"The Yanguo helicopter is here!"

In the ranks of the militants, someone shouted, and suddenly, the militants present reacted and changed color one after another.

Once the Yanguo helicopter comes, it will be even more impossible to do it!

The militants froze in place, not daring to move at all.

Mindeng, who was trampled on the ground by Chen Jun, was about to break his heart at this moment, and his whole body began to tremble.


The troops of the Yan Kingdom are here, and it will be completely over!

Damn, there was a chance just now, but those idiots were scared, they shouldn't be...

Just when Minden felt that his hope was dashed, with a few swoops, dozens of soldiers descended directly from the helicopter, and then quickly ran to Chen Jun's side.


As soon as the soldiers arrived, they pulled the bolts of their guns almost with their hands, and then raised their guns in unison and aimed them at the already stunned militants.

"Retreat, there is no mercy for killing!"

"Retreat, there is no mercy for killing!"


The soldiers stared at the militants and roared in unison, and after each sound, the hearts of the militants present beat wildly, and their eyes were full of fear.

That's right, it's fear!

This is because of the fear caused by the lack of strength, even if they don't do it, they have already admitted that they don't have the strength to do it against the soldiers in front of them.

There is no way, although there are only dozens of soldiers in front of them, and the number is not as large as theirs, but the other party gives them the feeling that they are a large army, and from the eyes of that person, they see endless killing intent and coercion.

As long as they move, the other party will definitely kill them!

It's like the soldier who was covered in blood just now, and he shot when he said he would shoot, without the slightest hesitation.

In the face of such coercion, they did not have the confidence to fight again, and after three such roars, they immediately turned around and left without hesitation.

There was no way, they didn't dare to challenge the strength of the Yanguo troops, and Minden's death was no longer important.

It's more important to live than money.

At the time of leaving, all the militants had such thoughts in their heads.

Seeing the backs of all the militants leaving, Commander Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, and followed to raise his feet, so that Minden had a chance to breathe.

Minden looked up at his wretched men, grinned blood-stained mouths, and showed a wry smile, leaving?

Those guys are gone!


Minden's whole heart was cold, once these people withdrew, he would have no chance to leave at all!

Today, he's really going to be planted here!

No, it should have been planted in the hands of this guy!

Why did you come across such a powerful guy?

He killed Bukit, and he didn't let Lao Tzu go.


Minden turned his eyes to look at Chen Jun, his eyes full of resentment.

He hated this ghost, hated the ghost for ruining everything for him.

Because of this ghost, he lost his brother, and now, he has no future.

"Why? Why did you meet such a scary guy!

Aggrieved and hatred suddenly filled Minden's entire chest.

Chen Jun met Minden's hateful eyes and smiled coldly, "See, do you think you're arrogant and amazing?"

"Tell you, you usually face only the weak, when you face a real opponent, you will find how ridiculous and small you are!"

"This—" Minden's mouth twitched, he wanted to refute, but he couldn't.

Finally, he silently took out a cigar and was about to light it, but he realized that his hand was too shaky to light a fire.

After several efforts, Minden gave up completely, and then he silently took the unlit cigar in his mouth, and his whole body was trembling, and the cigar was trembling.

No more fun!

This time, he would never want to leave the Yan Country...

An hour later, Chen Jun, covered in blood, was sent back to the base by helicopter, and the moment he got off the plane, a loud voice sounded, "Salute to our heroes!" "


As soon as the words fell, all the special forces, scouts, and soldiers involved in the pursuit all raised their right hands and saluted solemnly towards Chen Jun, who was covered in blood.

The entire base was full of heads, and everyone looked at Chen Jun with reverence, and their eyes were full of respect.

This is a tribute to the strong!

Chen Jun exchanged his blood for such respect!

At this moment, Chen Jun is a strong man and a hero in their eyes.

A hero who is fearless of life and death for the sake of the country, and bravely kills the enemy!

The responsibility of a soldier is to protect his family and defend the country, but when he really goes to the battlefield, there are few people who can put aside his personal life and death like Chen Jun and go to chase and kill the enemy endlessly.

Chen Jun deserves everyone's respect!

In the face of everyone's salute, Chen Jun stood up straight and saluted everyone as well.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded, "The host implements the principle of hacking, creates a ruthless country, and rewards 200 experience points." "

200 XP!" Chen Jun's heart trembled, unexpectedly surprised!

The blood was not shed in vain!

Chen Jun hadn't been rewarded by the system for a while, and when he suddenly received the two hundred, he was as excited as a windfall he had picked up, and in the next second, he directly glanced at the experience points.

"The total XP is really 480!"

"Yes, a windfall, I didn't expect this Minden to be so valuable, 200, it's really worth it."

Compared to others, Chen Jun prefers to gain experience points, because it means that he can be more powerful.

Only if he is stronger, he can forge the Matrix.

The Matrix, this lofty goal, has only just begun, and experience points are indispensable.

Chen Jun was thinking about it when suddenly, the black-faced god and the blue shadow standing on the side walked towards him.

The black-faced god looked at Chen Jun and said: "You really impress me, I also heard that the ghost killed the scorpion before, and I thought it was incredible, but I didn't expect that you ghost is really bold."

"This time, in front of hundreds of militants, you actually dared to arrest Minden, completely deterring hundreds of militants, which is amazing."

"You are the pride of our army."

Lan Ying nodded, "Chen Jun, you are indeed our pride, it's amazing, you are the best soldier I have ever seen." As he

spoke, Lan Ying gave a thumbs up directly to Chen Jun, his eyes full of admiration.

For Chen Jun, he has long admired it, he has never seen such an excellent soldier, the first in the assessment, killing the enemy, never dying!

There is no other way in the world!

Hearing this, Chen Jun smiled bitterly, "It's a pity that I didn't complete the final assessment and was messed up by these guys." The

black-faced god smiled slightly, "Who said you didn't finish, you are the first in this year's national special forces competition, the hacker commando, the first in this year's team competition." "


That's the first!

Chen Jun was stunned, this... Not fair.

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