As an assassin, he has killed countless people, and that assassin has played N many ways to kill people, but he never thought that he would be silently cut his throat and die, nor did he expect that he would die so aggrieved.

I can't figure out the opponent's position until I die, not only aggrieved, but also a slap in the face.

The moment the assassin fell, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were full of grievances, and his mind was full of black question marks, but all this, he could only ask Lord Yama for answers.


The moment the assassin fell, not far away, the old cat in the jungle suddenly turned around, and saw the assassin's trembling body, as well as the blood spurting from his neck.


A panic rose in the old cat's eyes, he didn't even expect the assassin to suddenly have his throat slit.

No, he probably didn't expect that the ghost would be so bold to hide there and then make a move on the assassin.

The ghost is deliberately waiting for the assassins to attack!

“FUCK! Shaded! The

old cat let out a low roar and immediately pulled the trigger at the ghost's figure.



The sound of violent gunfire was loud, and the sound was accompanied by the screeching sound of flesh being pierced by bullets.

Someone had been shot, but it wasn't the ghost that the old cat was about to attack, but the assassin who had had his throat cut and died.

It turned out that when the old cat fired, Chen Jun had already reacted, and directly lifted the assassin's corpse on the ground, blocking it in front of him, and directly used it as a shield.

The bullets were all blocked by the corpse.


Bullets continued to shoot into the assassin's corpse, splattering blood in streams, making the corpse's appearance even more terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the old cat who shot was a little weak-hearted, and his eyes were full of horror.

"There are still people who use corpses as shields, this strength and courage are terrifying."

The old cat didn't expect the other party to be so brave at all, so he didn't dodge, and directly pulled up the corpse to block the bullet.

The other party's approach really surprised him, but what happened in the next second made him feel even more incredible.

At the moment when the old cat was stunned, the corpse full of bullets actually moved forward, and the direction from which it came was still him.

Of course, such a miraculous operation was only done by Chen Jun, and at that moment, he carried the corpse and ran towards the old cat.

Chen Jun roared as he approached, "Old cat, I know it's you, if you come in, don't think about going out."

As soon as the roar fell, Chen Jun's figure flashed, and the whole person jumped out, followed by a sudden kick, and with a bang, the assassin's body was directly kicked up by him.


The corpse weighing nearly two hundred catties was kicked out by Chen Jun like this, and then smashed straight towards the old cat.

"What's the matter, what else is going on?"

Seeing the corpse smashed on top of his head, the old cat's face changed greatly, and he subconsciously dodged sideways and hid behind the trees.

Such a heavy corpse, if it is smashed, it will be seriously injured, even if it does not die.

Of course, the old cat is also a veteran, and he still has the ability to dodge.

The old cat's figure dodged the corpse attack in a flash, and the next second he immediately quickly aimed at Chen Jun.

All along, the old cat's speed was not slow, and his reaction was also fast, but he never dreamed that Chen Jun was faster, he hadn't shot yet, and the other party had already rushed in front of him.

With a swipe, a thigh smashed towards him.

Before the old cat could react, with a bang, Chen Jun's foot kicked directly on the barrel of the gun he had just exposed.

With a loud bang, the rifle in the old cat's hand was directly kicked out.

After brushing it all of a sudden, the old cat didn't say a word, and there was an extra scimitar in his backhand.


The old cat slashed at the pistol that Chen Jun had just stretched out, and Chen Jun's pistol was directly cut in two.

"Boy Scouts, this little ability, dare to do it!"

When the old cat saw Chen Jun's pistol scrapped, he grinned a big smirk, followed by a wave of his hand, and the dogleg knife quickly crossed the arc in the air, and then slashed towards Chen Jun's head.

If this knife goes down, this ghost will definitely move its head.

I have to say that the old cat doesn't dare to look down on this ghost, just listening to the name of the ghost, he is definitely not simple.

Especially when he had just seen the ghost actually "dancing" under the bullets of the assassins, he felt even more incredible.

What kind of strength does a ghost have to dance so calmly?

For the strength of the ghost, the old cat was a little unimaginable, anyway, he knew that the other party's strength was so terrifying, if he was allowed to grow up, it would definitely not be a good thing.

It's no wonder that the boss will give tens of millions of dollars and ask everyone to kill the ghost.

It's because this ghost is so valuable.

If you kill the ghost now, then tens of millions will be Lao Tzu!

The old cat's eyes flashed with golden light, and he looked at Chen Jun as if he saw tens of millions of beautiful knives beckoning to him, even if the knives were already in the air, he was still exerting his strength.

You must use all your strength to slay the ghost.

Now, there's no better chance than ever!

The murderous intent in the old cat's eyes was real, the speed of the knife in his hand increased dramatically, and the knife wind blew the clothes on his cuffs, and the blade was aggressive.

It's a one-shot stance!

The old cat tried to solve the ghost with one trick, and then fled back to claim the prize.

I have to say that it is indeed dangerous to go out of the knife at such a close distance, and most people can't dodge it at all, but Chen Jun is different, as a hacker, he is the fastest within ten steps.

"Walk you!" Chen Jun suddenly let out a low roar, and then, his whip legs swept out suddenly.

This was a close-range attack, and the old cat couldn't dodge it at all, and in the next second, he gave Chen Jun a hard kick in the chest.


Before Chen Jun could be cut, the old cat was directly kicked out by Chen Jun.


The old cat was already flying in the air, but he was still unwilling to look back at the ghost.

Just now, his blade was less than a centimeter away from the ghost, and as long as that knife fell, the opponent would definitely die.

Then at the critical moment, he was actually pumped upside down and flew out.

"Is it so scary?"

"Is the ghost a fast man?"

The old cat was aggrieved and confused.

I have to say that Chen Jun's move really surprised him, and that power was so great that it almost made him feel aggrieved.

Pedal ...

Chen Jun also wanted to deal with the old cat as soon as possible, and as soon as his feet stopped, he immediately accelerated and rushed over.

The old cat man has just landed, and he has already arrived in front of the old cat.


Chen Jun punched his knee directly on the old cat's stomach.


The old cat didn't expect the other party to be so fast, so he roared, flew out again with the whole person, and spit out all the whole wheat bread he ate today.


The old cat flew out three meters before stopping, and at the same time as it landed, several bloody teeth also fell to the ground.

The old cat, who was half-kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Jun viciously, "Very brave, young man from Yanguo." As he

spoke, the old cat suddenly showed a cruel smile, "You are a ghost, the person the boss is looking for." "

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