
The old cat stared at Chen Jun with a slightly complicated look.

He had heard the name ghost countless times, and he had studied this ghost many times.

The Ghost is not a simple guy, he is a ruthless guy who terrifies many militants.

It can be said that when the ghost was born in his name, the militants in the gray area were all killed by him.

Now, it's not just the militants who are afraid of ghosts, but characters like Boss Minden are just as scared of ghosts.

In order to kill this ghost, the boss made a bloody investment this time and directly invested tens of millions of US dollars.

This ghost is worth too much.

No, it should be said that this person is so ruthless, so ruthless that everyone is afraid of him.

"That's right, it's me." Chen Jun stared at the old cat and nodded unabashedly, "Aren't you here to kill me, I'm here, you do it!" "

Do it!"

Hearing this, the old cat's heart trembled slightly, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he did not act immediately.

When he looked at Chen Jun's photo before, the old cat didn't have any emotions, and he also imagined countless ways to assassinate this ghost to get more rewards.

However, the ghost was standing in front of him now, and he was hesitant to do so.

The ghost stared at him calmly, and not only did he dare not make a move, but he was even a little inexplicably flustered.

The old cat was really flustered, and even for this ghost, he was a little involuntarily a little afraid.

This fear was not frightened by the ghost's words, but because when he fought just now, he could already see that this young ghost was very strong.

The assassin just now, however, was prepared, and in the end, when he was tracking the ghost, he was actually used by the ghost to cut his throat with a dagger.

Not only is the ghost very good at hand-to-hand combat, but his reaction speed is also terrifying, and he can even escape bullets.

He couldn't even kill the ghost with a gun just now, and now, where is the chance to win?

Although the old cat didn't speak, he had already analyzed in his mind what the result would be after he did it, so he didn't do it all the time.

Chen Jun walked over step by step, "Old cat, I have an enemy named Black Cat, your name is similar, so you deserve to die too." "

Black cat, old cat?"

Hearing this, the old cat's mouth twitched for a while, what the hell is this reason, what is the relationship between the black cat and Lao Tzu.

Just when the old cat was slightly stunned, Chen Jun suddenly accelerated and rushed over.

Looking at the ghost's flickering figure in an instant, the corners of the old cat's mouth lifted slightly, and directly showed a cruel smile, are you going to send it to death?

The old cat thinks that he can't fight ghosts, but if he dares to come here, there must be a killer feature.

With a swipe, he directly pulled the grenade in his hand and threw it towards the ghost.


"Ghost, it's all coming to an end."

The old cat watched the grenade throw out, his eyes were full of excitement, as soon as the grenade exploded, no matter how powerful the ghost was, it would turn into ashes, after all, at such a close distance, even the gods couldn't dodge.

For such a close-range bombardment, the old cat was absolutely 100% sure, and the moment he threw the grenade, he could even imagine what kind of ending the ghost would have next.

Seeing the smoking grenade flying towards him quickly, Chen Jun frowned slightly, but he did not retreat immediately, but accelerated directly towards the grenade's release.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Jun brushed up on the grenade, and then kicked the smoking grenade out with a direct kick.

The grenade was forced, and it turned directly to the side and flew to the side.

Within ten steps, no one was as fast as Chen Jun, even if it was a grenade that was about to explode, he couldn't help him.

Speed, he relies on speed.


As Chen Jun expected, the grenade landed not far away, and then exploded violently, and a thick cloud of smoke rolled up.


Looking at this scene, the old cat, who was about to turn around and leave, was directly petrified, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

Is this all right?

That guy dared to kick a smoking grenade with his foot, it was a smoking grenade, and if he hadn't kicked it, he would have died.

He was not afraid at all, greeted him directly, and then successfully kicked it away.

What kind of psychological quality does this person have to dare to do this?

The more the old cat thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, and finally couldn't help but curse, "Made, madman, I've met a madman."

The moment he reacted, the old cat didn't dare to delay for a second, and turned around and retreated directly, which immediately widened the distance between him and the ghost.

In the next second, behind the old cat, a voice immediately came, "You can't run away, old cat, this is not a place where you can come and leave if you want."

Chen Jun naturally wouldn't let go of the old cat so easily, got up and sped up, and chased after him directly.

As the distance got closer and closer, there was a sudden "click", Chen Jun stopped directly, and in an instant, his brows were directly locked, mines?

Just now in order to chase and kill the old cat, he did ignore his feet, no way, he ran too fast, so fast that he didn't give himself time to react, until he stepped on the mine, he realized the warning from the hacker space, and only then did he react, this warning came from the mine and not the old cat he had always thought.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

"It seems that it is still careless!"

Chen Jun took a deep breath and slowly squatted down.

Stepping on a landmine at this time is definitely the most tricky thing and must be dealt with immediately.

It's a pity that he doesn't have very professional mine demolition skills, of course, even if he has, it's too late to dismantle, after all, it takes time, not to mention that he is still under the old cat's gun, if the old cat reacts, he will definitely die.

In such a situation, it is impossible to clear mines, so only escape, how can you escape?

Chen Jun struggled to keep himself calm, thinking about how to escape.

After glancing around, Chen Jun finally locked onto the earthen ditch in front of him.

The ditch, about a meter wide and a little deep, was perfect for dodging the explosion, and it was ten meters in front of him

, and if he was fast enough and used all his strength, he should be able to jump into the ditch and lie down before the mine blew him up.

This would at least mitigate some of the aftermath of the explosion.

The sprint of the hacker assassination, within ten steps, will definitely buy time.

Only in this way can we buy time to kill the old cat!

Thinking of this, Chen Jun made a decision directly and was about to get up, when the voice of the black-faced god came from his headset.

"Chen Jun, what are you going to do?"

"You've stepped on a mine, lie there, don't move."

Chen Jun: "Report, I need time to kill the old cat, and I promise to get out safely."

As soon as the words fell, the black-faced god's broken shout came from the headset, "Jump out?" What can jump out, you can jump out when you step on a mine, you think you are a god and can fly.

"Don't move, unless you want to die!"

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