No mercy!

I have to say that Chen Jun's words did have a strong deterrent effect, and when the words fell, no one dared to take a step forward among the hundreds of militants on the other side, and they all looked at Chen Jun hesitantly.

One by one, they looked at Chen Jun in a daze, neither daring to move nor taking a step forward, and Minden was also in front of him, but no one dared to come forward to rescue.


They were really shocked by Chen Jun's words, because from the other party's eyes, they saw the truthful killing intent.

The killing intent made them tremble, and it seemed that as soon as they took a step forward, they would be jumped by the guy's shot.

You can do it!

That guy can definitely do it!

Hundreds of militants, although they were all seeing Chen Jun for the first time, but they didn't know why, they felt that the Yanguo soldier in front of him, who was covered in blood, really did it.

Be quiet!

The scene was silent, and suddenly the situation froze.

Seeing this scene, Min Deng, who was trampled on the ground by Chen Jun, immediately became anxious, he looked at those subordinates, and shouted hoarsely, "Ah, what are you afraid of, he is alone." "

Ah, who can save me..."

Minden still wanted to release the temptation, but before he could finish his words, Chen Jun suddenly used force, and stepped his head into the dirt with one kick, and in the end, he could only make a whining sound.

Seeing this scene, the militants on the other side looked at each other, their eyes changed slightly, although the boss didn't finish his words just now, but they also guessed that as long as they saved the boss, there would definitely be endless money.

This is the big boss, they are here to save the big boss and make a lot of money!


As soon as I think of money, some people are ready to move.

"The boss is right, he's just alone, let's go, let's all go up, I don't believe it, he can kill us all."

"Let's go together, he's alone, he can't afford to make much of a storm, go!"

More than a dozen militants discussed, and immediately came to courage, and then walked towards the boundary monument together.

Seeing those guys get up, Chen Jun's face sank, and he roared: "Come on, come if you want to die!" As

the words fell, he didn't hesitate to shoot the guys in the foot.

Bang bang!

Heavy gunfire broke the silence around them, and bullets hit the front heels of the militants in front.

The bullet pierced the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust and leaving a hideous bullet hole.


Looking at the bullet holes and the dust on their bodies, the faces of the militants walking in the front changed dramatically, and they immediately stopped.

“FUCK! That guy really shoots!

"This is a ruthless person, what should I do?"


few militants who stopped, you look at me, I look at you, all have a sad face.

They both wanted to move forward, but from the operation of each other's shots, they all smelled death.

Now, they haven't crossed the boundary monument, and the other party has already fired a warning shot, once they cross the boundary monument, that guy will definitely kill someone.

Madman, this is a madman who doesn't want to die.

They also heard that the soldiers of Yanguo love to work hard, but they didn't expect that they would encounter one today.

If that person really wants to exchange his life for his life, and although the other party is dead, but he also has his own life, it is not worth it.

Those militants want to fight, also for money, but if they go up and die, they don't want to.

For a while, they all hesitated, and they all stopped their feet, and no one dared to take half a step forward.

Seeing that those militants were frightened, Chen Jun did not continue to shoot, and continued to roar, "Whoever dares to take a step forward will be killed." "

No mercy!"

Chen Jun roared, his words were full of killing intent, endless killing intent.

The words had stopped for a long time, but the echo was still echoing in the jungle, and the temperature around them seemed to have dropped by a degree or two.

Although these words suppressed those militants for a while, I have to say that Chen Jun was also very nervous at that moment, cold sweat had already broken out on his forehead, and his heart was pounding all the time.

There's no way, there are so many people on the other side, just one person and one shot, he is going to be finished.

This situation is extremely unfavorable to him, this is a life resistance, but he is also fearless.

He himself is a border guard, and behind him is a homeland of 9.6 million square kilometers, and everything behind him needs people like him to be silently guarded.

As long as he can protect everything, he is willing to give everything, including his life, even if blood is splashed on the spot today, he will never take a step back.

Killing without mercy is not only his words to scare the other party, but also his determination.

The situation froze for a while, and suddenly, a militant yelled, "Come on, kill him, rescue the boss, don't hesitate."

As soon as the words fell, the slamming gunfire responded to the guy.

Chen Jun fired a shot directly.

With the sound of gunshots, a sound similar to the explosion of ripe watermelon sounded, and with a "pop", the head of the shouting guy exploded directly.

In an instant, streams of red and white objects flew everywhere, and the militants in the vicinity were splashed all over.


"That's how you shot people in the head!"

Behind him, the faces of all the militants changed drastically, and they retreated one after another, and they didn't expect that the other party would shoot when they said to shoot.

He's just alone, why is he so arrogant?

They are hundreds, once they shoot, that person will definitely die, in the face of such coercion, he really has no fear?


Hundreds of militants couldn't figure it out and were very unwilling, but they still didn't dare to come forward and fight hard.

After all, they are all afraid that the guy will go crazy, in case that guy is really not afraid of death, and fight by changing his name with his life, although the other party can be killed, but they can't guarantee that they will be killed by others.


No one wants to die if they can live!

Although these militants love money, they also spare their lives, and in the face of death, they all hesitated, and none of them dared to take a step forward, and no one suggested that everyone go together.

There's no way, the guy on the other side will shoot his head directly without saying a word, it's really terrible, everyone is afraid of being shot in the head.

Chen Jun stood still and roared, "I said, whoever dares to take a step forward, even if it is just one thought, there will be no mercy!"

"This is the land of Yanguo, it's not like you can come when you want, you can leave if you want, you have money and no life to spend, we have always chased and killed the invaders to the end!"

"Come on, who wants to die, make a sound, I will satisfy you!"

Chen Jun stared at the militants, and the muzzle of his gun was pointed at them.

Be quiet!

The words fell, and the surroundings fell silent again, and not a single militant dared to move, and at this moment, a rumbling sound came from overhead.

Hearing the sound, all the militants looked up and saw several helicopters flying from four directions, and the muzzles of the black holes were pointed at them.

The national flag fluttering in the air directly stung their eyes.

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