could be turned back, he hoped that he could listen to Chen Jun's advice and not give the order to attack!

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