Wen is always a big pit!

Hearing this, An Ran was slightly stunned and did not react for a while.

Chen Jun said again: "I know that Mr. Wen sent you, but in order to achieve his goal, he will ignore the safety of your agents, this is not a mature practice, you have to learn to protect yourself, you are no longer alone, understand?"

An Ran didn't understand what Chen Jun meant, she nodded heavily, "I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Chen Jun said: "After I go back, I still have a lot of things to do, and I may not be able to go back with you immediately, and I will go to you when I explain it, remember our life goals."

An Ran smiled slightly, didn't speak, just hugged Chen Jun tightly.

As soon as they returned to the territory, Mr. Wen immediately greeted them excitedly.

"Comrade Chen Jun, you are finally back, it's good to come back.

Mr. Wen smiled all over his aunt's face, and when he got closer and saw An Ran standing by Chen Jun's side completely unharmed, he smiled even brighter.

"An Ran, you are also back, okay, this is the best ending, I am worried about death, fortunately, Chen Jun agreed to go to rescue you, otherwise I don't know what to do."

Mr. Wen kept saying that at that moment, he was really happy, after all, he didn't want to see An Ran sacrificed, especially the moment when he knew that An Ran was Chen Jun's daughter-in-law, he was more worried than ever.

Now, seeing An Ran and Chen Jun both come back safely, he is as happy as picking up his own son.

Saying that, he also wanted to say a few polite words to Chen Jun, but Chen Jun didn't pay attention to him at all, so he said to An Ran: "I'll deal with some things first, and I'll look for you later."

Because An Ran also needed to report some things in the future, he nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Chen Jun left immediately, and he didn't say a word to Mr. Wen during the whole process.

An Ran looked at Mr. Wen, who was a little frustrated, and said, "That's my husband, you don't have to thank you, I'm back, but an informant died." Hearing

this, Mr. Wen froze, and his face immediately became ugly, another hostage was

sacrificed! Mr. Wen's heart sank, and then he became uncomfortable, the informant sacrificed, this is the last thing he wants to see.

Speaking of which, he was killed by the pit, and he was just too anxious to deal with it.

The next day, the commander of the military district, a loud voice suddenly came from the office, directly breaking the peace of the early morning, followed by the commander's roaring voice.

Not far away, the guards couldn't help but tremble when they heard these sounds.

"What happened, why did the commander get so angry?"

"I don't know, the commander came early in the morning today, and when I first came, I felt that his mood was wrong, and it seemed that something was really wrong.

"It's been two years since we've been standing guard here, and it's the first time we've heard the commander so angry.

Several of the guards looked solemn, but they only whispered, and did not dare to inquire.

In the office, Gao Shiwei was slapping the table and roaring, "He Zhijun, have your wolf teeth degenerated

to such a point?" "National Special Forces Competition, you are at the bottom, forget it, go out to save the hostages, and kill a hostage, if I didn't temporarily let Chen Jun out, would An Ran also be killed by you?" "

What kind of special forces are you, the military region invests so much money in you every year, and in the end you handed over such achievements." "

Shame, shame, special forces, it's the last hole card, originally, you must be foolproof, but what have you done, what hole cards, the bottoms have fallen..."

There was no way, he couldn't help the anger in his heart, and the disappointment.

The Thunderbolt Commando of the Wolf Tooth was the commando he used to be the most optimistic about, but recently this team has been going downhill, and they are allowed to participate in the National Special Forces Competition, all because they can afford it, and as a result, these guys are still not competitive and have won the bottom results.

Gao Shiwei has always been reluctant to mention such achievements, and in addition, because Chen Jun won two firsts and gave the Southeast Military Region a face, he didn't want to mention it too much.

Unexpectedly, the task of rescuing the hostages this time was heavy, and the performance of Lei Zhan and others was even worse, and they directly sacrificed a hostage, which was too great.

This is the most difficult thing for Gao Shiwei to accept, but what makes him a little relieved is that An Ran came back safely, but An Ran was still rescued by Chen Jun.

In contrast, the Thunderbolt Commando is simply scum!

The more Gao Shiwei thought about it, the more angry he became, and he kept scolding.

He Zhijun puffed up his chest, facing Gao Shiwei's roar, his green muscles kept beating, and his face was difficult to see.

The hostage sacrifice, in any case, must have been caused by a lightning mistake.

Thunder war, thunder war, is so uncompetitive.

He Zhijun didn't know what to say, and at this moment, a voice came from behind him, "Report to the chief."

Lei Zhan, who was standing behind He Zhijun, also kept listening, and in the end, he couldn't help it, and said loudly directly: "This is all my mistake, it has nothing to do with our brigade commander, please punish me."

Gao Shiwei turned around, glared at Lei Zhan fiercely, and yelled, "You think Lao Tzu won't punish you, let me tell you, you have the greatest personal responsibility."

"Don't forget, this is our Yan country, this is not a foreign army, and the enemy we are facing is more complicated, so it is useful for you to transfer the set of operational concepts of foreign armies

to our troops?" "Let you go out to study, it is to study their weaknesses, not to assimilate our troops, not to copy their ruthless combat methods, but to learn from them and formulate the most suitable combat methods for our combat situation."

"If a country doesn't even have its own characteristics, what hope is there, tell me, what hope is there?" Gao

Shiwei roared angrily, and the anger in his eyes became more and more intense.

The sacrifice of the hostages is actually not a big deal for him, but from the inside, he has already seen the way of Lei Zhan's negligent warfare.

Once a commander's thinking is too pedantic, how can he cultivate better teammates

? Lei Zhan, as the three-time king of the wolf's teeth, is so unstubborn in his thinking, if he leads the team well?

This is what Gao Shiwei is most worried about, and it is also what makes him the most angry.

Failure is not terrible for a soldier's growth, what is terrible is that he has paid such a big price, and if he can't see his own shortcomings, that is the most terrible.

Hearing Mr. Gao's angry scolding, Lei Zhan was already red-faced and red-eared, and he couldn't wait to find a hole for him to get into and hide.


a moment, he said, "Chief, I was wrong. "

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